Spiritual initiation is an event in Eros, and like love cannot be conjured or contrived. It either happens or it doesn't.
Kundalini is operating in all of us to a degree,
occasionally however it sparks up into what is known as a kundalini
awakening, transmutation, metamorphosis, transfiguration, spiritual
alchemy or spiritual awakening. In this book you will see me call this
initiation "popping." People pop to various degrees. Some fizzle
like soda, without the cork popping drama of champagne. Others pop
spontaneously at 17 years like Ramana Maharishi without any prior
spiritual practice. He just read a book on the lives of the saints and
so identified with them that he practically instantly became one. His
experience of going into death, was his ego recognizing its own demise
as the Atman arose within. Gobi Krishna's initiation was through
meditation. Philip St. Romain was sparked off through prayer. Meher
Baba awakened when he was hit on the head with a stone as a boy. Joseph
Chilton Pearce popped in his 60's by shaktipat from Muktananda. Some
spend all their energies preventing themselves from the Ego-death of
popping at all and so never really live.
The kundalini probably follows the 7 year growth cycles that Joseph
Chilton Pearce pointed out. Know that there is a lot of subterranean
activity going on below the level of conscious registration. For
example we can be heating up for 2-3 years without being aware that an
awakening is on its way. I popped
spontaneously at 28 and 40 years. If we are uninformed we will not even
a kundalini awakening is upon us when it is blasting us full force to
Kingdom Come. We will tend to think it is external conditions
that have
propelled us into a psychic breakdown or illness. We normally interpret
these intense rapid initiations as some form of "outer" influence
impacting on us, because of the sudden jump into a different state-view
which doesn't appear to be the familiar us. We are not normally aware
that we have an infinitude of windows of being that we can enter and
see out of.
Some of the myriad of factors that can contribute to an awakening
include: High altitude, air and water quality, diet, exercise, stress,
relationships, degree of being on purpose and acts of generosity. Risk,
adventure travel, exposure to the elements, novelty, new experiences
and environments, and the breakdown of habit and torpor. Various
elemental changes and shocks to the body like alternating hot and cold
such as saunas and cold showers, light and dark. Determination to
adhere to soul rather than social convention, genetics, and both the
good and bad conditions of one's upbringing. Other factors include
latitude and longitude on the earth's sphere, seasons, sun and moon
cycles. Chronological and biological age, spiritual practice, having to
use a new set of skills. One's calling and the future time
stream...that is the Muse/Eros, and perhaps the needs of the human
species as a whole.
It is the differential between the old and new growth that initiates
the dissolution of the old brain and resurrection of the new. So a
rapid growth in cognition, change of environment or spiritual practice
that instigates new brain development will bring on an awakening. Since
kundalini is the "flow" of energy/consciousness--areas that promote
flow will facilitate an awakening, such as higher altitude, mountain
high ion air, certain geography that conveys earth currents better.
Also areas with powerful tree growth such as the redwoods of Big Sur or
virgin forests. Definitely the moon cycle is involved hence gravitation
plays a big part. Also the solar cycle, solar flares and the solar 8
day sector changes affects biological and alchemical processes. The
biofields of certain human populations would be more or less conducive
to promoting awakenings depending on how gross or subtle the noosphere
of the culture we inhabit.
One needs to have a certain genetic and cellular strength in order
for kundalini to spark up, for it will not ignite in a body that will
be greatly damaged by its arousal. Kundalini is apt to rise when we
increase our vital energy and are relatively block-free, as in eating a
raw diet, doing yoga and getting plenty of exercise. Often there needs
to be self-initiatory psychological conditions such as devotion,
excessive generosity, crisis, shaktipat from a Guru, or the meeting a
great love in order to set off the chemistry to a high degree of
Shaktipat literally means descent of grace. It is yogic
initiation in which the Siddha Guru transmits spiritual energy to the
aspirant, thereby awakening the aspirant's dormant kundalini shakti.
Mae-Wan Ho suggests that all life is connected by nonlocal field
interpenetration of quantum wave functions. Shaktipat is an example of
this effect; while more pronounced when organisms are in each others
presence, it also operates globally and seems to have strange temporal
effects also. The interpenetration of spiritual energy occurs through
quantum waves, electromagnetic waves, scalar waves, light waves,
acoustic waves and through the superconduction of consciousness...that
is the sympathetic resonance of oscillating systems. To a certain
extent we are all shaktipatting each other all the time...we live in a
world-field of shaktipat.
The impact of shaktipat, or the contagion of spirit between
individuals, is endlessly interesting to both consider and experience.
The dramatic psycho-somatic effects cannot be predicted but can be
understood in hindsight. The book Spiritual Cannibalism by Rudi is a good account of the potential of spiritual relationship.
Kundalini is not about people enjoying each other or themselves,
it's about waking up--which most often is a very painful process. Like
secondhand smoke, secondhand kundalini can be very disturbing for
people. If their chemistry is off or heart closed, they are going to
feel uncomfortable around an individual with awakened kundalini.
Postmenopausal women that are not self-actualized...(ie: dependent
types) can be deeply disturbed by proximity to a younger woman's
kundalini awakening. As the younger woman's chi will revitalize the
older woman's hormones thereby forcing extra growth in a body that is
declining in vitality and is used to its habitual plateau.
It is unlikely to get kundalini activity from relationship breakup
situations, especially of the fizzle-out kind...wrong hormonal
components. But getting out of a restrictive or repressive relationship
might cause an expansion rather than a contraction of love and this
could stimulate kundalini and growth. Also unrequited, tragic or
thwarted love is a great promoter of kundalini because the alchemical
conditions are primed for sex and relationship but energy is not used
up in sex but instead can be translated into metamorphosis. This
translation of attraction into alchemy is what is known as
Whether it's consummated or not, romantic interest is a great
stimulator of kundalini because it activates both the parasympathetic
and sympathetic nervous systems, increases sex hormones, growth
hormone, nitric oxide and macrophage activity. Thus the body is primed
to pop. The symptoms of being in love such as acute senses, increased
psychic abilities, creativity, wonder, awe, faith, courage, motivation
to action, generosity, forgiveness, compassion etc... all these are
both cause and effect, feeding back into the alchemical loop to prime
the kundalini pump. I think that most of our assumptions of sex and
relationship are apt to be either wishful thinking or defense
mechanism. Love should essentially blow our minds to a deeper reality
beyond what we know ourselves or others to be.
It's not sex per say that helps to trigger kundalini, it's the
vasodilation of the cardiovascular system, and the associated
introduction of new parasympathetic levels of "relaxation" in the
bodymind. According to an article in Brain/Mind Bulletin, Rollin
McCraty and Glen Rein have found connections between heart patterns and
positive emotional states. Normally chaotic electrocardiogram spectrum
patterns become coherent during positive states like falling in love.
What initiates kundalini is therefore the opening of the heart, coupled
with the positive state of the mind and increased prana flow that comes
with being in love.
Kundalini relates to sex in that the sex hormones are the base note
of the alchemical process, for you simply don't get an awakening
without an elevation of the sex hormones. Also the nitric oxide that is
produced in copious amounts during an awakening from the macrophages
and hyperactivated nervous system...engorges both heart and sex organs.
Since both the parasympathetic and sympathetic sides of the nervous
system are in hyperdrive one is both hormonally and vascularly opened
and ready for super-sex. This occurs during the heating phase of 2
years prior to an awakening and the 3 years of the peak phase, and
especially during the 6 month apex. However I never had sex during that
time so I cannot say for sure how that would be, but I would imagine
it's pretty damn profound depending on the partner one was with.
Itzhak Bentov is probably partly correct when he says that
the syncopation of the various oscillating systems in the body amplify
energies and increase the ionization of the cerebrospinal fluid,
conveying a current/charge--known as kundalini. Itzhak Bentov's idea is
that kundalini occurs through the micromotion of the body. This model
postulates that various body structures can potentially oscillate in
sympathetic resonance with each other leading to the production of
increased magnetic currents in the cerebral cortex. Bentov correlates
this enhanced electromagnetic action in the cortex with kundalini
release. Bentov looks at the body like a mechanical machine so his
physics is surpassed by modern biophysics. Nowadays we are more apt to
look to quantum microtubules, neuron receptors and neurochemistry for
the cause, but the larger electromagnetic and resonant aspects also
come into play. The HeartMath Institute has done more recent research
on the oscillating frequencies of the heart and nervous system: http://www.heartmath.org/research/
Giving birth and other stressful conditions in which will is
overcome often lead to a kundalini experience. The potent neurological
and hormonal mix that is pumped into the body during birthing activates
kundalini. There is an increase in oxytocin to create the
contractions...both sides of the nervous system are activated...release
of mega opiates...DMT release...pressure of the baby in the
pelvis...muscles are charged by exertion...extra breathing increases
blood oxygen...CSF ionized by heightened condition of parasympathetic
& sympathetic nervous systems...liver releases glucose for
exertion---all these and more is why kundalini sparks up during
birthing. Christina Grof mentioned that kundalini that had arisen
during the birthing of her child was stopped by an injection of
During the initiation stage of a full-on awakening we can assume that both the thyroid and the parathyroid
glands are hyperactive. It's interesting to note that
hyperparathyroidism increases the ionized calcium in the cerebrospinal
fluid causing psychotic symptoms. The parathyroid governs the
extra-cellular calcium levels. It could be a unique combination of
oxygen intake, hormonal levels and activation of the sympathetic
nervous system that creates the initial spark of kundalini up the
Sudden stress or the relief of prolonged stress can bring on a
kundalini awakening. Whether it is the stress of recognition of the
Self though contact with a Guru or through finding a "true love." "When
the senses are heightened because of stress, novelty, or fear, it's
much easier to become a mystic or feel ecstasy or fall in love. Danger
makes one receptive to romance. Danger is an aphrodisiac." P.166,
Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of Love. Stress, even the stress of
new growth, might be essential to trigger hypertonality of the
sympathetic nervous system, allowing kundalini to spark off. PTSD is
also a preparatory factor to kundalini triggering.
In my experience the initial spark up the spine can occur out of the
blue. Kundalini can occur even quite late in life, but usually in
someone who is already psychically sensitive and mystically aware. Mine
occurred in association with stress and stress relief...longing and
fulfillment. But we have to be on our edge, they don't occur in dull,
satiated and ordinary periods of one's life.
My first awakening arose through stress, overt-generosity and
biological precognition of my fathers eminent death...the second
through my love for Mr. Universal and the muses insistence that I write
a book on metamorphosis. Though no matter what the trigger, the
awakening of kundalini seems as inevitable and natural as breathing.
It's as though an inexpressible question in us, an ineffable drive has
been answered. The restless search ends as we surrender to the maker
and come home to our Self.
Since kundalini awakening is most often just something that happens,
we don't have a whole lot of say over how "mature" we are when it
strikes. However by its very extreme nature, kundalini will force
greater maturity and lucid adjustment to reality in order to survive.
Along with the sense of danger inherent in the dissolving of ones known
self, there is also a buoyant faith that arises from being so lit with
Spirit and at one with the Universe.
Kundalini arousal and the ongoing development of the nervous system
make us more sensitive to the inner and outer worlds. The self-directed
force of kundalini purifies accumulated stress caused by our past
habits (samsakras) and traumas. Friction and difficulty during
awakening occur not so much from the process itself but from our
conscious and unconscious interference with it due to not understanding
what is going on.
Kundalini burns off much of the primary reactivity imprinted from
our family of origin and early life experience. With kundalini the
opportunity for change is increased because our neurological slate is
wiped relatively clean, but it depends on our will, faith and
environment as to how far we can grow. If we do not change our habits
to reflect the Self's true interests, we will continue to rebuild the
conditioned reactive self we thought ourselves to be. We spend our
entire lives thinking we are an entity that was created by our parents
and culture...but are we really that entity? I mean they don't even
know us, they only know their projections of us. The Grail of course is
the true Self that is beyond all such imposition.
Kundalini is the consciousness in matter becoming more conscious of
itself, therefore if one wants to evolve such an awakening is
necessary. Or rather evolution and awakening simply "are" and we
surrender to this reality or fight it. Sometimes we have a rocky time
of it, because awakening is always moving through uncharted territory
and because we exist in a civilization still based on fibs, repression
and inertia. If we didn't get so contracted and arrested while
forming...then the kundalini would go through its cycles without
fireworks, because there would be fewer boulders in the flow to create
friction and damming of energy. Detoxifying is always the first thing
to aim for in any spiritual endeavor and it is especially important
"prior" to kundalini awakening. In fact because it is so detoxifying,
switching to a raw diet will probably lead to a kundalini awakening if
other things are also in place.
I don't recommend drug use for triggering because kundalini is hard
enough to handle in itself, without trying to bring it on. Anything one
does to detoxify, enliven, exercise, strengthen, impassion and enthuse
will bring on increased kundalini. If you are interested in a more
intimate relationship with your maker, and desire to be overwhelmed in
love with the Beloved...then kundalini is likely to arise naturally
from ones heart and spirit atuning actions. We are naturally told what
to do to come into alignment with our Self. The desire, will and
carry-through just needs to be there, along with the faith to proceed
despite all appearances and setbacks.
Prior to the obvious activation of kundalini various strange
symptoms can occur years prior to the awakening itself. For example my
left shin became really sore for about a year prior to my 1988
awakening. I used to rub rosemary oil into it to improve the nerve
flow. Kundalini shows up mostly in the left side of the body and you
know it is obviously kundalini when you feel the tingle at the bottom
of the left foot. Although if one looks back one can see various
warning signs, often the initial blast of awakening happens out of the
blue. That is we go from the consensus worldview and material
understanding of ourselves to a vastly new universe in a matter of
seconds as the
energy shoots through the body like a thousand suns. Another sign that
an awakening is on the way is the front of the neck around the thyroid
might become painful for years prior to an awakening. We can also
experience years of painful contraction in the inner core as though a
rubber band was getting tighter and tighter within us.
The mind if healthy is a handy tool for integration of the
transmutation. The mind, if unhealthy or weak, is increasingly
disturbed by the rising of kundalini energy such that the individual
becomes even more maladapted to consensus reality. "Correct" use of
mind can perfect the body structures, open the heart, provide a strong
nervous system etc... and this will allow the awakening to proceed in a
healthy rather than pathological manner.
The heightened psychic, insight, sensory awareness of active
kundalini can make one more universally sane than the consensus-trance
of conventional reality, but more easily triggered into dramatic action
as well because everything in the psyche and soma is less
repressed...that is one becomes more Godlike and more
elemental/archetypal also. The barrier between material and spiritual
becomes more permeable and the range of our consciousness expands into
previous unknown regions.
So someone with active kundalini is more elemental and "archetypal,
however the reduction in adaptive cognition can be so great that one
can't drive a car in an urban environment. There are periods when the
cerebrocortex is greatly incapacitated while the limbic and autonomic
brains are hyper-activated. As the repressive mechanism of the ego is
reduced during the initial stages of awakening there is a purging the
primitive emotions of shame, guilt, fear, panic, paranoia, depression
and self-pity. In a hostile social environment these emotions could be
catastrophic, essentially completely paralyzing effective function and
aging the individual into an acute illness of bodymind. If this
emotional cathartic development is suspended and not able to run its
course we could end up in the funny farm.
"Katz (1973) writes of the !Kung people of the Kalahari Desert in
Northwest Botswana, Africa, who dance for many hours to "heat" up the
n/um so that the !kia state can be attained. He notes that the n/um is
analogous to the kundalini state. !Kai is the state of transcendence.
It is more than a peak experience of going beyond the ordinary self;
!kia is like Satori, participation in eternity. Education for
transcendence teaches the adept the way to stir up the n/um and how the
threshold of fear can be crossed into the !kia state. The n/um is said
to reside in the pit of the stomach. As it warms up, it rises from the
base of the spine to the skull where then !kia occurs...!kia is
painful, fearful, and unpredictable each time it occurs." Lee Sannella, M.D., Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence, p14-15
Conditions that contribute to this kind of communal kundalini
raising include fasting, music, drumming and a fire...probably around
full or new moon also. Like the Sundance of the American Indians where
they dance and chant for extended periods. The Kung use the energy in a
holy way to tap psychic information and precognition to enhance the
welfare of the tribe. But kundalini energy can also be used in a more
prepersonal Bacchian sense as well, for example Dionysian rites were
first mostly undertaken by women then at some point in history the men
also joined in...the women collectively gave themselves over to
kundalini trance, dancing, feasting and revelry under the moon.
Similarly a group of people can have an orgy and the energy can be
somewhat evolutionary wasted, or they can have a joint tantric ceremony
that could greatly increase the evolution of the group and community.
Why the increased numbers of people experiencing awakening?
More people pop as more people pop. As survival pressures rise the
increased stress chemistry plays into creating the type of instability
in which kundalini energy can ignite. Also contributing to igniting the
flame is our declining metabolic strength and inferior "processed"
diet, coupled with ever refining nervous systems as we encounter more
transformative spiritual ideologies (rather than conservative
non-transformative mythic religious ideas). Our bodies are making a
last ditch effort to throw off former trauma wiring in order to give us
survival advantage in a rapidly changing world. Also individuation is
such that we can break away from rigid-stagnant community/family in
order to get the type of philosophical stimulation and sexual romantic
opportunities which throw us into this second puberty and the thorough
rebuilding of our body, mind, soul and emotions. We essentially have to
undergo these rebirths in this day and age, because the way we were
formed by our parents is so antiquated that the wiring in our primary
matrix is holding us back in patterns which we and culture have long
outgrown. Our faster philosophic and psychological development of the
prefrontal lobes essentially triggers this cathartic transformation so
that enough change can happen in the old wiring to bring our whole
being up to contemporary operational mode. Whereas in the past such
indepth change did not need to occur in the lifetime of the individual
because the pace of change was so slow back then. The faster the pace
of change the more rebirths individuals will have to undergo within
their lifetime.
In this yoga of awakening both the "good" and the "bad" of life are turned into the service of emergence.