At the ground of matter there is the Quantum Field, or Void,
Vacuum, Zero-point Energy. At the ground of mind and thought there is
Sunyata, Emptiness, Void, Absolute Unity Being.
A description of zeropoint: “The field of cosmic
consciousness they experience as a cosmic emptiness—a void. Yet,
paradoxically, it is also an essential fullness. Although it does not
feature anything in a concretely manifest form, it contains all of
existence in potential. The vaccum they experience is a plenum: nothing
is missing in it. It is the ultimate source of existence, the cradle of
all being. It is pregnant with the possibility of everything there is.
The phenomenal world is its creation: The realization and
concreatization of its inherent potential.” 155 Science and the Akashic Field: AnIntegral Theory of Everything, Ervin Laszlo.
proposes that it is scalar waves that encode the information of space
and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference
patterns. In Laszlo’s model, this bottom-rung level of the Zero Point
Field—the mother of all fields—provides the ultimate holographic
blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. It is this that
we tap into when we see the past or future.” 174, The Field, Lynne Mc Taggart.
David Hudson conducted experiments by giving people
monoatomic elements which propelled the individuals into kundalini
awakenings and Christ Consciousness. Through analysis of cows and pigs
brains it is likely that 5% of our nervous system is composed of
monoatomic elements. Looking into David Hudson's work it seems to
suggest that the increased heart field and EMF of the nervous system
during the peak kundalini, acts like a synchrotron to actually change
certain elements in the central nervous system into their high spin
monoatomic state. It may be that during heightened activation the body
can transmute certain palladium group elements such as iridium and
rhodium into their high spin state by adding energy to the
atoms. Thus through the transmutation of these elements the body makes
its own monoatomic atoms on which the causal and subtle fields of the
organism are organized.
Increased causal level hardware is laid
down and consequently we are making or amplifying our own soul. The
fine network of these high spin atoms throughout the central nervous
system acts to superconduct energy-consciousness. The causal nervous
system is such that the working parts (the high spin atoms) do not need
to touch, but communicate immediately through sympathetic resonance
with space being no obstacle--ie: they superconduct energy and
consciousness. And it is through this high spin atomic system that we
achieve cosmic consciousness, Christ-Buddha mind and all ESP and
spiritual phenomena. NASA and the biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho suggest that
life superconducts consciousness, and yet it's not known yet exactly
how this is done.
In the monoatomic state the atom oscillates in 2 dimensions not 3,
weighs only 56% of its normal weight and does not ionicly bond with
surrounding atoms--hence mono-atomic. Communication between atom and
atom proceeds via state resonance. In a monoatomic state an atom is
larger ie: it has more space between the particles. In a high spin
state the atom interacts with the zero-point of vacuum energy
differently and probably warps space-time less...hence the lower
gravitation or weight. (Investigation of this monoatomic phenomena may
be the key to The Grand Unified Theory.)
According to monoatomic theory these atoms in a high spin state are
used by life to superconduct bio-electromagnetism. That is the
morphogenic field and etheric communication--the soul if you will, that
maintains the intelligence and integrity of everything that we are and
ties us into the All. Monoatomic science could lead us into a new
understanding of Enlightenment and our highest spiritual capacities.
Monoatomics must also be the key to precognition, and our spiritual
capacities realize Timelessness--the Eternal Present. To transcend both
time and space with consciousness. David Hudson
The transmutation is occurring subatomically with the transmutation
of elements. During metamorphosis the cellular reconstruction of the
body is done via the macrophages with the aid of free radicals to
oxidize the "inferior" cells to death. The cell renewal rate
increasing, is one of the reasons transmuting individuals glow with
light, because mitosis gives off ultra violent light.
Glen Rein, a biophysicist at the Institute of HeartMath, CA,
has been working on detecting subtle energies he calls non-Herzian or
scalar energy. Scalar waves (non-Hertizian or Tesla's "Radiant
Energy" waves) are hyperspatial vortex ring in structure arising from
abruptly bucking magnetic fields wound into a caduceus (bifilar)
coil.Scalar energy or healing energy has been shown to be not part of
the electromagnetic spectrum as we understand it. He found that by
exposing neurons in a petri dish to healing energy this caused them to
fire at their synapses. That is action potentials passed along the
nerves from one nerve to another when they were exposed to the scalar
energy. This leads one to presuppose that if the energy of nerve
transmission is increased during an awakening that this would create a
field in which extra nerve energy would be naturally kindled. Thus
explaining the phenomena of both romantic love and shaktipat, and why
we feel elevated and sparked in the presence of individuals of genius.
Scalar waves might be the point of fundamental intersection where
matter and consciousness can influence each other. Their effect is
independent of distance and time and is 3-5 times stronger than that of
electromagnetic fields. They are prior to, that is more fundamental
than magnetic fields and they transmit information, not energy. The
transmission of scalar information creates consciousness fields--which
are probably Rupert Sheldrake's Morphogenic Fields. They cannot be
detected by the usual instruments for measuring electric and magnetic
fields, that work by interacting with electron flow and energy
transmission. For this reason they are still considered theoretical.
Kundalini energy may have scalar wave origins, for there is
no doubt that kundalini and healing energy are one and the same.
According to Robert Jacobs scalar waves are capable of acting on living
organisms at a sub-atomic level, and certain frequencies of scalar have
been shown to destroy viruses and bacteria. The work of Cleve Backster
on the primary perception of cells might be attributed to scalar waves.
And since telepathic messages between organisms seem to be able to pass
through lead enclosures, such ESP may not be communicated on the
electromagnetic scale, but through scalar waves. Scalar waves propagate
at faster-than-light speed except when transmitting scalar information
on electromagnetic carrier waves. If something travels faster than
light, it means that it can penetrate any matter as though it wasn't
there. Therefore scalar waves pervade all matter and cannot be shielded
against by Faraday cages.
The emptiness of the vacuum is in fact not empty, but is a vast
ocean of scalar energies (as opposed to vector energies) that underlies
all physical reality. The scalar energy ocean is sometimes called zero-point
energy--the all-pervading energy that fills the fabric of space. The
term "Zero-point" refers to zero degrees Kelvin and it means the energy
is not thermal in nature. Quantum electrodynamics theorizes that all
particles are intertwined in a vacuum polarization interaction with
zero-point energy. Ordinary electromagnetic waves are called transverse electromagnetic waves, to distinguish them from the new scalar longitudinal
electromagnetic waves.Strangely these scalar waves do not actually
exist in our "material" world, but exist only in the vacuum of empty
space, or the time domain. Tom Bearden refers to this ocean of energy
as being of the domain of "Energy out of time."
The vacuum is filled with ghost particles and phantom fields that
rapidly wink in and out of existence. Under certain circumstances
however, these virtual particles and fields can become real. Though it
sounds more like mysticism than science, it is said that the vacuum is
a universal field of information or consciousness. It forms the matrix
of all manifestation, like an ocean out of which matter arises and then
disappears into once again. We must remember that this vacuum of space
we speak of exists all throughout everything even our bodies. So the Gateway to the Void
is accessed at every point in the universe. Could Kundalini be the
'channel' that connects the unmanifest void, with the manifest world of
subatomics, atoms, molecules and cells? Could kundalini be the cellular
expression of energy generated from the vacuum? Perhaps this is why
kundalini exhibits such pronounced psychic and trans-temporal effects.
"The substructure of matter probably contains energies that are
as far beyond nuclear energies as known nuclear energies are beyond
chemical energies...[zero-point] energy provides a constant background
which is not available at our level under present conditions. But as
conditions of our universe change, a part of it might be made available
on our level." ~ David Bohm
Tom Beardensays one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous
electromagnetic energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself.
Wherever there is a dipole there is already immense scalar EM energy
ushering out of and back into the vacuum. The intensity of the body's
dipoles goes up during a kundalini awakening, possibly therefore there
is an increase in the transduction of longitudinal scalar waves into
ordinary transverse electromagnetic energy.
The spinal core with its outlying sympathetic trunks and their
ganglia create a structure capable of generating a caduceus wound
double helix magnetic field. The vortex ring is an archetypal
form for self-organized coherence in zero-point energy. It appears in
all levels of nature from galaxies to elementary particles.
When the pulsed charge in this system meets a certain threshold
where the excitation signal matches the resonant frequencies of the
water molecule's bonds, this would induce ion oscillation. This
electrolytic ion motion could produce a self-organizing interaction
with the zero-point energy. When sufficient energy from an electric
impulse is added to a "gas" it ionizes into a plasma, and as the energy
increases more ionization will occur. At a certain point I think the
cerebrospinal fluid becomes superfluid and saturated with ions enabling
it to carry a massive electric current. The caduceus wound magnetic
field with the ionized cerebrospinal fluid core appears to have both
electromagnetic and quantum properties. This massive energy generation
can occur in a living system because the nervous systems of organisms
contain a monoatomic lattice, and this affords the superconduction of
vibration so that total syncopation of atoms is possible for building
the bucking caduceus magnetic fields and massive charge.
The charge of the 10,000 org inner-conjunction might very well be
due to the ionization of the rapidly moving cerebrospinal fluid in the
center channel of the spine, when the double helix magnetic fields are
at their max, creating a bio-plasma ball lightning effect. Further more
a Toroidal electromagnetic field activated by the caduceus coil of the
spine may generate a tempic field which would alter the pace of time
for objects in it. Given sufficient energy to the abrupt bucking fields
the bending of the fabric of spacetime would occur. If the bending
becomes extreme teleportation would result.
"Opposing magnetic fields have been associated with ball
lightening production. Tesla launched fireballs from his large coils
when the oscillations were phased to create opposing magnetic fields.
Perhaps the most efficient coiled structure to create such opposing
fields is the "caduceus" wound coil. Here the double helix symmetry of
the windings allows for perfect opposition of not only the magnetic
fields but their higher order time derivatives as well. Could then
opposing magnetic pulses maximize their stress on the fabric of space
causing a "hyperspatial involution" that orthorotates the zero-point
energy flux. Abrupt opposing magnetic transients could be important for
ball lighting creation." ~ Moray B. King, Tapping the Zero-point Energy, 2000
If zero-point energy machines were developed on the biological model
of the caduceus coil and central ion channel then our energy generation
could actually enhance human evolution rather than harming ourselves
and the planet as it does now. Similarly if we construct
superconducting solar architecture with a monoatomic lattice in manmade
stone, then the energy emanating from this energy generator will also
enhance the consciousness of life around it.
In 1998 I had a vision of Solaris, a futuristic city that is made
of a manmade-crystalline stone that incorporates iridium/rhodium in its
lattice. Sound technology is used to help form the lattice of the stone
in such a fashion that it becomes a superconductor and collector of
light energy which is then stored in liquid crystal batteries. Thus
making the city completely non polluting with sufficient energy to
provide for travel between cities also.
The extra coherence provided from being in this living-city will help
fortify the inhabitance so that they both rise in
consciousness/spirituality to sagelike levels, and their bodies are
exposed to heightened coherence as well so that cancer, and most other
diseases will no longer occur. As it stands now our technologies are
degrading our physical and mental health faster than we can find fixit
solutions to solve the problems. This is so because our
technology-science-medicine is and our general living conditions are
still anti-life at this point. Once we understand the quantum nature of
our biology, we will essentially have to change everything about how we
operate and we will move into a very new technological era. (See also Solaris)
David Loye author of The Sphinx and the Rainbow suggested that all
material forms are simply coagulated energy. Thus it appears that the
fundamental creating and animating force of Eros in the universe is
prior to matter and is in the process of constantly creating and
transforming matter. To give you a sense of the "space" from which
matter emerges I would like to turn you onto the mystical writings of
John Worrell Keely (1827-1898) reveling in the glories of the
primordial ground. He calls the Void or Zero-point energy the Neutral
"There is a celestial mind-force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed."
"Every molecule, every mass, every moving body in space, every
solar system, every stellar system, EVERY ROTATORY SYSTEM, is built
about A NEUTRAL CENTER. It is the indestructible unit around which all
that we recognize as matter is built. Immovable itself, it moves all
things. Indestructible itself throughout infinity of time, it creates
all things. It produced and preserves the incalculable energy of motion
of the entire Universe. It bears the unthinkable burden of the mass of
the Universe. It is the most wonderful thing Man has discovered in the
Universe since he discovered fire."
"The sympathetic conditions that we call mind are no more
immaterial in their character than light or electricity. The substance
of the brain is molecular, while the substance of the mind that
permeates the brain is interetheric and is the element by which the
brain is impregnated, exciting it into action and controlling physical
motion. In order to trace the successive triple impulses, taking the
introductory one of sympathetic negative outreach, towards the cerebral
neutrals, which awaken the latent element to action, we find that mind
may be considered a specific order of inter atomic motion
sympathetically influenced by the celestial flow and that it becomes
when thus excited by this medium a part and parcel of the celestial
We can't say anything definitive about the influence of the
subatomic realm on biology and consciousness, however there is
speculation that the vacuum is the indispensable foundation of quantum
biology and quantum medicine. We can however use quantum metaphors as a
rich source of healing and inspiration. Dr. Arnold Mindell's book The Quantum Mind and Healing, How To Listen To Your Body's Symptoms,
offers profound assistance for integration for kundi-actives, with many
practical exercises for exploring the bodymind-soul connection.
The non-physical "subtle energy" fields of the vacuum, in turn
generate corresponding electromagnetic fields (e.g. biophotons) by
imparting the potentials. Kundalini might have the effect of
stimulating an increased flow of ions upping the body's dipole and
increasing the EMF. The biomagnetic field of the body generates
micro-electric currents that determine the normal differentiation of
cells and their final shade and size. The increased energy flow through
the areas where there is blockage restores healthy resonance and
energetic order--higher order equals higher synchrotronic lasering of
consciousness and energy. In 1935 Lakhovsky discovered that a cell
possesses two characteristics--capacitance and inductance--which are
the elements of a tuned circuit like a radio. He found the cell must be
tuned to the desired frequency needed to sustain life. The constructive
interaction of coherent oscillating fields means there is greater
information exchange between cells leading to increased spiritual
presence or incarnation.
Besides scalar waves that permeate the matter of our being, the ways
that kundalini energy may be conveyed around the body include:
changes in receptors due to the body's light generation and EMF,
increased cellular charge--ATP production and changes in hormone and neurotransmitter spectrum,
magnetizing the blood via the iron content of hemoglobin, superfluidity of membranes and heightened polar charge differentials,
the ionic current created by the electrolytes in the plasma of the blood (sodium, chloride, potassium, bicarbonate),
ionized cerebrospinal fluid,
proteins serving as semi-conductors,
heightened action potentials in nerves,
the fascia (connective tissue and sheaths surrounding the spinal cord etc.),
changes in the bonding angles of water,
superconduction of energy/consciousness within the monoatomic lattice, hence sympathetic resonance of atoms and neural nets.
Roger Penrose considers consciousness to be a subatomic phenomena of
wave function self-collapse via quantum gravity, whatever that means.
Quantum gravity describes the interaction of gravity with the three
other fundamental forces: electromagnetic, strong nuclear force and
weak nuclear force. Cells communicate with each other, and the
vibratory energy reaches within the cell via the cytoskeleton and microtubules.
Microtubules are structural components that are part of the neuron cell
cytoskeleton and brain cells are particularly rich in them. They are
cylindrical protein lattice assemblies of tubulin molecules in which
the "quantum computations" of consciousness are reputed to take place.
The Penrose-Hameroff model proposes that internal quantum events
occurring within tubulin in cooperative interaction with each other,
are the bridge between subatomic quantum events and molecular
"classical" reality. Stuart Hameroff says consciousness exists on the
edge between the quantum and classical worlds. He believes that we plug
into the universal proto-conscious mind through this quantum activity
in the microtubules.
"I think more like a quantum Buddhist, in that there is a
universal proto-conscious mind which we access, and can influence us.
But it actually exists at the funda-mental level of the universe, at
the Planck scale." ~ Stuart Hameroff
Neurotransmission provides input and out put from the quantum
processes in the microtubules of neurons. Like Stuart Hameroff I think
that consciousness at its most subtle material form is conducted within
quantum processes. This is then translated into the classical chemistry
of nerves, synapses, receptors, neurotransmitters, hormones and the
like. And so the endless variety of thought, behavior and experience of
manifestation unfolds.
"Pre-conscious (unconscious/subconscious) information exists as
quantum superpositions - multiple coexisting possible actions or
experiences - which, upon reaching a specified threshold at the moment
of consciousness/self-collapse, choose a particular action or
experience." ~ Stuart Hameroff
Reading, books by Dean Radin, Cleve Backster, Rupert Sheldrake, Thomas Bearden,