ASHITABA—The Asian longevity herb Ashitaba is
perhaps THE major adaptogenic herb useful as an aid to
kundalini-actives. Like Dong quai Ashitaba belongs to the Angelica
family; I suggest you grow your own as the prices are rather steep.
Ashitaba will provide strength and protection during the peak phase,
and nerve recovery for exhaustion phase because it stimulates the
production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). NGF is essential in the
development and survival of neurons in both the central and peripheral
nervous systems. In one study, using 1% Ashitaba dry powders, a 20%
increase of NGF concentration was noted after only four days!
In China Ashitaba has a long history in the healing arts to: purify the
blood & remove toxic wastes; detoxify the liver; enhance kidney
function; support digestive & G.I. health; enhance peristalsis,
cleanse the colon; harmonizes the spleen and stomach; regulate blood
sugar level, balances insulin, reduces hyperglycemia; improve lung
function; relieve smooth muscle spasms in the arteries & bronchial
tubes; reduce blood pressure; enhance blood circulation; regulate
cholesterol level; reduce joint & muscular pain; anti-viral &
anti-bacterial actions; suppress cell mutation; inhibit general
inflammation; strengthen the immune system; improve visual acuity;
menopausal relief; smoother skin texture; also contains melatonin as an
aid to natural sleep cycles.
Ashitaba out performs all other herbs tested for their antioxidant
potential based on the ORAC guide (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).
Ashitaba is a superfood containing eleven vitamins including, Vitamins:
β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B12, thirteen minerals, chlorophyll,
enzymes, carotene, germanium, saponins, proteins, plant fibers,
glycosides, coumarins, and a rare class of flavonoids called chalcones,
which are unique flavonoid compounds that give the juice its yellow
color. The many potential effects of flavonoids include defending cells
against carcinogens, curbing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and
preventing blood clotting, helping to protect the organs from
destructive free radicals and slow the aging process on a cellular
level and the inhibition of general inflammatory processes. The
germanium, in Ashitaba promotes production of Interferons (IFNs), which
are natural proteins produced by the cells of the immune system to
prevent viruses and bacteria from penetrating into our cells. —Seeds
ASHWAGANDHA—The adaptogenic herb Ashwagandha
root inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme which breaks down
acetylcholine. Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor,
anti-anxiety, anti-stress, antioxidant, cognition-enhancing,
immune-boosting, rejuvenating and has also been noted to have
aphrodisiac sex-enhancing properties. Its antioxidant capacity was
found an increase in the levels of three natural antioxidants —
superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in the brain.
Studies show that Ashwagandha even promotes the formation of dendrites.
ASTRAGULUS--Digestion, raises metabolism, reduces
hyperthyroidism, enhances immunity, chi tonic, anabolic-builder of
cells and strengthens cell processes, increase macrophage numbers and
killer cell effectiveness, induces interferon production, anti-cancer,
strengthens liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenals, vasodilating,
anti-inflammatory, increases DNA synthesis in the liver, aids
detoxification and increases membrane fluidity.
be good to include in a metamorphic formula for toning, detoxifying
protecting and supporting the liver and digestive system. Its
antioxidant, tonic, cardiotonic and is used in irritable bowel syndrome
and other bowel problems.
BURDOCK--Burdock seed is good source of nutrients such as
iron, to help build the body. It is also good for skin sores and is
antibacterial and antifungal.Hormonal balancing. a strong liver
purifier with particular value for skin, arthritic, and glandular
problems. It is a specific in all blood cleansing and detoxification
problems as an aid in neutralizing and eliminating toxins from the
body; in the support treatment of liver problems, gallstones, flu, and
to support the kidneys in filtering acids from the blood stream; to
purify the blood, to treat gout and ulcers, arthritis, rheumatism, and
help with skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. The root is said
to be an effective aphrodisiac, useful in treating impotence and
sterility. Burdock is also considered a diuretic, mild laxative and
aids in the elimination of uric acid.By improving the function of many
organs of elimination (i.e. liver, kidneys, bowels), many health conditions may be improved.
BACOPA--Helps to synthesize neurons and strengthen worn-out
ones in the hippocampus where memories are created and retrieved.
Intellect, antianxiety, cortisol suppression.
CAT'S CLAW--The vine bark of Cat's claw is an immune
stimulant, anti-inflammatory, cellular protector, anticancerous. Bowel
cleanser and anti-inflammatory for bowel problems, reduces pain, tonic,
anti-depressant, antioxidant, anticoagulant, might thin blood.
CINNAMON--Cinnamon Extract is known for restoring insulin
sensitivity. It normalizes levels of blood glucose, insulin, and
lipids; and helps to reduce the formation of AGEs. Loss of insulin
receptor sensitivity and impaired glucose metabolism results in high
levels of blood sugar and accelerates oxidation and cross-linking of
the tissues.
CORDYCEPS--Cordyceps sinensis is a mushroom shown to
improve cellular energy production, enhance oxygen utilization in the
body. It increases blood circulation, making oxygen and nutrients more
rapidly available to all parts of the body. It stimulates the immune
system and enhances the natural antioxidant systems of the body.
DEVILS CLAW--Pain, headaches, fever, sedative. Digestion,
increases stomach acid, anti-inflammatory, lymphatic stimulant,
improves liver function and that of gall bladder, bladder and kidneys,
regulates fatty acids in the blood.
DONG QUAI--Blood tonic, will help with heart palpitations and
ringing in the ears, increases the effect of sex hormones, reduces hot
flushes. Dong quai dilates blood vessels, facilitating the heart's
pumping ability and possibly lowering blood pressure as a result.
Stimulates the central nervous system and increases blood flow
throughout the body. Nourishes body fluids, counters fatigue, and
lowers blood pressure. As a rich source of vitamin B12, dong quai may
play a role in stimulating red blood cell production. It may therefore
indirectly boost energy and lessen fatigue by increasing the number of
red blood cells transporting oxygen throughout the body.
ECHINACEA--Echinacea inhibits the hyalurnoidase enzyme that
breaks down the hyaluronic acid in skin and connective tissue, thus
preserving collagen. It also stimulates fibroblasts to produce more
hyaluronic acid and to repair tissue. This helps strengthen the body's
first line of defense against infection and lowers its permeability to
pathogens. Since the body is undergoing massive connective tissue
changes during metamorphosis taking Echinacea at this time would reduce
infection potential when the body is in a vulnerable condition, and
will help the emerging spiritualized body to have greater strength and
integrity. (rf: Echinacea, Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.)
FEVERFEW--Feverfew might be a useful herb to reduce the
hyperactivity of the CNS during kundalini. Long term users often report
beneficial side effects such as relief from depression, nausea and
arthritic pain due to inflammation. Part of the herb's action appears
to be via an inhibition of secretion of the granular contents from
platelets and neutrophils in the blood. The migraine-relieving activity
of feverfew is believed to be due to parthenolide, an active compound
that helps relieve smooth muscle spasms, thus it helps prevent the
constriction of blood vessels in the brain (one of the leading causes
of migraine headaches. Feverfew helps inhibit prostaglandins and
histamine released during the inflammatory process, so preventing
spasms of the blood vessels in the head that trigger migraine attacks.
It has been shown to inhibit serotonin release from platelets.
Platelets release the hormone serotonin during a migraine attack and
serotonin constricts blood vessels. Although headaches and inflammation
are not normally involved in the kundalini complex, research needs to
be undertaken using feverfew as a moderator for excessive prostaglandin
production that might occur during kundalini due to the increase in
free radicals. Free radicals are generated in the course of
prostaglandin synthesis and inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis are
free radical scavengers.
FIGS--Although figs are 50% sugar, because of their high fiber content, they still have a low glycemic index (
Eating ten dried figs gives you 33% of the calcium RDA. Unlike other
fruits with inedible seeds, figs contain the valuable omega-3 and
omega-6 essential fatty acids. They also contain from 4 to 50 times
more bioflavonoid antioxidants than do other fruits. Figs have the
highest overall mineral content of all common fruits--they're high in
iron and ounce for ounce they're higher in calcium than cow's milk.
Dried figs have a much higher level of the phenol makeup, which is rich
in antioxidants and is antiseptic to micro-organisms; though their
sugar content is apt to feed yeast infection.
FO TI--(Polygonum multiflori) he shou wu, is a Chinese
antiaging tonic, energizer and vitalizer shown to increase SOD levels
and contains an antioxidant similar to resveratrol. It nourishes the
blood, tonifies the liver and kidneys, strengthens sinew, cartilage and
bone. It restores hair color and strengths the entire lumbar region.
GARLIC--Garlic may be the best antioxidant. Garlic is rich in selenium is cofactor of glutathione peroxidase and also in another trace mineral, manganese, which also functions as a cofactor in superoxide dismutase.
Studies have found that in adults deficient in manganese, the level of
HDL (the "good form" of cholesterol) is decreased. Garlic also
increases antioxidant enzyme, glutathione-S-transferase in the stomach and small intestine.
GINSENG--Adaptogen, regulates blood sugar, balance, reduces
fatigue, increases energy, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, for shock,
anti-psychotic, anti-convulsant, fever reducing, endurance, strengthens
spleen and stomach, improves oxygen uptake, improved cardiovascular
performance, restores equilibrium to adrenals, hormones, blood sugar,
blood pressure and immunity, increases DNA/RNA synthesis in the liver.
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is milder and
cheaper and might be better for the awakenings themselves, then a shift
may be made to the stronger versions for post-awakening recovery.
GINGER--Powdered ginger is a good addition to any kundalini
herb mix as it increases circulation and the effectiveness of the other
herbs. Helps neutralize stomach acids, enhance the secretion of
digestive juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. Thus will
also aid the digestive system which is very often in distress during
the first few years of kundalini. Ginger will also give relief from
dizziness, vertigo, heart palpitations and the sense of gravity warping
from the heart expansions.
GINKGO--Excellent free radical protection, improves
transmission rate of nerve cells, increases serotonin reception sites,
improves circulation, mental and sexual function, inhibits cortisol
synthesis thus anti-stress. Nerve and vascular protector and restores
receptor sensitivity, including the serotonin receptor and acetycholine
(Muscarinic) receptors.
Ginkgo maintains the strength of blood vessels by helping deliver
glucose to the cells, which ensures that the blood vessels have the
energy they require. It also scavengers free radicals, which can damage
the cells and tissues; neutralizes dangerous substances in the blood;
and works to open constricted blood vessels. It heals and protects and
opens blood vessels leading to increased oxygen supply and nutrition to
the cells. It relaxes the arteries and veins in times of spasm, and it
stimulates them in times of paralysis.
Used in combination with Vitamins A and E and selenium Ginkgo
inhibits cell damage from sunlight, by cleaning up free radicals,
through strengthening the capillaries and reducing inflammation. Aging
occurs when tissues are starved of nutrients and oxygen, which happens
when the blood vessels are constricted.
Gingko increases protein synthesis in the brain and restores cell
membrane fluidity. It is effective against the slowing of the
metabolism, thickening of the blood, damage to blood vessels, decreased
brain activity, oxygen deprived tissues. Ginkgo improves irrigation of
tissues, aids lymphatic system, prevents edema. The bioflavonoids in
Ginkgo improve the absorption of vitamin C and since it improves the
delivery system all cells receive better nutrition, cleansing and
oxygen. Ginkgo promotes the work of the adrenal glands by helping cell
receptors absorb adrenal hormones. Ginkgo increases both the number and
sensitivity of epinephrine and norepinephrine (Alpha2 adrenoreceptors)
receptors; resulting in increased negative feedback inhibition of
noradrenaline release and decreased excess noradrenaline.
Arachidonic acid, a fatty acid, is one of the lipids that forms cell
membranes. If this fatty acid is attacked by free radicals, new
chemical compounds result, including prostaglandins and thromboxanes,
which promote inflammation that can damage and age healthy cells.
Ginkgo stops the cascade of arachidonic acid derivatives without
causing harmful side effects.
GOAT'S RUE--French Lilac (Galega officinalis) is used in
insulin-sensitizing, capable primarily of lowering blood sugar and
insulin and aiding diabetes, restores cortisol receptor sensitivity,
optimizes lipid profile, lowers body fat, maintains levels of growth
hormone, stimulates immunity, extends lifespan, retards AGEs and
GOLDENSEAL--Goldenseal too has a long traditional use in
North America as an immune system stimulant, and antibiotic for people
suffering from seasonal illness, chronic and life-threatening
infections. Science suggests that this herb also stimulates macrophage
production, and one of its constituents berberine is directly
antibiotic to protazoans and pathogenic anerobes.
GOTU KOLA--In India it is known as the most spiritual of all
herbs and is said to develop the crown chakra. Anti-spasmodic, nervine,
for fatigue and depression, calms and clarifies the mind, tonic,
improves circulation and nerve health, balances brain hemispheres,
improves memory and intelligence. Daniel Mowrey in "Herbal Tonic Therapies," says
that this improvement in learning and memory correlated with a decrease
in the brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine.
Stimulates repair of skin, hair nails and connective tissue, promotes
collagen and bone density. Aids liver function and purifies blood.
The stimulant Calamus (Sweet Flag) root is often used with Gotu kola to improve metal focus.
GRAPESEED EXTRACT--A nontoxic antiseptic and antibacterial
immune system aid will help clear up pathogens so the immune system can
concentrate on transmutation. It is ten times more effective than
Chlorine Bleach, Silver Oxide and Iodine. Internally it can be used for
digestive upset, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, food poisoning,
parasites candida yeast infections, thrush, oral infections, colds and
flu, sore throats, strep throat, mouthwash, sinusitis and more!
Externally grapefruit seed extract works well for acne, nail fungus,
athletes foot, cold sores, warts, cuts, scrapes, wounds and infections,
rashes, head lice, dandruff, chickenpox etc... Powdered extract can be
bought from and in liquid form from
GRAVIOLA—One of the best herbs to take during kundalini
activation might be the leaves of graviola or soursop. Its
antimutagenic, anticancerous properties guard against free radical
damage. The increased free radical load of metamorphosis can increase
the danger of getting cancer, especially of the digestive system,
because it gets so disrupted. Graviola also has strong antipathogenic
properties which support the immune system by reducing parasites and
fungi. It is a nervine, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant and
antidepressant as well. Use with probiotics and digestive enzymes if
taking graviola in theraputic dose for more that 30 days, as its
antibacterial properties may reduce healthy intestinal bacteria. See and Leslie Taylor's fabulous work.
HAWTHORN--Strengthens heart, helps reduce blood pressure,
dilates coronary blood vessels, reduces hypertension and stabilizes
heart rhythm. It increases enzyme action and improves oxygen
utilization in the heart. Hawthorn berry raises metabolism and
increases thermogenesis. It helps to prevent atherosclerosis and
improves conditions such as hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, kidney
trouble and arthritis. Motherwort is another heart tonic that calms and
supports the heart and nerves.
HEMP SEED—Hemp seed contain all the essential amino acids and
essential fatty acids and is the most complete easily digested protein
found in nature. Shelled hempseed is packed with 33 percent pure
digestible protein and is rich in iron as well as omega-3 and Omega 6.
Hemp also contains three times the vitamin E contained in flax. Nearly
three quarters of body solids are proteins built from amino acid sub
units. The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material
to make the globulin proteins is to eat foods high in globulin
proteins. Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also
includes quantities of albumin, its protein is readily available in a
form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Eating hemp seeds
will insure the immune system has the reservoir of immunoglobulin
resources needed to make disease destroying antibodies. Hemp seed is
used for fertility, strength, digestive and urinary difficulties.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid of Marijuana/Hemp
is effective in treating spasms associated with movement disorders such
as epilepsy, Huntington's Disease, muscular dystrophy and multiple
sclerosis; as well as improving inflammatory disorders and immunity.
HORSETAIL--Horsetail is very rich in silicic acid and
silicates, which provide approximately 2-3% elemental silicon. The
presence of these bioflavonoids are believed to cause a diuretic
action, while the silica content is said to exert a connective
tissue-strengthening and anti-arthritic action. Some experts have
suggested that the element silica is a vital component for bone and
cartilage. Other silica rich herbs are: Nettle, Oatstraw, Horsetail,
Eyebright, Cornsilk, Comfrey, Lemon grass, Ginger.
KAVA KAVA--Kava has been used traditionally as a
anti-convulsant, for anxiety, sedative, muscle relaxant, stress,
restlessness, nervousness and insomnia, but does not impair mental
function or cause sedation. In the brain, kavalactones facilitate GABA
transmission and bind to sodium and calcium channels, prolonging
inactivation. Slow-wave activity on the EEG is increased. Kava has been
shown to have a slight anti-fungal activity and it helps protect the
nerves from damage due to ischemia. Animal studies have found only weak
antiseizure effects, however, and they have not been tested against
seizures in humans. Because it is a neural inhibitor it is best not to
take Kava during the down-cycles and especially during the exhaustion
phase, however it might be helpful to tone down hyperactivity and
protect nerves during the up-cycles of kundalini.
KELP--Seaweeds such as kelp and dulse are a rich source of
vitamins A, B, C and contains 50 minerals including a large amount of
iodine. It improves digestion by stimulating the digestive secretions
in the stomach and pancreas. Kelp nourishes the glandular system
including the pituitary thus affecting the entire body. Thyroid
function is improved by the iodine supplied in kelp and this increases
metabolism. Kelp increases oxygen consumption in the heart muscle,
lower blood pressure and increase stamina and fat burning during
workouts. Kelp reduces cholesterol by increasing the elimination of
bile acids and bile salts.
Brown kelp binds with radioactive elements and heavy metals in the
digestive tract rendering them harmless or unabsorbable. Seaweeds help
reduce the impact on the body from environmental poisons thereby
lowering our potential risk for cancer. Kelp helps remove plaque from
the arteries, gall bladder and kidneys by removing the heavy metals
which bind the plaque together. It cleanses and strengthens the entire
body improving energy levels, overcomes fatigue, suppresses appetite
and is antibiotic. Take 1 tablespoon or 6 tablets daily. 1 teaspoon of
kelp contains approximately one thousand times more calcium than a
glass of milk.
LICORICE--The licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra) aids
adrenals, digestion, detoxification, normalizes hormones,
anti-inflammatory, protects liver, regulates immunity, anti-viral.
Licorice may reduce immune hyper-activation caused by the shock to the
nervous system during kundalini awakening. Recent studies have found
licorice has remarkable rejuvenating effects on the cells of the
digestive system, liver and to treat the gastrointestinal and urinary
tracts with its soothing and coating action. Licorice root is
anticancer, antiarthritic, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic,
and of coarse antioxidant.
MACA--Maca's traditional use in Andean culture is to
energize, revitalize and regulate: to increase physical strength,
regulate menstruation, lessen menopause symptoms and help with
insomnia. Recommended for malnutrition, convalescence, memory loss,
fatigue, and mental weakness and as an aphrodisiac and aid to
fertility. Maca is nutritious, believed to provide precursors that
regulate the hypothalamus and pituitary glands controlling the release
of sex hormones, pancreatic enzymes and adrenal gland hormones.
MUIRA PUAMA—Muira Puama is a Small Amazonian tree or bush,
also known as "Potency Wood". The root is used by Indigenous Amazonian
population as an aphrodisiac and performance enhancement. The root and
bark of Muira puama is a CNS tonic, antidepressant, anti-fatigue,
aphrodisiac, nervine, adaptogen, hyptensive, cardiotonic, gastrotonic,
tonic for kidneys and adrenal.
NEEM—Neem might be an all round panacea for kundalini/stress
induced conditions. The leaves, fruits, flowers and stem bark extracts
from the Siamese neem tree all have free radical scavenging,
antioxidant properties. Neem is anti-inflammatory, antiviral,
anti-worm, antifungal and used as an insecticide. It is useful in
tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, for cleaning the blood and
arthritis. It speeds wound healing and is used for vomiting, skin
diseases, excessive thirst, dental hygiene, eye disorders, heat-rash,
boils, jaundice, leprosy, stomach ulcers, stomach problems and chicken
pox. Neem’s antidepression/antianxiety effect is attributed to its
ability to increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. It has been
most helpful in treating a variety of skin problems and diseases
including acne, psoriasis, eczema and other persistent conditions.
Neem’s antifungial properties help athlete’s foot, ringworm, candida
and thrush. Since it is antibacterial it may also reduce ammonia
production by intestinal bacteria; (but may need to be used in
conjunction with probiotics if used long term?) Polysaccharides and
limonoids found in neem bark, leaves, and cold pressed seed oil
increased immune responses, reduced tumors and cancers without side
effects. Studies show that neem leaf and cold pressed neem oil could be
of benefit in diabetes mellitus as it lowers blood sugar and reduces
insulin requirements and may also be helpful in preventing or delaying
the onset of the disease.
Not only can neem be used as an insecticide against mosquitos, but
it can also be taken internally against malaria. It has potential in
the fight against AIDs and can be used both in antiviral and
contraceptive gels, as well as boosting the immune system on all levels
without destroying benefical intestinal bacteria, unlike synthetic
antibiotics. The neem tree also can help reverse desertification,
erosion and deforestation and provide economic returns. Neem: India's Miraculous Healing Plant by Ellen Norten. Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems by Noel Vietmeyer.
OLIVE LEAF--Reduces feeling of raw and fried nerves, reduces
pain, anti-free radical, protects fats in the body, strengthens cell
membranes, immunity, anti-fungal. From my experience with olive leaf I
suspect it fortifies and protects the myelin sheathes of the nerves for
it certainly reduces nerve pain and shattered nerves. Olive Leaf
alleviates Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (chronic) Sinusitis.
Olive leaf extracts have been used effectively in several ways: as an
antiseptic, astringent and tranquilizer, fever, antiviral,
anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, immune tonic, an antioxidant for
heart health, and a safe antibiotic.
Olive contains polyphenols, or phenolic antioxidants which are
structurally distinct from the vitamins, carotenoids, bioflavonoids,
proanthocyanidins, and antioxidants found in other fruits and
vegetables. Studies have shown that that olive polyphenols exhibit
anti-inflammatory activity, improve immune function, prevent oxidative
damage to DNA, reduce oxidation, and protect the cardiovascular system
by reducing platelet aggregation, increases levels of HDL while
inhibits the oxidation of LDL Cholesterol. Olive Leaf lowers blood
pressure, increases blood flow to the heart by dilating coronary blood
vessels, and it also lowers blood pressure. The olive leaf also
contains bioflavonoids (natural Vitamin C helpers) for maintenance of
capillary walls.
PASSIONFLOWER LEAF--Nervine, tranquilzer, cardiotonic,
disinfectant. Antidepressant, antispasmodic, sedative, CNS-depressant.
For insomnia, headaches, migraines and general pain. Stomach problems,
cramps and mood disorders.
PICRORHIZA—Kutkins are group of bitter compounds present in the Ayurveda herb Picrorhiza kurroa, that are a reputed remedy for the treatment of liver diseases. Studies have shown that kutkins are more hepatoprotective
than silymarin from Milk Thistle. Picrorhiza kurroa is a small
perennial herb that grows in hilly parts of India, particularly in the
Himalayas between 3000 and 5000 meters. The roots and rhizomes are an
established herbal remedy for variety of diseases ranging from
indigestion to hepatitis.
PINE BARK AND GRAPE SEED--Antioxidant-free radical
protection, immune support. 50 x stronger than vitamin E and 20 x
stronger than vitamin C. Passes the blood brain barrier to protect
brain cells. Cardiodepressant, hypotensive, anticonvulsant,
antidepressant, anti spasmodic, nervine, stomachic, vasodilator,
antibacterial. Extracts of these can be bought from, they are very strong tasting so would be best put
in the herb mix for capsulating, or can be chugged if put in with a
large amount of other herbs.
RAW PROPOLIS--Raw propolis is reputed to be nature's number
one antiseptic. It is gathered from the resins of plants by bees to
disinfect their hives. Freeze it then grind it in a coffee grinder
while frozen, mix it in with your herbs or put separately into
capsules. Good for immune enhancement by reducing yeast, fungi and
other pathogens. It will help to reduce the burden on the immune
system. It can be bought raw from
RHODIOLA ROSA--Rhodiola rosa is an "anti-stress" adaptogen
that increases the body's resistance to any kind of stress by
regulating hormonal response and lowering cortisol. Enhances the uptake
of serotonin precursors into the brain. Improves endurance, helps
maintain energy levels, strengthens memory...and helps maintain high
levels of creatinine phospate in the mitochondria, lowers blood
viscosity, increases oxygen saturation, increases endurance, maintains
optimum serotonin and dopamine levels, anti-depressant, improves
memory, detoxifies liver.
ROSEMARY--Antioxidant, boosts glutathione levels, nervine,
memory, anti-inflammatory. Pure rosemary oil is good to rub into areas
of congestion and nerve pain. During awakening rub into neck and spine
to help protect tissue from free radicals.
SCHIZANDRA BERRIES--Adaptogenic tonic, protects liver from
free radicals, promotes normal liver function, regulates cardiovascular
system, improves insomnia, dizziness, palpitations and headaches,
improves memory.
ST. JOHNS WORT--Pain relieving, for anxiety, improves memory,
anti-depression and anti-inflammatory, strengthens the neurology of the
spine. Is a mild MAO inhibitor which preserves serotonin levels and
inhibits cortisol release. Make a massage oil for kundalini pains with
St. Johns Wort and Rosemary in olive oil.
SUMA--Another adaptogen known as Brazilian ginseng, for
energy, cellular oxygenator, immunity, fortifies hormones and regulates
blood sugar. Anabolic, analgesic, anticancerous, anti-inflammatory,
antimutagenic, aphrodisiac, estrogenic, nutritive, sedative, steroidal,
tonic, enhances memory. Used for fatigue, anemia, diabetes and
digestive disorders, muscle-building and endurance.
TULSI--or Indian basil is an important symbol in the Hindu
religious tradition. The name 'tulsi' connotes "the incomparable one."
Basil leaves are regarded as an 'adaptogen' or anti-stress agent and
have many medicinal properties. The leaves strengthen the stomach, are
used for fevers and induce copious perspiration. It is used for
headaches, as a nerve tonic, to sharpen memory, for colds, promotes the
removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube,
TURMERIC--Spices and herbs contain phenolic substances which
have potent antioxidative and chemopreventive properties. In
particular, curcumin, a powerful antioxidant derived from the curry
spice turmeric, is a strong inducer of the heat shock response. The
extra heat shock proteins will help protect the protein structures from
oxidative damage. Turmeric might be the best inflammation-fighting
compound to take during an awakening. It will aid digestion and prevent
cancer also.
WHEATGRASS JUICE— cleanses the lymph system, builds the
blood, restores balance in the body, removes toxic metals from the
cells, nourishes the liver and kidneys and restores vitality. One ounce
of wheatgrass juice has the vitamin and mineral equivalent of 2.2
pounds of fresh vegetables; although therapeutic doses can be up to 4
ounces. It contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human
maintenance, including all the amino acids, is full of essential fatty
acids, vitamins and minerals, vitamins A, C and Bs, is high in iron and
vitamin K. Many of the benefits of wheatgrass juice stem from the fact
that it is a living food, about 30 “live” enzymes and is approximately
70% crude chlorophyll. Wheatgrass alkalinizes the blood, cures anemia
and blood sugar problems, protects RNA and DNA from mutation and
combats free radicals. Wheatgrass helps depression, purifies the liver,
disinfects, cleanses and improves digestion. It also contains Laetrile
(B17), the oxygenating properties of which fights cancer. To be
effective wheatgrass juice has to be drunk immediately after juicing.
You might if possible seriously consider growing wheatgrass. 4 oz per
day is around 1 tray, so you need to have 7 trays circulating. Nothing
heals faster with less expense than wheatgrass. The lowest price ($108)
for the electric Miracle MJ550 juicer is at
GROWING WHEATGRASS (for 15”x10” plastic tray) 1.Soak 1.75 cups (1 coffee cup) of wheat in a bowl of water for 8 hours.
2.Turn bowl upside down in a colander (with bowl on top and one below)
and germinate for a day or two, spray once a day with water.
3.Fill a perforated tray 3⁄4 full with soil and cover surface with the germinated wheat berries.
4.Add a little kelp fertilizer to water and water in seeds with watering can,
5.Cover with plexiglass or glass 1⁄2” off the berries for 2 days in shade, no need to water.
6.Take off glass, continue to grow in semi-plastic hutch for 2 days, semi-shade, use a spray bottle to water once a day.
7.Harden off in a chicken wire hutch until about 5-7” tall, semi-shade; water with watering can nearly every day if necessary.
Secrets of success: I grow my wheatgrass on a balcony in
squirrel proof hutches made from open shelving covered with plastic or
chicken wire. You might want to make part of your plastic
squirrel-proof hutch into metal mesh...with plastic that you can take
on or off depending (think light and aeration). Make sure your trays
have drainage holes in the bottom...and put the trays onto yogurt lids
or something to keep the trays off a solid shelf. If berries
don’t germinate well get a different type of wheat seed next time.
Since we are not covering the seeds with any soil, the main point for
achieving a uniform growth is to cover the germinated seeds with a
sheet of plexiglass or glass for the first two days until the roots
descend into the soil. Tear up used root-soil into pieces and compost
along with juicing pulp, seaweed, ground eggshells etc…
WILD YAM--Wild yam is used for hormonal support, spinal
irritation, spleen, digestion, blood cleansing. Supplies precursors to
cortico-steroids such as DHEA, is anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic.
VALERIAN--Valerian Root is one of the best nerve tonics. It
reduces stress, muscle tension and hypertension while improving
coordination, concentration and quality of sleep. Cardiovascular tonic
herbs such as ginseng, valerian root, hawthorn berry and motherwort are
advised during kundalini to stabilize and strengthen heart action and
improve circulation.
WOLFBERRY--Lycium fruit are a chi tonic, anti-aging, 48%
increase in SOD, 12% increase in hemoglobin, 500 times more Vitamin C
than oranges, highest antioxidant status, 21 trace minerals and 8
essential amino acids, increases white blood cell count, strengthens
bones, stimulates tissue development, improves vision, nourishes liver,
lowers blood pressure, reduces blood sugar, inhibits gene mutation,
anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant. Wolfberry @ $5.95/pound and some Chinese mushrooms.
YERBA MATE--For use during an extended down-cycle as a
stimulant and nervine. Good for nerve pain, fatigue and depression as
an overall tonic and digestive aid. Because of its caffeine content its
best not to use it much during the influx, shock or die-off stages
YOHIMBE--Yohimbine is the active ingredient of the South
African Yohimbe plant. It is a selective blocker of alpha 2 adrenergic
receptors, and inhibits breakdown of dopamine and norepinephrine.
Yohimbine's actions include increasing the level of the
neurotransmitter norepinephrine by up to 68%, (which has been described
as the brain's sex chemical). Norepinephrine (NE), the body's primary
endogenous thermogenic (fat burning) hormone. Yohimbine has also been
shown to increase the availability of the neurotransmitter,
acetylcholine. Reduces fatigue, appetite suppressant, vasodilator:
increases blood flow to fat-tissue and extremities, increases sex
drive, antioxidant, decrease fat synthesis in the body by increasing
fatty acid mobilization. Would be useful to prevent weight gain,
lethargy, depression etc... during the down cycles, but might be too
stimulating for use during up cycles. *When buying looking for the % of
active ingredient "Yohimbine;" if it doesn't mention this don't by it,
for the product probably doesn't have any active ingredient in it.
Herb Shots In A Glass:
Mix herbs together and store in the fridge. Many of the herbs
(unless they are very bitter pine bark or grape seed or hot like
cayenne) can be taken in a shot glass of water or apple juice once or
twice a day. They can also be mixed into fresh squeezed orange juice
along with 1 Tblsp. Fresh-ground flaxseed. Keep flaxseed airtight in
the fridge also and grind about a weeks supply at once. The flaxseed
softens the pungent taste of the herbs. Try to get tree-ripened fruit
if possible for juice for they are less acidic in reaction. You can
also add some ground up papaya tablets to the herbmix to increase
Kelp and Alpha Lipoic Acid will need to be capsulated along with
your herbal mix because they are not very palatable. Note very bitter
herbs like yarrow, Rhodiola, Jiaogulan, Pine bark, Grape seed, Gentian
and most extracts would be best put in a mix to be capsulated in
"large" 000 capsules from and
Neem also is rather
bitter although I still manage to chug it down with juice when I add
neem powder to my herbmix. For capsules remember to buy herbs in
powdered form if they cannot be ground in a coffee grinder. Check out
the locally grown wild herbs and someone who knows about the herbs in
your area. For kundalini you are looking for the adaptogens,
antioxidant, tonic herbs and herbs for the liver and nerves. Wildcraft
what you can and dry them and then grind them in a coffee grinder.
Sieve the powder and capsulate them yourself. Extract powders of many
of these herbs can be obtained from Many grocery
stores have extensive bulk herb sections. Store herb mixtures in the