With kundalini the body is sent on a wild ride of hills and valleys eventually creating new levels of homeostasis. The bodymind must be strengthened and purified in order to allow the seeker to endure and stabilize the energy of higher states of consciousness. The lifestyle in which we maximize lifespan is the same lifestyle that maximizes spiritual growth. So in a sense the "deeper" we go in Spirit, the longer we potentially live. Of course it is not so much living for a long time that is desired, but to live greater "Depth" now. We have an inbuilt with the desire to go deeper and to "know ourselves" before we die.
Digestive system problems are common with kundalini
awakenings because the energy and enzymes are being diverted away from
the digestive system and into the transmutation/substantiation process.
So it is harmful and counterproductive to overburden the digestive
system during the years in which metamorphosis occurs.
Some reasons for digestive disturbance during kundalini are:
Metamorphosis is largely an immune activity, thus the
immune system is not as available for digestion (leukocytosis). Immune
system is compromised by the stess hormones of the peak.
initiates radical sympathetic/adrenal activation, while digestion is a
parasympathetic activity. Even hyper-parasympathetic phases upset
Extra stress hormones, and sex hormones and growth hormone are pumping through and need to be conjugated by the liver.
The liver has a lot more work to do with recycling cells, and from the disrupted digestion.
The demand for the antioxidant Glutathione steals glutamine from the small intestine thus thinning the GI tract.
Overworked immune system allows candida yeast over-growth that can cause irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut.
blissful flow of kundalini through the neurons of the GI tract creates
fermentation. This is probably due to activation of the histaminergic and serotonergic activation of GI tract nerves.
Kundalini may also alter friendly bacteria populations due to pH and EMF changes.
Changes in nitric oxide production may interfere with peristalsis and gastric secretions.
huge demand for enzymes during kundalini no doubt reduces the enzymes
resources available for digestion and allergen control.
After many years of researching nutrition, I finally
found a low stress eating plan for sensitive conditions like kundalini
awakenings, and for life in general. It works with the body's pH
biorhythms for the best utilization of proteins, carbohydrates and
fats, while producing the least amount of toxins and free radicals and
wasting the least amount of energy.
The system is laid out in Dr. Jack Tips, book "The ProVita Plan, Your Foundation For Optimal Nutrition." Following
Stu Wheelright's 5+5 meal plan, it is essentially focused on eating
protein and vegetables for breakfast (preferably between 7-9am) when
the body's pH is in an acid cycle. This leaves the body ample time for
protein digestion, utilization during the day when we are moving around
so lymph can bring amino acids to the tissues for building. Then
overnight the body is cleansed more thoroughly and sleep is better,
because the body is not made acid by protein intake later in the day.
Longevity/spirituality = nutrition divided by calories + cleansing-repair-regeneration
The spiritual benefits of fasting and the calorie restriction diet arise because conductivity of nerve and energy goes up. Cell membrane fluidity increases because the cells are no longer coated with junk increasing the availability of receptors for hormones and neurotransmitters. The cells are better "informed" so metabolism improves and they can detoxify themselves properly so there are less stored poisons. This means that metabolism in general can occur at optimum efficiency thus increasing the conductivity of spiritual Presence.
That is the less calories one eats and the higher the nutrition then the easier it is for the body to run through all its cycles with full efficiency. If we start up the digestive process several times a day, every day of our lives, then the body doesn't have time for cleansing/repair/regeneration. So organs congest, plaques are laid, enzyme systems get exhausted and metabolism is generally interfered with. If we load our system with food day after day, then our body is so preoccupied with digestion that it doesn't have the energy, enzymes and immunity for higher functions such as building the "spiritual body," and for higher thinking, psychic and visionary capacities. Such unceasing digestion therefore reduces the amount of light/love flow through the tissues. We become largely a "digestive" animal, with little contact with our psychic, subtle and spiritual capacities.
Longevity = maximum ATP (energy) with a minimum of free radical production
Free radicals are reactive oxygen molecules that have lost an electron in interactions with other molecules. As a result, these molecules are extremely unstable and they race around stealing electrons from other molecules creating more free radicals in the process, damaging cell components. Free radicals are produced by normal cellular processes, and the majority are produced during the production of ATP in the mitochondria. Other normal cellular enzymatic processes create free radicals include phagocytosis, inflammation, in prostaglandin synthesis, in the cytochrome P450 system and in reactions involving iron and other transition metals. Free radicals are also created from: exercise, sunlight, cigarette smoke, alcohol, pesticides, air pollution, stress, electromagnetic radiation.
Kundalini is associated with immune/digestive difficulties for many reasons. Metamorphosis is largely an immune activity, and occurs under radical sympathetic/adrenal activation. Extra hormones (stress, sex, growth, thyroid) are in circulation and need to be sopped up and conjugated by the liver. The liver has a lot more work to do with recycling the broken-down cells, and from the disrupted digestion, thinning gut lining and reticulation of toxins from badly digested food. The liver is also a site for candida attack, which can be a problem when the immune system is preoccupied with transmutation. There is even a danger of losing teeth during metamorphosis because the overworked immune system fails to look after the mouth.
Protein is especially vulnerable to attack by free radicals. Much of
the structure of our cells is protein, in fact 70% of the body’s dry
weight is protein. Muscles, enzymes, hormones and neurochemicals mostly
protein. The loss of a single electron from a single atom in a molecule
can result in a chain reaction of adjustments that renders the protein
molecule useless. Since there is increased free radical production
during active kundalini if we try to emotionally cope with the
awakening by overeating fruit/sugar/carbohydrates then nerve damage and
increased glycation will result. Glycation occurs when sugars react
with proteins resulting in damage that is just as detrimental as free
radical damage. In fact higher levels of blood sugar increase oxidation
damage by free radicals, and this interferes with all metabolic
processes including cell membrane permeability, receptor sensitivity
and even energy generation systems, not to mention nerve transmission.
Growth hormone (GH) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the Thymus gland improving the immune system. The Thymus gland is the master programmer of the T-cells educating them to kill specific enemies. GH causes the body to go into a positive nitrogen balance, building muscle tissue, promoting healing and increasing tendon, ligament and bone strength. GH increases fat burning for energy thus sparing protein and glucose. One of the leading factors in immune system decline is the reduced rate of GH as we age. The Thymus gland is affected by this GH reduction and thus T cells decline in number. An alert T cell system is necessary for the prevention of cancer and plaque formation in the arteries.
Growth hormone is released during the first few hours of sleep, during fasting, in higher temperatures such as a sauna, during physical trauma and intense exercise. GH stimulates protein production and causes fat cells to release fatty acids and the liver to increase the rate of fat burning. By increasing the oxidation of fatty acids and reducing the size of fat cells GH can reduce body fat without lowering caloric intake. GH slowly decreases after the teen years resulting in increased body fat and decreased muscle mass and lowered immune response as we age. Since teenagers have a high production of GH they can remain thin while eating all they want.
Your pain is not just due to your injures and insults, but also diet and the slow depletion of energy (enzymes) and resources (minerals, hormones, neurotransmitters) in dealing with your life-conditions. For an experiment try to cut all grains and sugar from the diet, and only have about ½ cup of sweet fruit or sweet vegetables (corn, carrot, beets) per day. If you do this along with radically increasing your raw greens intake your pain levels will drop within days.
I started out looking for a way to stop or reduce kundalini nutritionally, because it is maladaptive to survival in our current society. But if one uses glycine, taurine and GABA (neuro-inhibiting amino acids) this just makes one nauseous, heavy, dull headed and stoned, which adds, to the already overwhelming symptoms of kundalini. So it appears that rather than the counter-attack of directly taking neuro-inhibitor amino acids, a better approach would be to support the existing neurochemistry, aim for maximum free radical protection and do a variety of relaxing practices to bring the parasympathetic into balance with the sympathetic nervous system.
The following supplement protocol is for preparing
the body for kundalini as well as coping with and reducing the negative
effects of kundalini. I emphasize that the protocol is not to stimulate kundalini
but to enable the bodymind to withstand the incredible metabolic
changes and energies and to allow the advances born of awakening
"stick." It is important to go-with the Tao of the wave and to avoid
excessive stimulation during both the up-cycle and the down-cycle. The
focus should be on deepening the integrity of one's health and building
bodymind resources, without further adding to the burden of processing
either food or experience.
The emphasis should be on clearing stuff away rather than pathological
accumulation of any kind. Surrender all that is unhealthy into the
fire. In a perfect world we would not have to resort to supplements in
order to maintain balance. Because we do not live in a perfect world I
believe that everyone experiencing active kundalini, even Gurus, need
protection against free radicals and nutritional nerve support. With
these supplemental formulas I am attempting to boost the homeostatic
coping level to "meet" the radical chemistry of kundalini for extreme
chemistry requires extreme adaptation.
This calms and balances the central nervous system without
exacerbating the kundalini symptoms. Good for reducing the hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system during the peak and the associated hypertension and insomnia. It calms one all day, reduces
mental "noise," without tiring or reducing intelligence. Good for ADHD, panic attacks,
anxiety and depression as well. Mix powders together, rebottle and keep
in the fridge. Take ½--3/4 teaspoon in a glass of water on an empty
stomach first thing in the morning half an hour before eating. * Take 1 B Complex along with formula 1.
These quantities can be purchased from Beyond-a-Century.com
Divide the bottle of Calcium-Magnesium between formulas 1&2. If you
are to make the antioxidant formula and the neurotransmitter formula
you might like to buy one bottle of ascorbic acid which is water soluble and one bottle of lipid soluble
(Ascorbyl Palmitate) and divide them so each formula gets a half bottle
of each type of Vitamin C. Note the Palmitate Vitamin C does not
dissolve well in water but still can be taken this way. Rinse the
Vitamin C off your teeth after taking formulas to prevent loss of tooth
ALPHA LIPOIC ACID--Alpha lipoic acid is a
completely natural molecule that exists deep inside every cell of our
bodies...an essential component of the energy-producing part of a cell.
It quickly enters the cell and protects it against free radicals. Alpha
lipoic acid is both water and fat-soluble, and so can fight free
radicals in any part of a cell and even in the space between cells and
even protects the DNA.
The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid helps to block such
damage and it may improve the glucose lowering action of insulin. By
improving the regulation of blood sugar glycation is reduced and our
protein structures maintained. Alpha lipoic acid increases blood flow
to the nerves and improves the transmission of nerve impulses. Many of
the difficult symptoms of kundalini can be improved by the use of Alpha
lipoic acid, especially during the acute phase to avoid nerve damage,
fatigue, inflammation, numbness, tingling by supporting nerve growth
and liver function. This powerful antioxidant will help with heart
strength, liver toxicity, boost the immune system preserve brain cells,
and help in energy production. Alpha Lipoic Acid improves nerve blood
flow, reduces oxidative stress, and improves nerve conduction. It
significantly lowers blood sugar levels while increasing glycogen
storage in muscles and liver.
ASHITABA—The Asian longevity herb Ashitaba is
perhaps THE major adaptogenic herb useful as an aid to
kundalini-actives. Like Dong quai Ashitaba belongs to the Angelica
family; I suggest you grow your own as the prices are rather steep.
Ashitaba will provide strength and protection during the peak phase,
and nerve recovery for exhaustion phase because it stimulates the
production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). NGF is essential in the
development and survival of neurons in both the central and peripheral
nervous systems. In one study, using 1% Ashitaba dry powders, a 20%
increase of NGF concentration was noted after only four days!
In China Ashitaba has a long history in the healing arts to: purify the
blood & remove toxic wastes; detoxify the liver; enhance kidney
function; support digestive & G.I. health; enhance peristalsis,
cleanse the colon; harmonizes the spleen and stomach; regulate blood
sugar level, balances insulin, reduces hyperglycemia; improve lung
function; relieve smooth muscle spasms in the arteries & bronchial
tubes; reduce blood pressure; enhance blood circulation; regulate
cholesterol level; reduce joint & muscular pain; anti-viral &
anti-bacterial actions; suppress cell mutation; inhibit general
inflammation; strengthen the immune system; improve visual acuity;
menopausal relief; smoother skin texture; also contains melatonin as an
aid to natural sleep cycles.
Ashitaba out performs all other herbs tested for their antioxidant
potential based on the ORAC guide (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).
Ashitaba is a superfood containing eleven vitamins including, Vitamins:
β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B12, thirteen minerals, chlorophyll,
enzymes, carotene, germanium, saponins, proteins, plant fibers,
glycosides, coumarins, and a rare class of flavonoids called chalcones,
which are unique flavonoid compounds that give the juice its yellow
color. The many potential effects of flavonoids include defending cells
against carcinogens, curbing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and
preventing blood clotting, helping to protect the organs from
destructive free radicals and slow the aging process on a cellular
level and the inhibition of general inflammatory processes. The
germanium, in Ashitaba promotes production of Interferons (IFNs), which
are natural proteins produced by the cells of the immune system to
prevent viruses and bacteria from penetrating into our cells.
www.horizonherbs.com/product.asp?specific=jrennrf0 —Seeds