"Ultimately there are no obstacles anywhere, except in ourselves and everything is meant for that perfection." P.197, ~ Mother, Satprem
kind of kundalini awakening we have is specific to the way we have
built ourselves. The scrapes and bruises life offers are beneficial
also; all is fuel for the flames. We complicate matters due to our
misunderstanding about kundalini and the religious superstition that
has been lumped on the process over the centuries. Thus it's up to
people that have initiated kundalini to share their experience with
others, in order to reduce the ignorance. While kundalini is active we
ignite those around us simply with our presence with a power that works
directly from body to body, heart to heart--like a contagion.
Kundalini awakenings are peak times for visions, the muse,
depth-feeling, insights etc...which can all translate to art, music,
science or some form of creativity. I think any genius is riding on
this kundalini current and is inflamed with the muse, God intoxicated,
art-intoxicated. Enormous energies "could" be harvested. However the
way most of us are such neophytes at handling the energy, it normally
fires us up into a 6 month peak that takes over 3 years to come down,
after which there are many years of recovery and disillusionment, and
loss of muse and psychic abilities. Five years after my awakening my
psychic level has dropped off to a less potent level than it was
before. This is probably due to the extremity of the chemistry and the
fact that I didn't know to take massive doses of antioxidants at the
time. I assume that with my supplement program, adventure and some
"fun" I might be able to get my full psychic level back again. Full
pituitary potency is essential to a sense of soul and experience of the
psychic domain, thus the synergy of relationships help to prevent
The hot burn cycle is not to be recommended for most artists, even
if it does take us to the heights and depths of ourselves, because it
actually wastes the message and vision--for the nervous system can
become incapable of actually performing the art, patience can leave
one, precision destroyed, coordination crapped out. I for example was a
better painter prior to my awakening; abilities will return with
rehabilitation and time however.
A "hot-burn" is when we go through a catastrophic full-on awakening.
You can tell if someone is in a hot-burn by the extremity of their
symptoms, and the duration of the awakening itself. Usually for the 6
month peak we are in such an altered state that holding down a
job in which left-brain function is required is not possible. I got by
through massaging people, which is a healthy thing to do while in the
peak, and clients get to have massage heart expansions right there on
the table through state resonance.
Research may discover that a large % of hot-burners were abused or
traumatized in childhood, making their nervous system more vulnerable
to tipping into this kind of explosive awakening. The body is literally
throwing off tension, detoxifying and reforming itself in a way that
somewhat eliminates the original trauma. Thus the hot-burn, though
traumatic in itself, is one of the very best ways for the phoenix of
soul to rise from the ashes of the past. After recovery from the
awakening itself ones art could deepen in profound ways as we become
liberated from our energy wasting pain-body.
There are many reasons why I had a hot-burn peak in
2000...unresolved childhood trauma, isolation, a diet too high in
fruit, tension buildup through lack of sex and exercise, insufficient
maturation of the nervous system by not having a subtle energy practice
and the fact that I was primed for the massive peak by a previous
awakening in 1988. The trigger this time however was not my father's
death and unresolved family issues, but devotion to Mr. Universal.
My 1988 awakening although extreme also did not incapacitate me
quite as much so some of my best paintings come from that time. The
2000 awakening could have been equally as productive painting wise if I
had thrown myself into the visual arts, with a profound teacher to help
keep me on track.
We need to be so knowledgable about Kundalini that we can ride its
power without frying our circuits and burning out. The methods we often
use to try and "control" it tend to be very damaging such as eating
heavy food, lack of exercise, increased sex, tranquilizers. This is
negative adaptation, and you don't get any evolution or growth by doing
it this way. My "work" is aiming for positive adaptation, where there
is an original trust in the alchemy, we fortify the body while
protecting it from the fire, facilitate the birthing process to use the
energy productively. If coping with kundalini is successful we should
be able to endure a hot-burn without it detracting from our lives and
remain at the peak of our creative potential.
Kundalini cannot be separated from Eros or the Muse...the soul and
Kundalini appear to be the SAME THING. More than anything it's
attunement and obedience to one's Muse that brings on an
awakening...because one could say that one's Muse IS the kundalini
force. So it will tell one what one needs for it to come forth.
The symbolic, visionary, dream life will always be a part of Man,
and heightened in times of flourishing creativity...for the soul knits
everything together, it is the herald of MEANING...and drives the
physical, emotional and mental through communion with Spirit. Art as a
mystical path, is simply caring for the soul and following the
heart...but one needs to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and
financially competent enough to travel that road. One of the great
paradoxes is that the more evolved one is the more apparent autonomy
while at the same time we become more of a mere vessel for spirits
transpersonal expression.
Consider that life is like surfing waves. There is a charge of
life-force that arises with any new exciting event be it meeting a
lover, or a Eureka discovery. But if we fail to ride the energy of that
charge we miss the wave and get ground into the sand. Each time we do
this aborted surfing trick we get further and further from the life we
want, and we get less and less excited with every new event, so that we
become generally apathetic or downright depressed. So life is like
surfing and opportunities are waves.
"The more in contact we are with our depths, the more
creative we will tend to be...Creativity creates the illusion of a
self-contained creator, a somebody doing it, but in fact it births and
delivers itself, if we will but give our permission. At essence,
creativity bypasses egoity, though egoity may claim credit for
creativity's products. In the throes of pure creativity, we primarily
exist as an intimate witnessing of -- and space for -- what is
unfolding. We are then not the creator, but are simply present for --
and also as -- the creative process." 128, ~ Robert Augustus Masters, Darkness Shining Wild
Inner voices increase when kundalini is fired up, you could
say it's our supersensoral self speaking to us. My "higher" voice
doesn't say that much but when it does, it's on a transrational,
gnostic, Christ-like level and the words seem omnipotent. Some people
are particularly wired more for voice, others for visions, some for
music. These intrusions are just higher operations of the mind that we
normally do not access due to the strict repressive/filtering
capacities of the ego. More and more of us will be loosening the
barrier between this higher consciousness and our normal operating
mode. So that eventually as a species we will all be living at this
higher operating level.
As we evolve higher hardware is forming and coming into
focus...received as sporadic informative voices. A lot of people get
confused and think it's another entity, whereas they are really just
channeling their emerging higher self. Due to the perturbation of
normal consciousness by kundalini we are more open to higher
information from inner voices and visions. Some voices are from a
consciousness way beyond our normal operating mode, others stem more
from a lower condition say of biological distress when we have
mis-eaten, are ill or going thru a die-off. You can easily tell the
difference by what is said and the "energy packet" and bliss level that
comes with the information. This higher information often arises in
hypnognia or Theta wave. Visions seem to be the most life altering in
physiology and direction. They pack a more psychedelic punch to
permanently alter physiology.
Because of the bliss, pituitary potency and expanding consciousness
kundalini comes with an inherent grace and faith. But to steer
kundalini in a healthy direction one must use ones gifts and graces for
a transpersonal (holy) cause. The muse must be followed and the energy
used creatively or the negative resistant ego (pain-body) will hijack
the energy and use it for our self-destruction. What is not used for
the light of Eros turns into the darkness of Thanatos.
"There is a strange and horrible thing about one's
daemon: When honored and acted upon, it is indeed one's guiding spirit;
those who bear a god within bring genius to their work. When however,
one's daemon is heard but unheeded, it is said that the daemon becomes
a demon, or evil spirit--divine energy and talent degenerates into
self-destructive activity." 58, ~ Ken Wilber, Grace and Grit
You will probably notice that the Muse always arises with a sexual
tension...and the Muse is our highest condition other than Samadhi. Of
course there are infinite levels of the profundity of what the Muse
brings forth and this would be reflected in the spiritual-presence of
the particular sexual wave that coarises with the Muse.
The Muse is greatly amplified during a kundalini awakening, which
can cause complications in trying to fit genius level gnosis into a
flatland rather rational and subrational culture. The Gods may not get
jealous, but people surely do. So skillful means and timing are very
important in expressing and presenting the "higher" knowledge that may
be coming through us during awakening. Be careful whom you tell about
your condition, some can accept it with no problem, others will be
freaked out without any real reason to be, just through shear
ignorance. If you must mention it to blind conservatives you could just
describe it as a massive cosmic love affair or something.
The terms muse, music, mind, men, mental, amuse and museum are all
related. But by "muse" we are not referring to simple associative
thinking processes but to Gnosis. The conscious content tends to arrive
in our mind fully formed, and we simply transcribe it so to speak. Like
Mozart's music in which he heard an entire piece all in one instant
then wrote it down in "linear" time. Poetry can be like that also--it's
all there beyond the conscious horizon and just flows out onto the page.
The worst thing about post-awakening life is that we feel bereft of
our muse having tasted it so acutely, so the loss of our
psychic/subtle/causal levels during the exhaustion phase can be a great
soul sickness. Recovery from which is possible with "work" and happily
in reviving the Muses it is necessary to seduce them. Seduce them with
novelty, sensory stimulation, new information and new ventures. For
surely when we are graced by the spontaneous appearance of the Muses
during a kundalini awakening, we get familiar with their nectar and
meaning...we become in-spired, en-spirited. But rather than go back to
the tired old life, with the same old fuel--if we have tasted what it
is to be a God--then we must set about feeding the God in us in every
Art is blind, like love...rightly so, or it would never happen.