"As Kundalini moves up through the sushumna, She transforms the
body and makes it fit for spiritual sadhana; it is only after the body
has been purified that the Shakti can work with full force." P. 28 Swami Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life.
The inner-conjunction is the most intense
kundalini experience when it feels like thousands of volts are tearing
through one's system. There are many ecstatic experiences during a
kundalini awakening, but the shooting up the spine and its associated
"Silver Cord" or "Sex with Eros" is the most extreme experience one can
endure energetically. I haven't found a name for it in Western
literature and no corresponding Eastern name so I call it the
I liken it to 10,000 orgasms pouring through every cell of one's body
and gushing out the top of the crown, threatening to explode one's
head. I say that it is 10,000 orgs up the spine to convey its
huge quantum jump from the normal experience of our body. Thus in this
book you will see me refer to the charge of the Inner-conjunction as
10,000 orgs. But if someone did actually have the equivalent of 10,000
orgasms all at once it would kill them instantly. The degree of ecstasy
is unexpressible, other than to say that every cell in the body is lit
up with God...with bliss in the extreme.
Both males and females experience the inner-conjunction as the
"peak event" of an awakening or a lifetime. I have had 4 of them...one
spontaneous blast out of the blue completely not knowing what it was,
one dark night version corresponding to this first one. One Sex With
Eros inner-conjunction with womb contractions as well, and the last one
included the silver cord.
In Eastern traditions the inner-conjunction might be confused with
men ejaculating up their spine. Obviously the men are not actually
ejaculating up the spine, though for some reason the Easterners
interpret the event as that. What they are experiencing is the
inner-conjunction...others might call this samadhi, although samadhi is
usually associated with a lot of other stuff which is not the
inner-conjunction. (See Kundalini Gland for more on this)
The peak inner-conjunction of my lifetime happened during the
transmutation phase of my 2000 awakening, 12 days after the start of
the peak-influx. This was when enough purification had occurred such
that the crown pole and the sacral pole united in what felt like a
sword or silver cord penetrating the center of the spine. It is hard to
say how long it lasted for time disappears; yogis work to prolong the
duration of this union. After my short union I felt more my Self and
more alien than I have ever been, and the irises in my eyes were
shining bright blue with an inner light. I have blue irises, which have
normally more brown-grey in them. But during ecstasy or inner
conjunctions there is more light photons coming through the irises
themselves, so they are lit up from the inside...making them almost
irridescent light blue...like spice eyes in the movie Dune. This peak
inner conjunction was the only one that I had looked in the mirror
within half an hour.
It happened on my birthday when I was up the hill in nature, lying
on the ground putting sun heated rocks on my body. During the previous
5 days I had run through a series of spontaneous chakra voicing
poems on the reconciliation of the sexes--starting at the power chakra
(solar plexus) and moving up the chakras one poem a day. This focus on
the reconciliation of the sexes helped to reconcile the
positive/negative, left/right, male/female sides of myself to bring on
the peak inner-conjunction of my lifetime.
During acutely active kundalini it feels like there is white light
flowing inside the body and illuminating the world--a pervading sense
of white even though one cannot actually see it as white--it's like we
see white with our whole body. This sense of whiteness may be due to a
general increase in nerve action potential and the increased ionization
of cerebrospinal fluid. Then the energy collects and nitric oxide
permeates through to the central channel of the spinal column creating
the principle charge itself.
The principle charge of energy is experienced as the Silver Cord,
which lasts perhaps less than a minute, while the entire
inner-conjunction lasts around half an hour. This main charge has been
referred to as Excalibur as well, because it "feels" like a solid
metallic shaft descending into the crown at the same time as massive
energy is pouring up the body and out the top of the head. The body is
paralyzed and the spine stiffened throughout the experience and this
paralysis might add to the sensation of this main charge of energy
actually being a solid object. Of all the metamorphic events it is
obvious to the experiencer that the silver cord is the highest or most
extreme. The silver cord is the "most out there" peak event of the peak
Time disappears during inner-conjunctions so one can't really say if
it was half an hour or 4 hours. But this climax cannot be compared to a
30 minute orgasm. The word orgasm doesn't really relate to these full
body inner-conjunctions of absolute bliss, setting the body on fire
with ecstasy that is experienced in every cell of the body. One's
entire body is orgasmic with many times more energy than a normal
orgasm. In fact so much energy one thinks the brain is about to fuse or
explode. There may or may not be orgasm like contractions of the sex
organs it depends on the type of inner-conjunction one is having. I
call the one with contractions Sex with Eros.
Here is an example of a male experiencing such an event: "The
wave goes down to the groin in the sexual organs. It becomes very
sexual, at the same time maintaining an essence of purity and
spirituality. When the wave reaches the sexual organs, I feel a push to
the lower back, that is pressed towards the sky and I reach some sort
of very intense "orgasm". The penis is not erected and no semen is
ejaculated. But the pleasure is a thousand times more intense than a
normal sexual experience." GS, a Scientist listed on the website: Archives of Scientists' Transcendent Experiences (TASTE)
There is no vocalization, moaning, screaming or cooing in bliss.
There is no ego available to jump up and look at the clock and start
cataloging what happened. One is incapacitated in bliss for hours after
the event. After the inner-conjunction one literally feels and behaves
like Jesus Christ. When motor coordination returns any stored charge or
tension in the neuromuscular system has been expended so there is a
great relaxation of the tissues. Hours after this hyper-relaxation we
could however flip into a radical contraction, almost like it's a
response to being opened too much, but it's simply the aftermath and
counter play of the chemicals.
During extreme events such as an inner-conjunction (10,000 orgs) you
cannot consciously direct energy because you are paralyzed and have no
ego, but you can direct the normal flow of kundalini energy. For
example, by drawing it up the back to avoid wimping out, or by focusing
with the minds eye coupled with breathing on the solar plexus to
recover some will and clarity and overcome excessive bliss.
Note you can also have the chemistry of an inner-conjunction
experience that involves extreme terror rather than extreme bliss. This
Electric-Dark Night is the same intensity of energy rushing through the
body and exploding the head, but in a "bad trip" sense. We may not have
a "bad trip" inner-conjunction with every awakening. I only had one
during my first because of a pre-conscious body knowledge of my fathers
upcoming death, coupled with the fact that I had no idea what kundalini
or awakenings were at the time. The shock of kundalini in a neophyte
body might predispose us to having a dark-night inner-conjunction.
I don't think that "bad trip" inner-conjunctions often occur in
normal healthy individuals (in benign circumstances) because of the
years of priming prior to the event and because the climax only happens
during a period of maximum heart expansion when the psycho-somatic
resistance that normally prevents a conjunction has been removed. An
inner-conjunction sparked off by a drug experience, or by stressful
circumstances, however, could turn nasty because the bodymind has
simply not prepared itself for this zenith chemistry.
In the evolutionary model kundalini is the mechanism of the ongoing
maturation and development of the nervous system. Traditionally the
symptoms are equated with detoxification, the release of accumulated
nervous stress and the overcoming friction or resistance. However I
think we need a comprehensive rethinking of this assumption that almost
turns the idea of kundalini into a trial of punishment by fire. We
normally do not think of romantic love, childbirth or death as stress
release, detoxification and overcoming resistance--however these
experiences do contain components of these. There are so many factors
involved in the actual outcome of one's kundalini experience including:
genetics, cellular strength, reservoirs of nutrients, social
conditioning, exposure to spiritual practices etc...
In the pathological model it is assumed that the symptoms of
kundalini may be mild or intense depending on how much stress has
accumulated in the organism. Stress is said to create "noise" in the
system that prevents the attainment of higher functional states. That
is, noise prevents the sublime syncopation of sympathetic resonances in
the bodymind. The stress of say child abuse or war can create Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), but if it was not for this extreme perturbation of
consciousness by trauma, chances are that the individual would not
experience a kundalini awakening. Thus what is seemingly "bad" can lead
to great "good." This is an example of the paradoxical and complex
nature of spiritual evolution.
Lee Sannella was an advocate of the detoxification model.
"In its rise, kundalini causes the central nervous system to
throw off stress. The stress points will usually cause pain during
meditation. When kundalini encounters these stress points or blocks, it
begins to act on its own volition, engaging in a self-directed,
self-limited process of spreading out through the entire
physio-psychological system to remove these blocks. Once a block is
removed, kundalini flows freely through that point and continues its
upward journey until the next stress area is encountered. Further, the
kundalini energy diffuses in this journey, so that it may be operating
on several levels at once, removing several different blocks. When the
course is completed, the energy all becomes focused again at the top of
the head. The difference between this final state and the initial state
is not simply that kundalini is focused in a different place, but that
in the meantime it has passed through every part of the organism,
removing blocks and awakening consciousness there. Thus, the entire
process of kundalini action can be seen as one of purification or
balancing." P.11 Lee Sannella, M.D. Kundalini, Psychosis or Transcendence.
Awakening is all about increased flow...the higher the flow of
consciousness, the greater the stage/state. When there is a high degree
of energy flowing in the system, ie: when the cells are producing a lot
of energy, and the nerves are conveying high energy, there is
concurrently a great deal of energy flowing in the body's
electromagnetic field (EMF). The EMF surrounds the body like an egg,
with one pole at the crown and the other at the base of the spine.
One has to consult Rawls and Davis's book Magnetism to get a
more sophisticated version of the configuration of the EMF, but for
simplicities sake we can imagine it as an egg. According to Bentov
the two poles of the EMF egg find the shortest distance between them
and unite through the sushumna. Rawls and Davis 1974, say that the line
of force comes out of say the right side of the north pole, goes
through the equator and enters the left side of the south pole. Thus
all lines of force in these field systems are in a figure of 8. And
they would spiral around also, giving the appearance of spinning
vortexes. Their poles are probably aligned positive-negative on the
axis of the spine.
The years of kundalini priming activity purifies and strengthen the
organism to allow this inner-conjunction to take place. Somehow the
evolution of the nervous system inexorably leads up to this climatic
event and our ongoing evolution requires it. The inner-conjunction
occurs when the "noise" or diffusion of nerve energy is temporarily
suspended such that all the oscillating systems can entrain and fall
into sync. As everything from atom, to cell to organ organizes into a
perfect symphony of vibration, all energies are heightened and ordered
to facilitate the spark of lasered prana/plasma through the center of
the spinal cord (sushumna).
It's not as though the organism needs to be completely opened and
stress (noise) free in order for the two poles to conjunct, but there
needs to be a sufficient reprieve from stress, combined with sufficient
charge built up, to surmount the inertial forces accumulated in the
system. Once the zap occurs the higher EMF sets about dissolving
whatever stress and disorganization are embodied in the organism so
that a greater current of energy is able to flow freely. This temporary
reprieve from stress (noise), plus excited charge is probably one of
the main reasons why fasting, raw diet, falling in love, being in the
presence of a Guru or taking certain drug trips can spark off a
kundalini awakening.
"The whole body is rooted in the spine. If the spine is young,
you are young. If the spine is old, you are old. If you can keep your
spine young, it is difficult to become old. Everything depends on your
spine. If your spine is alive, you will have a very brilliant mind. If
the spine is dull and dead, you will have a very dull mind. The whole
of yoga tries in many ways to make your spine alive, brilliant, filled
with light, young and fresh." Osho, Meditation: The First and Last Freedom
Another possible explanation or component of the inner-conjunction comes from the work of Michael Persinger on interhemispheral penetration.
Where a interhemispheral penetration of energy between the brain
hemispheres may amplify and change the fields and flow whereby a charge
is released up the spinal cord. His work is found in the book Neurotheology and www.innerworlds.50megs.com
THE FUTURE OF INNER-CONJUNCTIONS There is probably no limit to detoxifying-strengthening-opening the body to kundalini.
My friend Willy, who in his 40's, gives himself daily
inner-conjunctions with the aid of his own binural music. He is able to
sustain an inner-conjunction for several hours with no harmful effects
and thereby keep his metamorphic (spiritual/revelatory) chemistry
moving along at a rapid rate of ascendancy. His frequent
inner-conjunctions are not debilitating perhaps because he
autostimulates them with his music, and perhaps since he is a musician
his system is already detoxed and integrated!
What Willy shown me is that if we cleanse and strengthen our
instrument with the music of kundalini and with careful use and
understanding of the energy, we can indeed transform ourselves and our
lives. There is no limit or lid on our potential with kundalini.
Normally I would not encourage others to escalate their kundalini, but
to focus on strengthening the organism toward the natural progression
of awakening to greater cosmic-unity (popping). Willy’s experience
makes me realize that with continued alignment and sympathetic
resonance the nervous system can go into a permanent high rev state
without burnout or damage. This is I think the information we have been
waiting for.
(See more on the influence of nitric oxide in the inner-conjunction in the Nitric Oxide section.)