Piracetum, vinpocetine, hyperzine, DMAE, fish oil, flax oil,
Rhodiola rosa, taurine, glutamine, acetyl L-carnitine, ginkgo,
rosemary, pine bark/grapeseed, Gotu Kola, Calamus root, Kudzu root, Bacopa, Vitamin C and
Herbs for calming nerves, insomnia, neuralgia, pain, shock, die-off
and depression of the down cycles, for tea, baths or capsulating:
Borage, Burdock leaves, Chamomile, Catnip, Gorse flowers, California
poppy flowers, Comfrey, Cowslip, Evening primrose, Gelsemium, Ginger
root, Goldenrod, Hop flowers, Juniper berries, Kava kava, Lemon balm,
Linden flowers, Lobelia. Peppermint, Plantain, Meadowsweet, Motherwort, Mullein,
Nettle, Oatstraw, Passion flower, Red clover flowers, Rosemary leaf,
Skullcap, St John’s Wort, Valerian, Yarrow, Yellow dock. White willow
can be used as an anti-inflammatory for nerve pain and headaches. Wood
Betony is good for all head, neck and face pain including headaches.
For migraine headaches: Fenugreek, Thyme and Feverfew. Fever:
Dandelion, Elder flowers, Parsley seeds, Nettle, Sage, Yarrow.
Black cohosh, Black haw, Blue cohosh root, Chaste berry fruit, Dong
quai, Feverfew, Hops, Kava kava, Lobelia, Motherwort, Passion flower, Peppermint,
Skullcap, Valerian, Wild Yam. B6, Magnesium.
TINNITUS (Ringing in the Ears)
Dong Quai, Feverfew, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Ginger root, Ginseng,
Hawthorne Berry, Horsetail, Kudzu root, Neem Leaf, Propolis. Don’t forget to add
the Ginger root because this helps with Vertigo (dizziness) aspect of
tinnitus. Inflammation can have a significant effect on tinnitus:
Goldenseal, echinacea, garlic, peppermint, calendula, plantain and
turmeric. Flax oil/fish oil along with Vinpocetine in a small dosage,
acting as a cerebral vasodilator, may be effective in reducing
tinnitus. Patients with tinnitus may have low blood zinc levels; other
vitamins & minerals include: Magnesium, Potassium, Maganese,
Vitamins A & C, bioflavonoids, pantothenic acid.
Drink the full water requirement (2 times body weight (lbs) in
ounces per day) and take a few hypertension herbs like Ashwagandha,
Basil, Black cohosh, Calamus, Cayenne, Celery seeds, Garlic, Ginger,
Gotu kola, Hawthorne berry, Kelp, Maitake Mushroom, Mistletoe, Neem,
Passion Flower, Papaya enzymes, Skullcap and Valerian. L-Theamine in
green tea is also used for regulating blood pressure and may reduce
glutamate induced excitotoxic damage in the brain. For high blood
pressure consider taking the anticortisol measures in the Exhaustion
Protocol and relaxation practices in the Kundalini Skills List. Regular
exercise will lower blood pressure, resting heart rate and increase
lung capacity.
Gotu Kola, Hop flowers, Skullcap, Wild Oat leaf, Raspberry leaf,
Tulsi-holy basil, Alfalfa leaf, Passion flower, Valerian leaf, Green
tea, Chamomile flowers, Ginkgo leaf, Olive leaf, Nettle leaf and Violet
leaves (you can harvest and dry yourself.) Cardamom seeds and Hawthorn
berries crushed with a hammer. Cut-and-sift of Cinnamon sticks, Ginger
root, Dong quai, Ashwagandha, Licorice Root; you may have to crush
these yourself with a hammer.
I suggest you make a tea formula that you can take throughout the day
to calm the nervous system, open the blood vessels and reduce
hypertension. Use any or all of the following to make up a tea...you
can brew it at home and take to work in a thermos...
You can buy most of the ingredients here www.mountainroseherbs.com/
Wheatgrass juice gives the most immediate pick-me-up. Spirulina
(bluegreen algae) gives substantial energy and is a complete food. Kelp
provides the iodine to fire up the thyroid and metabolism. Green
tea or yerba mate is good for energy also and it is not over
stimulating like coffee.
Nori rolls are perhaps the most energizing high enzyme food there is:
grind up slightly sprouted “hulled” sunflower or buckwheat seeds, add
tahini, garlic, miso, Tom Yum Thai paste, lemon juice and mix this into
a paste. Then put several tablespoons of this onto a nori sheet and
cover with tomatoes, avocado, cilantro and cucumber, then roll up.
Chronic inflammation and infection exhausts the adrenal glands. To
build up your adrenals to recover from fatigue take 6-8 gms per day of
buffered vitamin C//Vitamin C ‘Ester’ with plenty of water between
meals. This high dosage will reduce symptoms when withdrawing from any
addictive substance whether it be food and food allergens, drugs,
coffee or nicotine. The adrenals are the site of the highest
concentration of vitamin C in the body. Pantothenic acid or B5, vitamin
B1 and vitamin B6 work synergistically to nourish and strengthen the
adrenals. Herbs to rebuild the adrenals are: Suma, ginseng, licorice,
chaparral, Ma huang and ashwagandha.
Echinacea, Garlic, Aloe, Shitake mushroom, Sarsaparilla, Suma,
Barberry, Basil, Boneset, Chamomile, Ginger, Goldenseal, Licorice,
Marshmallow, Mistletoe, St Johns Wort, Astragalus, Ligustrum,
Chaparral, Pau D Arco.
Herbs that help neutralize toxins: Echinacea, Elecampane, Garlic, Fennel, Neem, Plantain.
Take a stress multivitamin and a chelated mineral supplement daily. Plus vitamin C 1000mg, vitamin B6 200Ð600
mg, vitamin E 800iu, Propolis 500 mg 3 times per day, take Garlic pills
or fresh, and Primrose, Borage or Linseed oil. Use digestive enzymes or
raw food with every meal. Take at least one teaspoon per day of
Bentonite clay in a glass of water.
Colloidal silver: As a general antibacterial solution
colloidal silver tends to reduce the intestinal bacteria populations.
Alternatively colloidal silver made by using your own battery setup
with wires of these pure precious metals can be sprayed onto sprouts
grown in trays of soil. In this way the plant uptakes the metal and it
chelates it for you. The colloidal silver kills fungal growth on the
sprouts also.
Irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut syndrome is most often caused by or associated with candida.
Cleansers: Bentonite clay powder + Psyllium husk powder—mix
together and take one heap teaspoon in juice, per evening. Or put into
000 capsules and take 3 with a pint of water 2 hours after your last
meal. Bentonite will ionically remove the biproducts of free radical
decay. It is said that “regular” internal use of clay should be avoided
in leaky gut conditions to avoid the assimilation of excess aluminum.
However one is more likely to get brain damage from the toxins produced
during maldigestion than contracting Alzheimer’s from aluminum.
Bentonite is very soothing and antiputrifying in the digestive tract.
¦The most effective colon cleansing system is Arise and Shine
Rich Andersons book Cleanse and Purify Yourself, is the best place to start for ultimate cleansing. Toxic Relief: Restore Health and Energy Through Fasting and Detoxification, by Don Colbert M.D. is also great.
Repair and Rebuild: To rebuild the function and tone of the
digestive tract after a kundalini awakening: White Oak Bark, cranesbill
root, black cohosh, licorice root, peppermint.
Two parts each of kelp powder, spirulina and one part slippery elm
put into capsules will help ease digestive problems that arise with
Soothers: Herbs that have mucilage properties that soothe the
digestive tract are--Mullen, chickweed, comfrey, borage, couch grass,
chamomile, Marshmallow, Slippery elm and ground flax seed.
Things to avoid: Coffee, Salt, Sugar, Alcohol. Avoid cooked
food in general, especially breads, pastries, flour products, meats,
processed, preserved, pickled and frozen foods...ie: avoid all foods
that are not raw as much as possible. Foods dehydrated or warm to
around 110¡F are better, for this preserves the enzymes.
Things To Adopt: GREEN! GREEN! GREEN! Green leafy vegetables
and cabbage. Cabbage is so affective I would recommend daily
carrot/cabbage/celery juices with wheat grass. Dandelion greens are as
potent as cabbage and can be incorporated in carrot juice.
You might have to grind nuts and seeds in a coffee grinder
depending on your digestive power. Soak all nuts and seeds up to 8
hours before consumption to make digestion easier. Almonds are the
safest nuts, the rest are questionable due to their tendency to go
rancid (free radicals). Nuts brought from Jaffe Brothers are fresher
than those one finds in the store. Soaked/sprouted sunflower seeds are
one the best protein and iron sources. But find a source of "fresh"
seeds, those in the shops are usually pretty old...Jaffe Brothers is a great catalog company.
Eat daily raw salads, especially cabbage/caulslaw...chew well.
Buckwheat greens are a sweet gentle easily digestible green to include
in salads.
Buckwheat is the grain par excellence for irritated GI, is soothing
and alkalinizing. Soak hulled buckwheat 4 hours and sprout it in the
fridge in a colander over a bowl covered with plastic. Ground up these
sprouted seeds can be made into humus. Buckwheat sprouts can be used in
salads, as a rice raw-substitute, and as a breakfast cereal over
chopped fruit and soaked nuts with Kefir or yogurt. Kefir can also be
made out of raw seed or nut milks.
Probiotics: Friendly intestinal bacteria are one of the
body's first lines of immune defense. The type of bacteria that inhabit
the colon depends not only on the kind of food digested but also on the
over all health and emotional state. Our health is dependent on the
quantity and quality of the bacterial activity in both our soil and our
intestines and these microbes are fed by vital organic material not
from chemical fertilizers and inorganic vitamins and minerals.
Arise and Shine sells a product called Flora Grow which contains
Bacillus subtilus...which produces a large amount of catalase, an
important enzyme for the neutralization of harmful free radicals of
hydrogen peroxide produced from inadequate fat metabolism.
After the shock phase of the initial awakening, when the digestive
system has finished purging, then probiotics will help the GI tract
return faster to normal function. I would suggest several forms of
probiotic including Kefir. This needs to be researched so that you do
not take supplements such as Acidophilus which will produce excessive
amounts of lactic acid therefore producing an acid environment in the
bowel. And acid bowel will inhibit enzyme function, decrease alkaline
reserves, deplete electrolytes etc...
Exfoliant--ground rolled oats; chemical exfoliant--papaya juice;
face pack and lymphatic gland pack--wheat grass juice mixed with
bentonite clay and spirulina. Crude lanolin is the most effective skin
treatment out there. I starting using it on my chapped feet, and it was
the only thing that worked. But it has to be the sticky yellowish crude
stuff, you don't want the white refined version that is mixed with
mineral oil and God knows what.