This section gives an overview of the “stress
effect” of a kundalini awakening. The hyper-activated sympathetic
nervous system that is so persistent in kundalini awakenings causes the
same kind of damage to the organism as that produced by prolonged and
excessive stress. Once we understand this and intelligently adapt, we
can avoid burnout and regression, and thereby learn to keep the gains
made through heightened kundalini. It is very important to grasp the
distinction between “damage” (pathology and disease) and the
transformative process of “metamorphosis.” Certain phases of
metamorphosis include cellular necrosis and catabolic breakdown for the
new cannot grow without the removal of the old. Through allostatic
adaptation we will assist both the breakdown and renewal processes in
order to essentially give birth to our Self.
While kundalini is the force that will bring about cultural revolution
and renaissance and permit us to survive in a noble fashion on planet
earth, it is also dangerous to ignite while ignorant of what it
actually is and what it does in the body. Our modern Western bodies are
literally not built for radical awakening and yet more and more people
are undergoing kundalini awakenings due to the influx of teachers from
the East, the increased performance of spiritual practice and because
the rising stressors of modern life. Thus science and medicine is going
to have to turn its eye on this metamorphic process.
By the term “exhaustion phase” I am using Hans Selye’s term for the end
phase of the stress response cycle. This doesn’t mean that you will
necessarily experience fatigue, but that the hyperactivity of the HPA
axis of the peak phase has backed off and the adrenal glands are
operating in a more hypotonal or underactive mode. The exhaustion phase
sets in as the body's ability to cope with the hypertonality of
perpetual stress/kundalini is now depleted. The onset and duration of
this phase is determined by many factors including severity of ones
awakening, adaptive capacity, physical reserves, ones environment and
social support system and the way we use our mind.
Even though the endorphins produced by kundalini might propel us
into perpetual ecstasy and relief from fear, suffering and anxiety, a
kundalini awakening can be classed as long-term stress to the body. We
might even go so far as to say that kundalini is a “unique” form of the
stress/stress relief cycle. Kundalini is stress because it induces the
hyperactivity of the Hypothalmus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and perpetually
amplifies metabolism, so that towards the end of an awakening the
consequences of this acceleration of the pace of our cells is evident
in an exhaustion phase. Because our society is largely ignorant about
kundalini, the majority of people undergoing an awakening are likely to
end up in this slump, which can go on for years.
To fully understand the complexities of the stress response and the
effects of long term hyperactivation of the body’s coping mechanisms, I
recommend Stanford University professor Robert M. Sapolsky’s book Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Third Edition (2004). I am just wild about this book and all of Sapolsky’s writing.
Robert Sapolsky says that in the last few years science has found that
rather than the stress-response hormones and transmitters “running out”
during the exhaustion phase, it is the stress response itself that is
damaging. The body spends so many resources on stress adaptation that
it causes the economy of the body to become bankrupt.
Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) from the hypothalamus triggers
ACTH release from the pituitary which causes the adrenals to release
epinephrine and norepinephrine (also known as adrenaline and
noradrenaline) and glucocorticocoids. The glucocorticoids or
stress steroids (eg. cortisol), are secreted by the adrenal glands to
mobilize the body against danger, attack and invasion. Robert Sapolsky
was among the first to document the damaging effects of the
glucocorticoids on the neurons in the hippocampus. In particular people
who have endured horrible stress, such as war veterans and victims of
prolonged childhood sexual abuse, are often fated to suffer permanent
damage to the hippocampus, with consequent memory loss. Sapolsky also
found that the stress hormones produced during depression attack the
hippocampus; and that massive long-term depression almost certainly
caused permanent brain damage in the form of memory loss.
Studies in rats by Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University found that
after only two weeks of exposure to stress-induced higher
corticosterone levels, dendrites began to shrivel up, thereby impairing
memory and brain function. When stress is reduced the dendrites in the
rats grow back. If this rodent study translates into humans,
logically we can aid in this regrowth by avoiding caffeine, taking
adaptogens like ginseng plus supplements to lower cortisol, by
improving diet and getting plenty of exercise.
Sapolsky's research group has also shown that the events that damage
brain cells, such as stroke, seizure and aging, are more likely to kill
those cells if stress hormones (glucocorticoids) are present. They also
found that in the hippocampus, glucocorticoids inhibit glucose
transport in the neurons thereby disrupting energy storage in the
cells. The hormones probably don't directly kill the brain cells they
just endanger them, rendering the nerve cell vulnerable and with less
energy to combat events that cause a neuron to die.
In peripheral tissue the two main products in inflammation
Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes are inhibited by the action of
Glucocorticoids hence they are anti-inflammatory. But in the brain
under some circumstances Glucocorticoids can produce pro-inflammatory
effects that compromise the ability of neurons to survive neurological
insults such as stroke or the waves of synchronized hyperexcitation
known as seizure. Prolonged seizures and epilepsy can thus cause
considerable neuron loss.
Stress increases the risk of becoming ill by lowering our resistance to
disease. The magnitude and frequency of the stress responses determines
the strength of the immune system, and our immune strength in turn
determines what diseases we get and our ability to resist them. Some of
the effects of chronic stress on include digestive complaints, high
blood pressure, heart disease, sexual dysfunction, and neurological
damage, memory impairment and the cessation of growth in seriously
stressed children. Also growth and repair are inhibited during
fight-flight and stress, as the body puts a hold on long term building
projects to cater to more immediate needs. Excessive glucocorticoid
levels result in the inhibition of bone formation, suppression of
calcium absorption (both of which can lead to osteoporosis), delayed
wound healing, muscle weakness and increased risk of infection.
Recent studies show that older adults with continuously high levels of
cortisol performed worse on memory tests than older adults with
moderate or low cortisol levels. In addition, older adults with
long-term exposure to high cortisol levels also had, on average, a 14%
smaller hippocampus. Another study with children from different
socioeconomic backgrounds showed that children from a lower
socioeconomic status had higher average stress hormone levels and that
stress was an important determinant of the quality of brain function.
Since stress turns down the parasympathetic nervous system, this can
interfere with digesting and assimilating the nutrients needed for
rebuilding. Plus with the rest and recovery side of the nervous system
repressed this can negatively impact the stress relief gained through
sexual fulfillment and relationship. It is interesting that social
stressors tend to have more immunosuppressing power than non-relational
stressors and that friendship and emotional support may help ameliorate
the damaging effects of stress on brain cells. Other psychological
factors that tend to reduce stress chemistry include: a sense of
control and predictability, a sense of known direction, outlets for
frustration and aggression, and the sense that things will improve
(hope and optimism).
The origins of the name “glucocorticoid” derives from the fact
that these hormones are involved in glucose metabolism. In the fasted
state, cortisol stimulates several processes that collectively serve to
increase and maintain normal concentrations of glucose in the blood.
The cortisol produced during stress reduces insulin production and
halts the storage of glucose in order to mobilize energy for escaping
danger. Cortisol, glucagons, epinephrine and norepinephrine cause
triglycerides to be broken down in fat cells, resulting in higher
levels of free fatty acids and glycerol in the blood. Glucocorticoids
block the transport of nutrients into fat cells and make the fat cells
less sensitive to insulin. The extra glucose and fatty acids in the
blood congest the kidneys, produce atherosclerotic plaques and increase
the glycation of proteins.
Glycation is the result of a sugar molecule, such as fructose or
glucose, bonding to a protein or lipid molecule. Advanced glycation end
products (AGEs) are an important source of the free radicals that lead
to irreversible reactions in cell organelles and cell metabolism.
Ageing, and thus life span, correlate with the generation of free
radicals and AGEs mediated by the counteraction of our antioxidant
defense system. Most chronic diseases are also associated with free
radicals and AGEs. Thus the consequences of chronic raised blood sugar
include glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, glycation damage to
the protein structures in the body and these factors ultimately
contribute to diseases like diabetes and cancer. Glucocorticoids are
known to accelerate cancer growth.
There is a transient enhancement of the immune system for the first 30
minutes after a physical or psychological stressor, however with
prolonged or extreme exposure to glucocorticoids the immune system is
suppressed. If the “tiger doesn’t go away” this chronic over-activation
of the immune system can lead to autoimmune diseases. These days we
tend to be “on” all the time, even when we are sleeping, and this is
not good for the health. Glucocorticoids cause shrinkage of the thymus
gland and halts the formation of new lymphocyctes in the thymus.
Glucocorticoids also suppress the cell-mediated immunity by inhibiting
genes that code for the cytokines, thereby inhibiting the release of
immune messages like interleukins and interferons which makes the
lymphocytes less responsive.
Prolonged stress and ageing are associated with decreased hormone
production, especially reduced secretion of human Growth Hormone (HGH)
from the anterior pituitary. Stress and ageing are also associated with
lower levels of free choline in the blood and tissues. Generalized
muscle wasting occurs as muscles loose both protein (mass) and tone,
and body fat levels increase, undesirable mood and affect changes,
abnormal sleep patterns, loss of energy and stamina, and decreased
cellular and immune functions. Concomitantly, both quality of life and
lifespan decrease, sexual desire and potency diminish.
The Robert Sapolsky video “Stress, Neurodegeneration and Individual
Differences” on provides outstanding information on the
effects of stress. In this video Sapolsky says there is permanent
damage to the hippocampus from sustained stress hormones from various
things like chronic depression, child abuse and war. Some damage is
repairable, for at first just dendrites on the neurons atrophy and
these can grow back again if the stressors are removed and stress
hormone levels drop. Though we can build up practices and coping
mechanisms that make us more functional, this damage to our
memory/learning ability makes us less than we otherwise might have
been. Since relational and psychological stressors are the most
pervasive, to prevent damaging our brains we need to build the kind of
thought systems, personalities, coping habits and adaptive skills which
reduce our general glucocorticoid levels—thus preserving our learning
and memory ability.
To repeat this very important point, it is the accumulated exposure to
the stress hormones glucocorticoids that makes neurons more vulnerable
to further damage. This is due to the creation of an energy challenge
to those neurons, because glucocorticoids block 70-80% of glucose
uptake by fat cells in the body periphery in order to liberate sugar
stores for fight-flight. While in the hippocampus glucocorticoids
inhibit 20-25% of glucose uptake by neurons, and it is this that
creates an energetic crisis and drop in ATP levels, which then
endangers neurons to damage or death by other insults such as seizures,
hypoglycemia, hypoxia and oxidation by free radicals.
The hippocampus is the most glutamate using part of the brain. This is
so because learning and memory are so vital to survival that this
excitoneurotransmitter is used liberally in this area. The energy
crisis to the neurons created by excess glucocorticoids means the
neuron doesn’t have adequate energy for reuptake of calcium and
glutamate. It is through this lack of cleanup that these chemicals hang
around longer; thus increasing calcium release into the cytoplasm,
which produces enzymes that increase free radical damage to the
cytoskeletal membrane of the cell, thereby bringing about cell death or
apoptosis. To protect themselves from excitotoxin damage the neurons
produce adenosine, GABA, taurine, heat shock proteins, antioxidants,
feedback inhibition of Ca++ flow and increase glucose and lactate
uptake to improve energy levels of the neurons. However glucocorticoids
interfere with these defense mechanisms also.
With kundalini and in life in general it is important to note that our
responses and story to things often work against our wellbeing. Some of
this secondary backlash is automatic, for example the body
automatically gives a stress response with glucocorticoid release in
reaction to heart attack, stroke, seizure and possibly even to new or
extreme kundalini activity. This involuntary release of glucocorticoids
increases the neuron damage from these critical events. Sapolsky found
that supplying the brain with extra nerve-energy factors like mannose
or ketones prevents the extra neuron death during these kinds of
neurological crisis. D-Mannose is a sugar occurring naturally in
peaches, apples, cranberries and other berries. The D-mannose product
Clear Tract that is used for urinary tract infections might be a
valuable product to have handy during a kundalini awakening to provide
a brain fuel source directly after or during a massive kundalini event.
Glucose can be transformed in the body by enzymes to form xylose,
mannose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine and
N-acetylneuraminic acid. These sugars combine with amino acids to form
Glycoproteins, which are used by the body for many functions including
building enzymes, hormones, immunoglobulins and antibodies.
Glycoproteins are found inside every cell. These sugars combined with
fats are called Glycolipids, which help build the brain and nervous
system. The transformation of these sugars from one form to another by
the body requires both enzymes and energy ATP. A deficiency in ATP or
enzymes will lead directly to a deficiency in the sugars and a
consequent breakdown in the body's communication system, that
contributes to many diseases.
From is a list of clinical problems produced by
prolonged, excess glucocorticoids, whether synthetic or endogenous:
•Hyperglycemia due to increased gluconeogenesis, insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance ("steroid diabetes").
•Increased skin fragility, easy bruising.
•Reduced bone density (osteoporosis, higher fracture risk, slower fracture repair).
•Weight gain due to increased visceral and truncal fat deposition (central obesity) and appetite stimulation.
•Adrenal insufficiency (if used for long time and stopped suddenly without a taper).
•Muscle breakdown (proteolysis), weakness; reduced muscle mass and repair.
•Expansion of malar fat pads in the face and dilation of small blood vessels in skin.
•Anovulation, irregularity of menstrual periods.
•Growth failure, pubertal delay.
•Increased plasma amino acids, increased urea formation; negative nitrogen balance.
•Excitatory effect on central nervous system.
•Salt and water retention, extracellular fluid volume expansion, hypertension, potassium depletion, and metabolic alkalosis.
•Cushing's syndrome.
How well we weather a kundalini awakening is determined by many things,
including our belief system. Learned helplessness is an overwhelm
response, where we give-up due to the belief that whatever we do
doesn’t matter. In circumstances of helplessness (such as the
unrelenting onslaught of kundalini symptoms), those with a pessimistic
interpretation style may become depressed. It is known that depression,
grief and pessimism turn off the immune system. This is so because
depression is associated with catecholamine depletion and endorphin
increase; and higher endorphin levels can lead to immune suppression
allowing pathogens to run wild. (We might even find that immune
suppression coupled with pathogen infestation leads directly to
depression in itself.) Cognitive therapy such as that described in
Martin Seligman’s book Learned Optimism can help avoid these secondary fallout symptoms by reprogramming our interpretation style. Other resources for brain, mind and stress relief can be found at Dr. Daniel Amen’s site:
Chances are you will not have exaggerated high and low peaks if you
have kindled your kundalini yourself, have not been initiated by a Guru
or love affair, are relatively free from posttraumatic stress and are
not weighted down by stressful circumstances. If you adapt well, have
good biological resources and skills you may not experience any
discernable die-offs, dark nights, burnout or exhaustion phase. Please
also be reassured that if you look after yourself you will get back
your full faculties and be even more functional than before, with a
wider deeper sense of life.
“Everything bad in human health now is not caused by stress, nor is
it in our power to cure ourselves of all our worst medical nightmares
merely by reducing stress and thinking healthy thoughts full of courage
and spirit and love.” 154 Robert Sapolsky, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers.
The medial prefrontal cortex has been shown to inhibit the fear
prompting amygdala. Chronically high levels of stress hormones called
glucocorticoids can reduce medial prefrontal cortex activity thereby
making us more prone to overt amygdala influence; therefore more
emotionally raw and blown around by circumstance and our inner
condition. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) functions as a
"switchboard operator" by receiving constant cognitive and emotional
information from distant brain regions, making sense of them in
relation to past experience, and directing the information to other
regions to execute responses. The mPFC regulates stress responses
through interaction with the hypothalamus, which controls levels of
stress hormones (a.k.a., glucocorticoids), and activates the
fight-or-flight response that helps in adaptation to mentally and
physically challenging or threatening situations.
scans reveal functional impairment and shrinkage of mPFC in depression
and PTSD, and animal studies show that chronic stress causes nerve-cell
atrophy and synapse loss. In research on the effect of stress on rats
Jason Radley P.h.D of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies found
that nearly one-third of all axospinous synapses on apical dendrites of
pyramidal neurons in medial PFC are lost following repeated stress. He
found that stress results in a significant (16%) decrease in apical
dendritic spine density and a 20% loss of dendritic length in the same
neurons. And this may be important cellular features of stress-related
psychiatric disorders where the PFC is functionally impaired.
For our growth, development, health and fulfillment we need stimulation rich
environments...what this stimulation amounts to would differ between us
monkeys...some would like more toys, others more playmates, others
would want a bigger playground etc...Big Fun is an attempt to generate
more stimulating conditions in which growth is possible. Our brains
form a million new connections for every second of our lives, revealing
the huge importance of our everyday experiences in making our brains
what they are. Boredom makes us stupid--the richness of our environment
affects our brain structure. With a more stimulating environment our
brains develop denser neuron growth and increase the amount of certain
synaptic proteins that the brain uses to relay messages between neurons.
When it comes to brainpower they say you either use it or lose it. Fred
Gage of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies studied the
hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory and skills
and found that activation of NMDA receptors affects the survival of
brain cells. This study in mice suggests that the survival of newly
formed adult brain cells depends on the amount of input they receive,
via NMDA receptors - proteins that sit on the surface of brain cells
and help them communicate with each other, suggesting that
communication is essential for neuron survival.
suggests that our interpersonal world, (how well we bond and
communicate with others, whether we are repressed and if we easily
forgive or hold grudges,) might also have a parallel in how well our
own neurons communicate with each other and thereby impact the lifespan
of those neurons. This resilience of neurons that communicate well with
each other might also be key in how we each respond differently to
stress and PTSD. Brains that are repressed or weak in
self-communication might be more vulnerable to the effects of
glucocorticoids and to neuron damage in general.
Laughter Therapy--Laughter
could be the universal panacea for many of the problems associated with
kundalini including depression, panic, maldigestion, lowered immunity,
hypertension, convulsions and dissociation. In Mind Wide Open (126)
Steven Johnson says that laughter increases activity in the nucleus
accumbens, a region of the brain that plays an important role in
reward, pleasure, addiction, music appreciation and love chemistry. The
endorphin system is involved in the pleasure of laughter and it is
thought that laughter is involved in a biochemical reward system for
social connection. Laughter also improves health by suppressing stress
hormones and elevating antibodies and immunity.
The principal
neurotransmitter produced by 95% of neurons in the nucleus accumbens is
Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA); the main inhibitory neurotransmitter
of the central nervous system. These neurons are also the main
projection or output neurons of the nucleus accumbens, which project to
the ventral pallidum and then the thalamus, which projects in turn to
the prefrontal cortex. Major inputs to the nucleus accumbens include
the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and dopaminergic neurons.
Dopaminergic input is thought to modulate the activity of neurons
within the nucleus accumbens. Almost every highly addictive drug,
including cocaine and amphetamine, causes a several-fold increase in
dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens.
The following is a hypothetical
assessment of the possible physiological repercussions from a full-on
awakening during which no pro-adaptation measures were undertaken. This
might also be the profile of someone undergoing an awakening in a
hostile environment, or who was excessively stressed by events or
relationships during an awakening. In arriving at a profile of the
exhaustion phase many of factors that constitute advanced catabolic
wasting and stress physiology are pretty obvious. However the exact
neurotransmitter imbalances will need laboratory research specific to
kundalini. So here is a brief first attempt at the burnout symptoms.
The advanced symptoms of maladaptation to kundalini and stress would
look something like this:
-Oxidation Damage--Free
radical increase due to hypermetabolism, breakdown of stress and other
hormones, increased glyconeogenesis, apoptosis and lysosome activity
and immune system activation. Oxidation damage increases when there is
a lack of free-water during dehydration. Oxidation causes
down-regulation of receptors, damages membranes, interferes with energy
production and reduces antioxidant power. Oxidation damage will also
interfere with energy generation by interfering with the mitochondrial
electron transport chain.
-Hypoadrenalism-- There are
about 40 stress hormones, the most important being cortisol, adrenalin
and DHEA. As cortisol levels increase there is a decline in the
anabolic adrenal hormone DHEA (a precursor of testosterone) which
increases depression and leads to increased vulnerability to the
catabolic effects of cortisol. Testosterone is needed for new bone
growth, muscle repair, and healthy cardiovascular function. Exhaustion
of adrenal glands from excessive stress means an eventual drop in
glucocorticoids. In the advanced stages hypoadrenalism even means a
deficiency cortisol and contributes to anemia and hypoglycemia. Signs
of adrenal exhaustion can be as diverse as fatigue, nervousness,
anxiety, severe PMS, depression, brain fog, carbohydrate cravings,
allergies, muscular pain and tenderness, joint pain and irritable bowel
-Hypogonadotrophism--Stress hormones cortisol
and aldosterone (sodium retaining hormone) block receptor sites for
testosterone in the amygdala producing loss of motivation and
responsiveness. During stress gonadotrophins cause a reduction in sex
hormone production; there is a tendency toward estrogen dominance,
which causes thyroxine-binding making it unavailable. As receptors
become less sensitive to feedback inhibition luteinizing hormone (LH)
stimulates less sex steroids from the gonads. Reduced sensitivity of
prolactin receptors, raise prolactin levels, lowering levels of growth
hormone and testosterone. Progesterone is a primary precursor in the
biosynthesis of the adrenal corticosteroids, lack of progesterone
interferes with the production of the stress-combating hormones,
Progesterone deficiency results in bone loss. Progesterone stabilizes
glucose levels, creates well-being and enhances libido. Progesterone is
essential for the healthy development of the myelin sheath which
protects the nerve cells. Low progesterone levels lead to recurring
aches and pains.
-Hypothyroidism-- During stress the
thyroid gland is stimulated by the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to
secrete thyroxine to increase metabolism; leading to exhaustion of the
thyroid, down-regulation of receptors, contributing to fatigue. Thyroid
hormones increase the sensitivity of the body to adrenaline. Food
allergens/leaky gut and chronic stress can contribute to
hypothyroidism; estrogen dominance (a deficiency of progesterone
relative to estrogen) in women impairs thyroid function. Low levels of
tyrosine can also cause subnormal levels of thyroid hormone, a
well-known cause of depression.
-Blood Sugar Imbalance--Cortisol
and adrenaline increase blood sugar; while low blood sugar increase
stress hormones ACTH and corticosterone. Excess insulin and leptin in
circulation along with high blood sugar levels and oxidized
down-regulated insulin/leptin receptors. Alternates with low blood
sugar--Hypoglycemia is often caused by or related to hormone imbalances
(estrogen dominance, adrenal insufficiency, excess androgens in women,
low human growth hormone & hypothyroidism).
-Neurotransmitter Imbalance--Shift
toward parasympathetic nervous system due to exhaustion. Receptor
down-regulation, burnout of receptors for both excitatory and
inhibitory neurotransmitters. Possible deficiencies through over use of
Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, Glutamine, glycine, PEA and Norepinephrine.
Phenylalanine becomes depleted in chronic stress and burnout thus
lowering tyrosine, dopamine, noreadrenaline and adrenaline, which are
derived from it. Serotonin deficiency leads to runaway levels of
epinephrine and norepinephrine resulting in depression, anxiety, panic
attacks, cravings, irritability, aggressiveness and phobias. Dopamine
deficiency is linked with depression, burn-out, lack of motivation, and
decreased libido (or sexual desire) also cravings. Norepinephrine
deficiency leads to insatiable hunger, inability to focus or
concentrate, exhaustion and carbohydrate cravings. Epinephrine
deficiency is seen in cases of adrenal exhaustion.
-Amino Acid Imbalance--During
the awakening the body will have harvested the amino acids it needed
for hormones and neurotransmitters from muscle and other tissue.
Possible reduced levels of tryptophan, cysteine, glycine, taurine,
tyrosine. Exhaustion of L-carnitine at mitochondrian-(lysine and
methionine). Because they largely fuel the fire of kundalini, I assume
that glutamine, aspartate and arginine would have run short by the
exhaustion phase. Loss of creatine for energy production and endurance.
Chronic fatigue syndrome has been linked to excessively high levels of
alanine while having low levels of tyrosine and phenylalanine.
-Nutrient Imbalance--Loss
from over-demand of zinc, selenium, magnesium, molybdenum, chromium,
iodine, iron, omega 3 &6, Antioxidants, potassium and sodium, and
loss of calcium from the bones. Reduced choline/niacin and other B
Vitamins: B-6, B-12, thiamin and folate. Loss of alkaline mineral
reserves might make body more acid.
-Immune System Imbalance--General
inhibition of immunity due to HPA Axis hyperactivation and burn out of
hormones. Excess cortisol can cause programmed cell death (apoptosis)
in the thymus leading to thymic involution, thus suppressing the immune
system. ACTH inhibits synthesis of lymphocytes especially in response
to proteins, while it amplifies the proliferation of B cells--raising
levels of phagocytic neutrophils. Reduced number of natural killer
cells and monocytes and inhibited ingestion capacity of phagocytic
immune cells.
-Raised Cholesterol--Increased water
demand during kundalini so body raises cholesterol levels to protect
membranes and vessels from high free radicals and dehydration.
Cholesterol blocks receptor sensitivity. Blood lipid levels could rise
due to utilization of fat stores. Stress hormones raise cholesterol
-Mitochondrial Disruption--In extreme versions
of the exhaustion phase the catabolic condition involves mitochondrial
dysfunction due to oxidation, which may be a cause of fat loss
(lipoatrophy), as well as neuropathy, myopathy, pancreatitis, fatty
liver, white blood cell decreases, platelet decreases, anemia, and
lactic acidosis. The consequent energy shortage in the tissues can
cause muscle weakness, fatigue and problems in the heart, kidneys, eyes
and endocrine system. Leading to a buildup of toxic intermediates that
can be responsible for liver problems, muscle cramps, brain dysfunction
or even greater mitochondrial damage. Build up of metabolic
intermediates and toxic by-products prolong the duration of the
exhaustion phase by slowing repair and interfering with energy
-Disrupted Digestion--Kundalini may
aggrevate loss of glutamate in gastrointestinal lining, disrupt
intestinal bacteria consequently leading to strain on liver. Excess
stimulation of serotonergic and histaminergic neurology in enteric
brain. The excessive consumption of carbohydrates depletes the
carbohydrate digesting enzyme amylase, thereby increasing histamine
problems such as allergies and sinus headaches. Stress has also been
implicated in reducing the amount of blood flow to the stomach wall.
Probiotics and digestive enzymes like papaya and bromelian need to be
taken for the duration of the exhaustion phase.
-Kidney and Liver Exhaustion-- The liver is the main organ
for breaking down hormones after they have served their messenger
function. If insulin is not broken down quickly enough, hypoglycemia
results as the still circulating insulin continues to lower blood
sugar. If the liver does not metabolize estrogen properly, PMS will
result. Failure to dispose of adrenaline may lead to chronic
irritability and temper explosions. With kundalini one can assume
increased work done by kidneys and liver in dealing with disrupted
digestion, cell breakdown/recycling and the metabolic fallout from
extreme chemistry. Adrenal exhaustion is kidney exhaustion. Liver
exhaustion reduces interferon, detoxification, and creates fatigue,
depression, dark circles under the eyes, nausea and hypersensitivity to
foods and chemicals. The characteristic amino acid pattern observed in
chronic liver failure is high aromatic (phenylalanine, histadine,
tyrosine) and low branched chain amino acid (leucine, isoleucine and
valine) levels; this is considered to be consequent to increased muscle
protein catabolism. The main catabolic stimulus has been attributed to
hyperglucagonemia and to a reduced insulin/glucagon ratio. Research
suggests an anticatabolic effect of branched chain amino acids on
muscle protein turnover and suggest that factors other than insulin and
glucagon may be responsible for the characteristic plasma amino acid
pattern present in chronic liver failure. Eye bags and swollen red
eyelids means very congested kidneys.
-Hypothalamus and Endocrine Necrosis--Possible
reduction in the size of the hypothalamus, hippocampus, adrenals,
thymus, thyroid, spleen and pancreas from high levels of
corticosteroids (cortisol) produced by perpetual stress. The atrophied
dendrites and organs will grow back once the exhaustion phase is over,
hence the need to lessen the depth and length of the burnout period and
speed recovery.
-Ammonia Toxicity--Excess ammonia
production could become a problem after prolonged catabolic breakdown
as muscle protein is burned during the peak. This would lead to the
exhaustion of normal metabolic resources for the safe and efficient
detoxification of ammonia. Also reduced immunity coupled with the
disruption of both digestion and a healthy intestinal bacteria spectrum
may lead to ammonia toxicity. When the liver and kidneys are weakened
from overuse, ammonia in the blood might become a problem. Excess serum
ammonia could contribute to various symptoms including seizure,
convulsion, head pressure, hypoxia, nausea, vertigo, confusion and
fatigue produced by a reduction in energy generation.
unclear thinking, dissociation and degenerative disease are all caused
by the combination of four things: stress, pollution, lack of exercise
and cooked food. If you adopt the habits of Western cooked food
culture, you will suffer the same fate. All "degenerative" diseases one
way or another are caused by cellular inflammation due to generations
of cooking and processing of food. But you do not have to go 100% raw
to start seeing the benefits. You will lose weight, think clearly and
have more faith as soon as you start moving in the raw direction. A
great introduction to the inflammation theory of ageing and disease can
be found in The Wrinkle Cure: Unlock the power of Cosmeceuticals for Supple, Youthful Skin by Nicholas Perricone, M.D.
-Flat Affect--Physical
and emotional numbness or flatness from continual high endorphin
production and reduced sensitivity of hypothalamic and amygdala
response. Weak adrenals means the amygdala with its impulses for desire
and fear is less impactful, thus reducing motivation. Excess opiate
production is associated with reduced immunity and ironically with
-Depression--From exhaustion of tryptophan,
dopamine, norephinephrine. Chronic hypertonal HPA axis/stress response
and burning out the catecholamines, adrenals, cortisol and thyroid, and
reducing growth and sex hormones thereby generating depression.
Receptors are down regulated during depression and immune system
suppressed. Depression can also result from loss of dendrites and
receptors in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, eg: hypothalamic
and hippocampus involution.
I suspect that all parts of the Neem tree might be one of the
best panaceas for kundalini/stress induced conditions--both in
preventing damage and imbalance and for achieving higher homeostasis.
Since neem can be put in almost all the following categories I wanted
to mention it separately. Neem: India's Miraculous Healing Plant by Ellen Norten. Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems
by Noel Vietmeyer. Inflammation is not treated separately here because
the antioxidant and immune sections basically cover the same remedies.
most important nutrients for accepting and transcending the exhaustion
phase are "love and respect" and an attitude of gratitude. That is both
receiving the love and respect of others, and giving love and respect
to yourself and others. The most important path for reinstating
anabolic and potent growth chemistry is to follow your passions, to
play and go on adventures. If you are not actively engaged in projects
and activities that you love, then it is nigh impossible to flip your
bodymind out of the die-back and depression, and the recovery period
will be that much longer. Laughter, humor and play increase new neural
connections, develop denser neuron growth and increase dopamine and
GABA levels; thereby increasing creativity, relaxation and alertness.
-Integrating Energy--To
deal with the intense energies, you might try to do some
Toning...choose a sound such as Huuu, Ommm or a vowel sound and tone it
out to the full length of your this for 1/2 an hour or more
when your energies are uncomfortable and it will help integrate you.
Also during any acute activity or exhaustion it is good to lie with
your spine on the grass, and to do this for 1/2 hour a day is good for
maintaining your energy levels and countering the fatigue of grounding
that occurs. I suggest you find either a martial arts teacher, Qi gong
master or someone to help guide you if things get rough, you might need
to use their body as a "template" for happens
through "presence."
-Reducing Stress Hormones-- The
adrenal cortical hormones suppress inflammatory processes, healing
processes and the immune system. They also convert glycogen stores into
glucose and elevate blood sugar levels--to counteract this catabolism
chromium and Corosolic acid from Banaba leaf improves glucose
entry into cells. Consume raw-complex/low glycemic carbohydrates and
high quality protein to potentially deflect the ill effects of elevated
cortisol. Acetyl-L-carnitine and phosphatidylserine are used to reduce
cortisol production and repair receptor sensitivity in the
hypothalamus. Adaptogens are herbs help coping with stress by restoring
hypothalamic cortisol receptor sensitivity. Adaptogenic Herbs:
Ashwaghanda root, Basil, California poppy, Echinopanax elatum, Devil's
claw, Dong quai, Codonopsis, Goldenseal, Gotu kola, Green tea, Hawthorn
extract, Hops Flowers, Kava kava, Licorice, Magnolia bark, Manchurian
Thorn Tree extract, Rhodiola rosea, Schizandra, Suma, Valerian. Perhaps
the most well known adaptogen is ginseng of which there are three
types: Asian (Panax ginseng), which produces the strongest stimulation, American (Panax quinquefolium), which soothes and Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
for stamina. The Aralia family includes Ginseng, Echinopanax, Aralia,
and Eleutherococcus. One of the best ways to control elevated cortisol
levels is to keep well hydrated for dehydration causes cortisol levels
to increase.
-Hypoadrenalism--Prolonged stress
exhausts the adrenal glands and other glands and organ systems
resulting in Hypoadrenia. Hypothyroidism, reactive hypoglycemia and
depressed immunity are often associated with this condition as well. To
build up your adrenals to recover from fatigue take 1000 mg four times
per day of buffered vitamin C with plenty of water between meals. The
adrenals are the site of the highest concentration of vitamin C in the
body. Pantothenic acid or B5, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 work
synergistically to nourish and strengthen the adrenals. Herbs to rebuild the adrenals are:
Ashwagandha, Chaparral, Ginseng, Licorice, Ma huang and Suma. Licorice
root slows down the deactivation of cortisol and
aldosterone extending the life of these hormones in the body, so may be
best to avoid a lot of licorice root during the peak phase.
-Stopping Coffee--
Caffeine makes the body think is it under stress, which raises the
cortisol level, raises the insulin level, and causes carbohydrates to
be deposited as fat. Coffee can severely weaken the kidneys and
adrenals, acidify the digestive system and the blood, mess with the
nervous system and increase the risk of pancreas cancer. Caffeine
should be generally avoided during spiritual emergency for it leads to
the exhaustion of the energy reserves of cells by conversion of ATP to
AMP and similarly aspartate converts the energy molecule GTP to into
its "ash" GMP. When reducing your caffeine intake it would be helpful
to take the following herbs: Wild Oat (Avena fatua), Skullcap,
Chamomile, Valerian, Yerba mate and St. John's Wort. Feverfew plus
L-tyrosine and high doses of Vitamin C will reduce symptoms when
withdrawing from any addictive substance whether it be food and food
allergens, drugs, coffee or nicotine. A caffeine antidote is: 1000 mg
vitamin C, B complex, 50 mg Zinc, 400 mg Calcium and 500 mg Magnesium.
-Stabilizing Blood Sugar--Chromium,
manganese and B vitamins are important in blood sugar regulation. Alpha
lipoic acid has been shown to increase insulin receptor sensitivity.
Brewers yeast, Alfalfa, whole grains, liver and Spirulina are good
sources of these nutrients. In hypoglycemia there is too much insulin
and too little sugar in the blood stream. The amino acid Cysteine can
inactivate insulin thus allowing the blood sugar to rise. Take 6 parts
vitamin C, 1 part vitamin B1 and 1 part Cysteine. To reduce sugar
cravings, raise blood sugar levels and cure mental fatigue take:
Glutamine, vitamins E and Folic acid, Magnesium, Zinc, B6, and vitamin
C, flaxseed oil. Niacin (B3) elevates and stabilizes blood sugar
levels. Foods: Onions, Oats, Barely, Sunflower seeds, Cashews,
Olive oil, Celery, Spinach, Carrot, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Blueberries,
Cranberry and radishes. Golden seal lowers blood sugar and is a source
of natural insulin. Banaba leaf contains a compound called
corosolic acid that improves glucose entry into cells and can reduce
body fat levels. Glucomannan derived from the Konjac plant helps
control blood sugar levels. Herbs for stabilizing blood sugar are:
Burdock root, Dandelion, Devils club, Fenugreek, Garlic, Goats Rue,
Ginseng, Graviola, Horseradish, Olive Leaf, Mulberry leaves, Mugwort,
Neem, Nettles, Sage, Skullcap, Huckleberry Leaf. Suma regenerates the
-Improving Sex Hormones--Pollen is rich in
aspartic acid, an amino acid involved in rejuvenation of the sex
glands. Forskolin is a herb that increases Cyclic AMP, which is
essential to synthesize and regulate thyroid hormones, growth hormone,
cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, melatonin and other hormones. Fish oil
(Omega 3) increases NO, L-Arginine, Ornithine, Histadine, Choline, B-5,
B-6, Niacin, zinc, selenium, magnesium. DHEA, the most abundant hormone
and precursor to many other hormones seems to balance the effects of
cortisol by improving the body's ability to cope with stress. It can
boost energy levels, strengthen immune function, improve memory, and
reduce body fat. DHEA acts as a "mood elevator," preventing depression
and protecting important neurons in the brain. Dopamine the libido
driver is synthesized from L-Dopa (Mucina pruviens) and its amino acid
precursor Tyrosine. Herbs that provide anabolic steroid precursors are:
Ashwagandha. Black Cohosh. Blessed Thistle, Blue Cohosh, Chaste Berry,
Damiana, Dodder Seed, Dong quai, FoTi, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Gotu kola,
Horny Goat Weed, Huang Qi, Long Jack, Licorice root, Maca, Mucuna
pruriens, Muira puama, Raspberry leaf, Sarsaparilla, Saw palmetto,
Tribulus, Wild Oat, Wild Yam, Yucca.
-Increasing Anabolism--Increasing
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is essential to turn the body around to an
anabolic building state. Arginine stimulates the pituitary into
producing Growth Hormone which increases the size of the Thymus gland
thus increasing T cells and B cells. Immunity improves along with
tissue regeneration, muscle toning, wound healing and cancer
inhibition. Growth Hormone Release (GHR) inhibits the formation of fat
and mobilizes existing stores; it also increases the tensile strength
of structural protein, collagen, preventing sagging skin. Take
Arginine, Ornithine, Tyrosine, B12, B6, Vitamin C. Also Creatine,
Tryptophan. Choline from DMAE and Alpha-GPA increases HGH. Other
anabolic agents include Royal Jelly, Viraloid, extracted from Wild Yam,
is a new super anabolic/anti-catabolic from Australia that causes
massive protein synthesis and muscle build up by increasing
testosterone levels and "opening up" more testosterone receptor sites. Cell proliferants: Aloe, Basil, Comfrey, Elderberries, Mullein, Papaya, Pollen, Raspberry, Sage, Slippery elm, Watercress, Yellow dock.
-Preventing Dehydration--Arginine
Vasopressin (AVP) which is released during dehydration is a major
hypothalamic stimulator of anterior pituitary stress hormones
(corticotrophs). The consumption of water should be half the body
weight in pounds in ounces of water per day, ie: around 5 pints, or 2.5
quarts, 10 cups together with ½ tsp of unrefined seasalt. Most fruit
and vegetables contain large amounts of water (up to 96%) and therefore
represent an excellent source of both fuel and water. Cooking reduces
the water content of food.
-Reducing Cholesterol--Choline
in combination with another B vitamin Inositol form Lecithin. Lecithin
plays an essential role in the body's fat chemistry; it dissolves
cholesterol and keeps the arteries from clogging. Lecithin is the main
component of liver cells and helps to eliminate fats from the liver.
Lecithin is known to purge the cells of LDL. Herbs for reducing
cholesterol are Alfalfa, Cayenne, Garlic, Ginseng, turmeric, Cayenne,
Aloe Vera, Saffron, Dandelion, True Blue Skullcap, Thyme, Black Cohash,
Gaurana, Yellow Dock, Burdock Root, Echinacea Root, Red Clover blooms,
Grapeseed oil.
-Receptor Recovery-- Acetyl-l-Carnitine,
Chromium picolinate, Vanadyl Sulfate, Tryptophan, (5-HTP), Essential
Fatty Acids (EFA), Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil, L-Carnitine+Alpha Lipoic
Acid. S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and Phosphatidylserine increases
sensitivity of prolactin and cortisol receptors resulting in lower
levels of circulating hormone. Calcium-2 AEP protects cell membranes,
receptors and aids neurotransmission. Herbs: Amber powder
(Succinic acid), Black Cohosh, Cinnamon Extract, Chaste Berry,
Forskolin, Ginkgo biloba, Goat's rue, Rooibos tea, Tribulus.
Blueberries, Broccoli, Grape, Spinach, Strawberries. Ginkgo biloba both
increases the amount of neural transmission and increases the number of
receptor sites for neural transmission.
-Nerve Regrowth--
Regular exercise releases endogenous opioids, enhances serotonin
function, stimulates nerve growth factors, promotes cell proliferation
in the hippocampus, and leads to a livelier, better-oxygenated brain.
Dendrites, the tentacle-like branches of the nerve cells, create
connections between neurons and transmit information from one to
another--socialization and varied sensory experience grow more
dendrites in the cerebral cortex. The brain makes the most neural
connections when it is actively involved in learning, therefore,
learning should be multisensory and interactive.
In one study, using 1% Ashitaba dry powders, a 20% increase of Nerve
Growth Factor (NGF) concentration was noted after only four days! Olive
leaf, Flaxseed oil and Grapeseed oil helps nerve cells via
supporting the cell membranes and myelin sheaths. The best nerve
regrowth agent found in one study was Milk Thistle Extract; it was
found to grow more neurites (branches of nerve cells necessary
for their normal function and that aid in the regeneration of new
cells), but it also helped nerve cells alive longer. Possible nerve
growth enhancing effects have been found with Ashwaganha, Ginger,
Ginseng, Grapeseed and Vinpocetine. The following are herbs that have
multiple reports of potential benefits in neuron protection and repair:
Curry, Fish oil especially DHA, Green Tea, Licorice, Forsythia,
Lonicera, Sage, Tumeric. Tumeric decreased lipid peroxidation,
mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis. A flavonoid originated from
the root of a medicinal herb Scutellaria (Scute) is a powerful
anti-inflammatory with potent neuroprotecting properties. It diminished
inflammation in glial cells by reducing lipopolysaccharide-induced
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1beta, and nitric
oxide (NO) production. Scute also offered protection from damage by
protein kinase C, by oxygen/glucose deprivation and the excitotoxic
injury by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA).
-Rebuilding Neurotransmitters--
Neurotransmitters (all 37 of them except one), are made from amino
acids. Neurotransmitters are produced on-site in the neurons of the
brain from their amino acid building blocks some of which can readily
cross the blood-brain barrier. Sufficient amino acids plus vitamin and
mineral cofactors must be present to produce adequate neurotransmitter
levels. Symptoms for deficiency of the B vitamin Choline include kidney
failure, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Choline is a
building block for Acetylcholine which is the parasympathetic nervous
systems primary neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is necessary for muscle
control and tone as well as memory, long-term planning, mental focus,
mood elevation, sexual activity and other functions. Pantothenic acid,
B5 is needed for acetylcholine production. The protective coating for
nerves, the myelin sheath is mostly lecithin (which is composed of
Choline and another B vitamin Inositol). Exercise leads to more
efficient use of insulin, thus reducing insulin resistance and
decreasing the amount of food which is stored as fat. When the cells
process nutrients better, they make neurotransmitters better.
The Edge Effect, Achieve Total health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage, Eric Braverman M.D.
-Nootropics For Increased Cognition--By
the time the exhaustion phase comes around you might need to take some
nootropics to increase mental performance. Mind enhancing nutrients:
Huperzine A, NADH, DMAE, Choline, Pyroglutamic acid, Ribonucleic acid,
Piracetum, Vinpocetine, Hyperzine, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Vitamin C,
Phenylalanine, Taurine, Glutamine, Acetyl L-carnitine,
Phosphatidylserine. The shift to long-term memory is mediated by a
protein molecule called CREB (cyclic AMP response element binding
protein); Forskolin is a herb that increases Cyclic AMP. Theanine from
green tea helps the brain produce alpha waves, which are associated
with states of alert relaxation.
Chinese Shen (spirit) herbs and Nootropic Herbs: Agaricus
Mushroom, Albizzia bark, Ashwagandha, Calamus root, Celastrus
paniculatus seeds, Dong quai (Angelica root), Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola,
Gynostemma, Kava Kava Root, Succinum resin (Hu Po), Spirit Poria
Mushroom, Rehmannia Root, Reishi, Rhodiola rosa, Schizandra, Siberian
Ginseng, St. John's Wort, Sutherlandia frutescens, Water Hyssop (Bacopa
monnieri), Wild Asparagus root, Zizyphus jujuba fruit. Polygala root is
known as the "Will Strengthener" in Chinese medicine. A very
interesting Chinese therapy is Dragon Bone (Dinosaur) which among other
things treats epilepsy, madness, manic running about, binding qi below
the heart, inability to catch one's breath, and various kinds of
spasms. Wild Oat (Avena Sativa) is a nerve tonic that helps to
reduce the symptoms of withdrawal from opium and morphine addiction, so
it might be useful to deal with excess endorphin levels.
-Improving Thyroid and Energy--Creatine is involved in the
energy source for muscle contraction. When the body's energy molecule
ATP gives up one of is phosphate molecules as work is being done it is
creatine phosphate that in turn gives its phosphate molecule to convert
the ADP back to ATP again, so more work can be done. Acetyl-L-Carnitine
(ALC) has mitochondrial membrane normalizing effects. Kelp for the
thyroid. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome represents a similar profile to
kundalini exhaustion. CFS suffers have found relief using certain
supplements, including coenzyme Q10, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil),
omega-6 fatty acids (Evening primrose oil), L-lysine, L-Carnitine,
vitamin B-12 and vitamin B-6. Wheatgrass juice gives the most immediate
pick-me-up. Spirulina gives substantial energy and is a complete food.
Kelp provides the iodine to fire up the thyroid and metabolism. Green
tea or Yerba mate is good for energy also and it is not over
stimulating like coffee.Radishes normalize the production of T4 in the
thyroid alleviating both hyper and hypo thyroidism.
-Recovery From Effects of Fat and Muscle Burning--Since
fat and protein burning (gluconeogenesis) goes up during the massive
energy demand of kundalini glutamine and aspartate might eventually
become deficient. Glutamine protects muscle mass by providing an
alternative fuel source and has a stimulatory effect on
gluconeogenesis. Aspartate is non-essential in mammals, and might serve
as an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. It is also a metabolite
in the urea cycle, and participates in gluconeogenesis. L-Carnitine
feeds the heart oxygen and energy and protects the body from ketosis,
thus reduces muscle soreness after exercise. Ketosis is the toxic waste
products from fat mobilization, which raises blood acidity and causes
the body to lose vital alkaline minerals such as potassium, calcium and
magnesium. Kelp and wheatgrass juice are good ways of remineralizing.
Creatine may be key to turning the body toward anabolic building
metabolism for it increases protein synthesis, especially within muscle
fibers, it is mostly found in meats, fish and chicken. Creatine plays a
very powerful role in energy metabolism, for ATP is replenished from
creatine phosphate (CP). Our bodies make Creatine from the amino acids
glycine, arginine and methionine. Creatine plays a vital role in the
release of energy in the muscles of humans and other animals. Creatine
also plays an important role in nerve cell function, and also buffers
lactic acid production, thereby reducing muscle fatigue.
-Antioxidant Reserves--In
the absence of adequate antioxidants lactate levels may rise indicating
mitochondrial damage. By keeping up antioxidants, green foods and
superfoods, during an awakening you can reduce some or all of the
depression from the final exhaustion stage. Phytochemicals from the
colourful parts of plants are vitally important to protect our cell
membranes (lycopene, lutein, veggie carotenoids). Vitamin C, vitamin E,
beta-carotene, Selenium, Zinc, Bioflavonoids, Cysteine & Methionine
(sulphur-containing amino acids), CoQ10, Glutathione, Melatonin, Alpha
Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Antioxidant herbs include:
Artichoke, Astragalus, Basil, Bilberry, Chaparral, Ginger, Green tea,
Hawthorne, Garlic, Ginkgo, Golden seal, Graviola, Ligustrum, Milk
thistle-Silymarin, Olive leaf, Pycnogenols-Pine bark/Grape seed, Raw
Propolis, Rosemary, Schizandra, Shitake mushrooms, Spirulina, St.
John's Wort, Turmeric Wolf Berry.
-Stimulating the Immune System--The
above antioxidants aid the immune system. Arginine enhances the immune
system, and stimulates the size and activity of the thymus gland. Herbs:
Aloe, Astragalus, Barberry, Basil, Boneset, Cat's Claw, Cayenne,
Chamomile, Chaparral, Echinacea, Elecampane, Fennel, Garlic, Ginger,
Goldenseal, Grapeseed extract, Graviola, Licorice, Ligustrum, Lobelia,
Marshmallow, Mistletoe, Mullein, Neem, Olive leaf, Pau D Arco, Pinebark
extract, Plantain, Raw Propolis. Reishi mushroom, Sarsaparilla, Shitake
mushroom, St John's Wort, Suma, Tea Tree Oil, Thyme.
-Digestive System Recovery--To
improve on weakened digestion papaya or bromelain enzymes are taken
with each meal. Bromelain is an enzyme found in raw pineapple which can
digest up to 900 times its weight in fat. Combine equal parts of kelp
powder, spirulina and slippery elm, put in 000 capsulate and take 3 a
day. Kelp and Dulse are a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and contain
50 minerals including a large amount of Iodine. It improves digestion
by stimulating the digestive secretions in the stomach and pancreas and
providing minerals for intestinal bacteria. To rebuild the function and
tone of the digestive tract after a kundalini awakening--Herbs:
Alfalfa, Aloe vera extract, Atractylodes, Black cohosh, Black Walnut,
Cabbage, Caraway seed, Catnip, Cardamon seed, Clove, Cranesbill root,
Dandelion, Devils claw, Fennel, Fenugreek, Ginger root, Goats Rue,
Green citrus peel, Licorice root, Lovage, Magnolia bark, Oregon grape,
Peppermint, Poria cocs, White Oak Bark, Wild yam root.
Herbs that have mucilage properties that soothe the digestive tract
include: Borage, Buckwheat, Couch grass, Chickweed, Comfrey, Chamomile,
Flax seed ground, Marshmallow, Mullen, Slippery elm.
Bitters stimulate the endocrine glands, digestive juices, liver
pancreas and peristalsis. Bitter herbs are: Dandelion leaf, Blessed
Thistle, Chamomile, Chicory, Gentian, Golden seal, Mugwort, Neem and
-Kidney Support--Weakness of the kidneys can
cause the accumulation and retention of fluids. Foods that support the
kidneys include watermelon, buckwheat, onions, beans, grapes, all
berries, seaweed, watercress, green magma and barely. Beta carotene, B
complex and Vitamin E. Warming herbs reduce mucus, revive kidney yang
and stimulate immunity, they are good for people who suffer cold and
retain water in their tissues. Herbs: Anise seed, Bayberry,
Buchu, Cayenne, Celery seeds, Cinnamon, Chilli, Cloves, Coriander,
Cornsilk, Damiana, Dandelion leaf, False Unicorn root, Fennel, Garlic,
Ginkgo nuts, Ginger, Golden seal, Horseradish, Juniper berries,
Parsley, Plantain, Prickly ash, Sassafras, Stinging nettle, Rehmannia,
Rosehips, Sorrel, Marshmallow, Mugwort, Mustard, Uva ursi, Watercress,
Wild carrot, Wild yam, Yarrow,
-Liver Support--During
awakening Lipid peroxidization in the liver especially must be guarded
against with protectors like glutathione and sulfur amino acids
(Cysteine) from cruciferous vegetables for sulfation and
detoxification: especially broccoli sprouts. L-cysteine supports liver
detoxification, it is a precursor to the body's main antioxidant,
Glutathione which helps prevent the peroxidization of fats and counters
toxins, drugs and carcinogens. Always take it with twice as much
vitamin C as Cysteine. The major component of liver cells is lecithin.
Additional antioxidant nutrients such as Choline, Alpha lipoic acid,
Beta carotene, Vitamins C & E, B Complex, Selenium, Zinc, Beta
Carotene, hydergine. The liver stores 90-95% of our Vitamin A and zinc
is required for mobilization of Vitamin A stores from the liver; take
brewers yeast, seafood, pumpkin seeds and kelp for zinc. The amino
acids Glycine, L-carntine, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), SAMe, Glutamine,
Methionine, Taurine and aspartate (aspartic acid). Herbs:
Artemisia, Angelica root, Barberry, Birch leaves, Black cohosh root,
Burdock root, Carrot, Chamomile, Chlorophyll, Corydalis, Dandelion
root, Dong quai, Fennel, Garlic Ginger, Gentian root, Goldenrod,
Grapeseed, Graviola, Horsetail herb, Parsley, Plantain, Licorice,
Mandrake root, Milk thistle, Mugwort, Pinebark, Red beet root,
Rehmannia, Reishi mushroom, Schizandra berries, Tumeric, Uva ursi, Wolf
berries, Yarrow, Yellow dock root.
-Estrogen Balance--Help The Liver Metabolize Estrogen--The
cabbage family (cruciferous) vegetables especially broccoli, brussel
sprouts, and antioxidants like Rosemary and Alpha lipoic acid, help to
bind the estrogens in a safe pathway so they can be safely removed from
the body. Other substances that prevent genotoxic effects of estrogen
metabolities are: , B Vitamins, Vitamins A, C, E, Probiotics,
phytoestrogen rich foods such as flaxseed and soy. The bran layer of
beans, seeds and grains. Support for the preferred pathways of estrogen
metabolism and detoxification include: isoflavones, indole-3-carbinol,
B vitamins, magnesium, limonene, calcium D-glucarate, and antioxidants.
Herbs: Alfalfa, Anise, Black cohosh, Cramp Bark, Dong Quai,
Fennel, Fenugreek, Green tea, Kudzu, Licorice root, Red Clover,
Rosemary, Saw Palmetto, Sarsaparilla, Tumeric, Wild yam.
-Rebuilding Amino Acids--In
times of wasting health crisis like kundalini burn out amino acids help
rebuild muscles, produce neurotransmitters and hormones, improve the
immune system, and can help restore vitality. Most healthy adults need
between 45 and 60 grams of complete protein per day, which should
account for 10 to 15 percent of their daily caloric intake. Sources of
complete proteins include dairy products, eggs, fish, fowl and meats.
Nuts, seeds, and grains are generally low in lysine and relatively high
in tryptophan and sulfur-containing amino acids. These are best
combined with legumes which are good sources of lysine and poor sources
of tryptophan and sulfur-containing amino acids. Super amino foods
include hemp seed, spirulina. The live enzymes in alfalfa sprouts are
able to cross the gastrointestinal tract in their intact form. Live
sprouts contain antioxidents, anticarcinogens, live enzymes,
electromagnetic energies, a high zeta potential, high levels of
vitamins, nucleic acids, antibiotics and beneficial plant hormones
especially useful are sprouted chick peas, lentil, Mung bean, alfalfa
and clover sprouts. Myopathy or atrophy of muscles may need Glutamine,
Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine to rebuild. Rebuilding connective
tissue may need L-Proline and L-Lysine. The essential amino acid
L-lysine regulates the ovaries, mammary and pineal glands and helps
fights viruses. It works with Vitamin C/bioflavinoids to build collagen
for new connective tissue and bones. It is necessary for all amino acid
assimilation. Also, Lysine deficiency can interfere with Carnitine
synthesis and remember that L-carnitine is needed to burn fat as
energy. L-Carnitine is a "heart tonic."The amino acids Cysteine and
Methionine for allergies. To rebuild growth hormone levels the amino
acids Ornithine and Arginine are required. Glycine is required for
healing tissues. Histidine and Arginine may be necessary to restore
libido during the exhaustion phase. An amino acid supplement might be
advisable during exhaustion to help turn the body toward rebuilding
itself, such as a formula like Super Amino 4800 from
-Ammonia Detoxification--Glutamate,
Arginine, Ornithine, Citrulline, Taurine, Tryptophan, Glycine,
Creatine, Choline, B Complex, Lethicin, Fish oil, DMAE, DHA, Calcium
D-Glucarate, D-Ribose, Ca-2AEP, Acetyl-L-carnitine, L-carnitine, SAMe,
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), Cysteine. Selenium, Magnesium, Potassium and
Sulfur foods; Alpha lipoic acid. Bentonite clay and Psyllium.
Acidophilus, Probiotics. Lactulose. Payapa enzymes and Bromelian
powder. Spirulina-Kelp-Slippery elm in capsules. Plus supplements for
blood sugar regulation, nerves, liver, kidney, candida, stress,
antioxidants and estrogen detoxification. Herbs: Ashwagandha
root, Cordyceps, Danshen (red sage root), Devil's claw, Dong quai,
Grapeseed extract, Graviola, Green tea, Neem leaf and oil, Wheatgrass
juice, Yucca root, Larch arabinogalactan.
-Overcoming Depression--Depression
involves burnout of the noradrenaline adrenergic receptors and
serotonergic deficits. Depressed patients retain salt and fluid
probably due to extra secretion of the stress hormone aldosterone
(sodium retaining hormone)--progesterone reduces bloating and
depression. 5 http (L-tryptophan), DL-Phenylalanine, B Complex, B-12,
Choline/DMAE, omega-3, vinpocetine, DHEA, S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAMe).