"Thinking hard about subtle energy seems to lessen its influence while just being seems to make its influence stronger." Paul Pearsall, The Heart's Code
The heart then the nervous system are the first
things to form in a human embryo. At 5-9 days the heart begins to form
and the foundations for the foetal brain, spinal cord, and entire
nervous system are set in place. By 10 weeks the heart is completely
developed--the organism is developed within the field of the heart. As
the dissolution progresses one can assume that the heart muscle itself
is relaxed and made more permeable to energy to the same degree that
the neuromuscularskeletal system is decontracted. The heart being a
holographic representation of the entire neuromuscularskeletal system.
As the heart starts to experience this "new space" it would go through
contractions and expansions which in effect feel like gravity warping
and crushing.
Joseph Chilton Pearce says that the EMF of the heart can be measured up
to 15 feet from the body. Yet the "unmeasurable" scalar-healing energy
field emerging from the heart would perhaps also be formed in a
toroidal shape, but this field would be many times larger than the
electromagnetic field itself. The metamorphic heart is more sensitive
and responsive to the vibratory condition of the body and environment.
And as I repeated say, the bodymind is dismantled and rebuilt within
this greatly expanded and amplied heart field.
Heart expansions occur along with intense love, bliss and weakness
in the arms. The heart expansions and grounding are also associated
with fatigue because the heart's field becomes so huge seems like it
pulls one into the ground. This grounding is actually caused by
temporary parasympathetic dominance and can be so severe that it is
really difficult to put one foot in front of the other in order to
walk. This fatigue is dealt with through grounding the entire spine by
lying on one's back on grass. Also by walking on grass, repolarizing
around running water and in nature, eating greens and avoiding
stimulants. Whatever aids grounding and repolarization will reduce the
At this time one is intuitively called to spend as much time as
possible outside under the open sky and in nature because the
electromagnetics of this event need to occur in communion with the
planetary field and nature's energy fields. Being inside buildings at
this time you will feel cut off for your true nature--the heart
expansions will demand that you be outside. The metamorph proceeds when
we are connected to the earth's energy and the sun. You could say that
we lose our soul in buildings.
After the body has grounded, the heart now freed, sours out of the
body as though painfully breaking through the chest. To relieve the
pain of expansion one needs to thump the thymus gland on the sternum
like an ape, and this relieves the pressure. The thymus gland under the
sternum wakes up significantly; this could be part of the huge
expansion and energetics of the chest that is felt during an awakening.
I have yet to scientifically verify this, but I am sure that the thymus
is retraining white blood cells in their transmutational function.
Entrainment represents the integration or harmonization of various
oscillators, creating a blending of various rhythms. The amplified
heart field and the associated heart-brain entrainment is probably the
cause of the increase in ESP, insight, higher states of awareness and
supersensoral abilities that are prevalent at this time. The amplified
heart and the opening of new areas of the brain, or the new synergy of
parts working in greater unison, leads to a melting of the former being
and a surrender to the bliss of transmutation.
The morphic field around us that is generated at this time of
transformation is probably the largest it will ever be in our lifetime.
This may be a major factor in outer body experiences and ESP.
Extrasensory means that the senses are so amplified that it "seems"
like ones consciousness is "out there." Ones sense of self is so
radically different during kundalini I call it "super-sensoral" or
experiencing the supernal realm. There is such an unprecedented
relaxation of heart, muscle and nervous system that one no longer feels
confined to the body, and ones feeling self seems to extend beyond the
body allowing us to "feel" others from a distance. I could never figure
out if the remote sensing of people in our home range was due to these
supernal senses or whether it was due to the amplified precognition of
our own timeline.
In a healthy individual a delicate balance between vasoconstriction
and vasodilation is maintained by endothelin, calcitonin and other
vasoconstrictors on the one hand and nitric oxide, prostacyclin and
other vasodilators on the other. These two modes of expansion and
contraction constitute the kundalini path as it hyperboles from one
extreme to the other.
It is apparent that expansion phases
where there is an influx of spirit, a relaxation and euphoria are
associated with the circulation of vasodilators in the body. The
dilation of the blood vessels lowers blood pressure and this increases
fatigue—heart expansion and gravity expansion periods are always
associated with fatigue and the urge to go to ground. Some of the
agents that facilitate this vasodilation would be histamine, serotonin,
acetylcholine, nitric oxide and even endorphins themselves. Studies
found that arteries in an actively contracted state were dilated in a
dose dependent manner by enkephalins and morphine, due perhaps to the
presence of opiate receptors in the vessel walls. Another vasodilatior
is Adenosine, which plays an important role in biochemical processes,
such as energy transfer - as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) - as well as in signal transduction as cyclic
adenosine monophosphate, cAMP. If energy production goes up in the
mitochondrias during kundalini, Adenosine might be an important
promoter of the expansion phase. When adenosine enters the circulation,
it causes an increase in coronary vasodilatation.
In order to
bring the body back to equilibrium after the expansion phase the
sympathetic nervous system kicks in to bring about vasoconstriction.
This contraction phase is associated with gravity crushing, panic,
hypervigilance, desire for movement, and emotional stress. The agents
of this phase include vasopressin, adrenaline, the catecholamines:
epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine; antihistamines and caffeine.
This serves to increase heart rate, blood pressure and raise blood
glucose. Endothelin is a vasoconstricting peptide that plays a key part
in vascular homeostasis. It is one of the strongest vasoconstrictors
currently studied. Found in smooth muscle and endothelial cells and is
instrumental in increasing the discharge of sodium through urine and
the production of urine by the kidney. It also stimulates Nitric oxide
(NO) release to redilate vessels and mediate vascular homeostasis.
Overproduction of endothelin can cause lung artery hypertension.
Prostacyclin is a prostaglandin produced in the walls of blood vessels
that acts as a vasodilator and inhibits platelet aggregation. It is
used in the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.
Prostaglandins are another important factor in the regulation of
vascular homeostasis. Prostaglandins are a large group of fatty acids
that regulate cellular processes, where they are produced. They are not
stored but are produced as needed by cell membranes in virtually every
body tissue. They may also act as messengers for hormones, in that the
hormone binds to the cell, increasing the levels of prostaglandins,
which activate a specific cell process. They participate in a wide
range of body functions such as the contraction and relaxation of
smooth muscle, the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, control
of blood pressure, modulation of inflammation and glandular secretion.
One such substance, which stimulates contraction of the uterus, is used
clinically to induce labor. Prostaglandins also control the substances
involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, participate in the
body's defenses against infection, and regulate the rate of metabolism
in various tissues. Several prostaglandins have been shown to induce
fever, possibly by participating in the temperature-regulating
mechanisms in the hypothalamus. The fact that aspirin and other
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to inhibit
prostaglandin synthesis may account for their usefulness in reducing
fever and inflammation.
Dealing with the Angst of Extreme Pleasure
The ecstasy of Kundalini occurs as extreme pleasure (love) in the
heart region mostly, and left brain, in the belly, down the left side
of the body. Accompanied by a general all over ecstasy, bliss and
satiation. There is the feeling of saturation of the tissues with mana
juice flowing like ambrosial honey through the veins. It is like
constant nongenital sex with God. The brain is lit up with kundalini
(light) and you can see it in the irises, the skin glows with the bliss
energy flowing through then nerves. When it starts backing off the
parasympathetic comes on and so the vessels are so widened blood
pressure is low, the arms loose strength, movement is slower and you
feel pulled to the ground.
Ecstasy means 'to stand outside
the ordinary self' through unification with God-numinious, via the
direct experience of Divinity. The experience of divine union is not
translatable into words, but it is the basis of all religion and
spirituality the world over. We can in describing this ineffable event
only communicate in symbol, word and metaphor...and thus we create our
religions and myths. People have been trying to express the ecstasy of
Divine Union ever since they encountered it. Here is some words that
attempt to describe ecstasy: Grace, beatitude, blessed, delirium,
ebullience, elation, enchantment, euphoria, exaltation of the cells,
full-gladness, glad-fullness, complete, gone, happiness, heaven,
inspiration, intoxication, joy, paradise, rapture, ravishment,
rhapsody, trance, transport, twilight zone, scintillating transcendence.
I had quite a significant bout of ecstasy for 4-5 days around full moon
in November 2006. This heart expansion happened as the climax of the
revelatory chemistry I had in September and the two months of high
level intellectual work I was doing. But really I think it was so
intense because Mr. Universal came to town for a book talk on Saturday,
and apparently my physiology still responds greatly to him, even though
I never got closer than 2 miles from him.
This Heart
expansion period was somewhat more lucid than most; no loss of
cognition and my math even improved which is weird, because I am so
used to getting a loss of brain function with the bliss. At the
beginning of this ecstasy period I was feeling poor-me and isolated
with the condition; locking myself away to prevent inflicting ecstasy
on the world or getting jabbed at while so blown open. Finally as it
started to back off I asked myself, well just how IS one supposed to
deal effectively with ecstasy, instead of suffering from the awesome
power of so much pleasure? Even though all spiritual drive, practice,
progress, and motivation is a step in the ecstatic direction, no where
are we told just how to tolerate the "prize" when we do receive it.
I realized there is only really a problem if I try to stay as small
as my normal egoic self. You see, that much energy and Presence trying
to fit into the tiny vessel of my defended-wounded self is what causes
the angst of ecstasy. The small self tries to hang on for dear life as
the current of bliss is blasting it away.
The ecstasy of the
incarnation of Presence is difficult if approached with an unconscious
lack of piety or ungrateful attitude. It might be that each successive
Heart expansion period renders the ego less and less resistant to
Spirit’s force simply through progressive loss of the habit of
unconsciousness. The intensity of the pleasure literally commands
surrender, and it is very apparent that conscious-will must be
“actively” engaged throughout the Heart expansion period to accept both
the pleasure sensation of ecstasy and the presence of Presence in the
bodymind as well. During such periods of rapid incarnation we cannot
simply passively open to Spirit and be filled by it, but we must be
“actively” bailing out in order to make room within us. Plus we must
apply conscious-will to "WELCOMING" Spirits descent into us. Accepting
ecstasy becomes therefore an agentic act of devotion and gratitude; in
fact devotion might simply BE the active allowing of ecstasy.
It is when we meet Spirit with hesitation, agenda, resistance,
divisiveness, rebellion, lust, usery or any other ulterior motive that
the tension of extreme pleasure becomes intolerable. Just as when we
greet another person with these kinds of egoic attitudes. To avoid this
we must maintain the correct stance (koroko gamae)…to actively
voluntarily surrender to the pleasure of consciousness…to embrace it
and not back away from it or attempt to use it for lower purposes. If
we are passive toward the enormous overwhelming influx of Love and
Light during ecstasy then we will feel self pity even in extreme
rapture...until we take up an active Will in order to receive this
unbridled pleasure. Self-pity is not bad, it is just the weaker side of
compassion; it is the first sensing of the harm or deprivation prior to
taking up ones Will to doing something about it. If however you simply
stay in self-pity as a general state then you are stagnating the
natural growth process and are living in bad faith.
Other than
the obvious practical methods for the metabolization of extreme
chemistry such as breathing, circulating energy, grounding, taking
baths, drinking plenty of water and such, there is a need to widen the
size of the vessel by circulating the energy to others. If we try to
keep the ecstasy contained within the narrow confines of our body and
normal personality we run into great difficulty. As soon as we make an
effort to widen the circumference of self then we have more room in
which the energy can flow and the pressure and isolation of extreme
states of ecstasy are relieved. Anything is endurable if we widen the
vessel enough. Though I am still not brave enough to ask “Bring it ON
Spirit, I can take all you’ve got to give.”
Alberto:"I also
see my ego's attempts to return to its former life, borne out of a
desire to blend in with society as a whole (suddenly I feel like a
superhero, or one of the X-Men!). At times, being normal never felt so
sweet. My ego tries to make me forget my awakening, lulling me in to
thinking that my life can revert to what it was previously."
Rather than going the lower road of unconscious conformity to society
in order to feel a-part-of, what this ecstasy period showed me was that
we can actually be more gregariously intimate with Other through
embracing our Presence and extending it "out" by sharing the Juice!
That is the source of our social being changes from the mask and shield
of the automaton with its projection of attraction and aversion, to the
sharing of a prior unity and a joint participation in the Mystery.
We can only find ourselves and be ourselves in relation with
others...we are socially wired creatures; but at the same time we must
be differentiated and transcendent of the social realm through divine
umbilical to the universal. If we were not adequately bonded with our
initial primary caregivers a kundalini awakening gives us the
opportunity to die and regrow toward a higher form of bonding with
humanity at large, through progressive loss of the barriers of pain and
deprivation. With Heartfield expansion we can become wired for
spiritual communion and community.
"When Spirit descends,
it's not solely for the benefit of our small selves. Spirits descends
so that it can flow through our being and out to others -- pushing
through boundaries and fortifying Self." Mary
That the
ecstasy of incarnation is not soley for us gives a new spin on the
meaning of responsibility...responding to Spirit. Spirit keeps turning
up the volume on the bliss dial until we get it. That we are a
"vehicle" for Spirit and that Spirit is driven to merge with itself
through amplification of its force. If the "work" of Spirit is for the
collective anyway, then at some point we should be able to say "Yea
Spirit, bring it on, give me all you've got so I can spread it around!"
In the bookstore where I work I shared a question I had written down
for my boss with two sage women customers: "In all your years of
reading, have you ever encountered anything on how to handle and
metabolize ecstasy?" These two women grokked the question, thought it
cool and then promptly left. I thought perhaps the reason for their
hasty retreat was because it is not "normal" for someone to be in
radical ecstasy in a daily life setting. The non-ordinary freaks people
out; so generally while we are actively sharing the pleasure of our
ecstasy and Presence with others we cannot "let on" to Other what it is
that we are actually doing. We cannot put a crack the cosmic egg and
expect others to still participate...thus we must bridge worlds!
Despite the fact that Divine Union is the reason and goal of all
religions, even so ecstasy is still apparently a dangerous subject when
it comes to establishing and maintaining the power differential in the
workplace and community. For ecstasy constitutes social emancipation
and freedom from destructive social codes and power structures.
Ecstatic love undoes all that the ego tries to protect and sustain
itself with.
Continuous Breathing— A type of regenerating breath that is
good for energy integration during panic attacks, ecstasy and heart
expansions is Fish Breathing. The mouth is completely relaxed and open
like a fish; you breathe gently at medium pace in and out of the mouth
without a pause between in and out breath. This is especially effective
while walking. This continuous, nonpause breathing can be done through
the nose also when needing more focus and brain power during peak
kundalini activity; make the inbreath nasally and the outbreath
As the Solar Heart first starts its circuitry connections you can
get pain in the thyroid throat area for several years...breathing is
the key to handling and facilitating this. Use CMR on the area placing
one hand on the right side of the Heart and the other on the throat.
Send consciousness into the area through the brainstem and mindseye,
with the breath slightly throaty while focusing on "Joy" at the
nostrils. Doing this will facilitate growth of the Solar Heart even if
you do not have the throat pain. Work on the solar plexus a little as
well while doing this throat work. As the heart-brain connection is
stabilized our periods of ecstasy no longer disrupt cognitive function,
but enhance it to the point where you are “living your genius or one
with the Muse”. At this point it means we are basically an
Adept...however living up to that enormous Grace is the next challenge
and doing something substantial in the world other than mere theorizing.
I decided that doing massage on other people while you are in
radical heart expansion-ecstasy is generally not a good idea, for the
blood pressure is too low with the expansion of all the blood vessels
and heart...and there is no strength in the arms anyway, coupled with
the slowing and fatigue generated by this expansion period.
A funny thing happened during a massive 4 day ecstasy period around
the full moon in January 2007 (when the earth was closest to the sun).
I was in a hardware store floating around in ecstasy looking for things
and an Australian sheep dog barked at me. I made a joke that it was
because the dog is Australian and I am a New Zealander, but really I
knew he was barking at the ecstasy energy, which vicariously inflates
the heart fields of lifeforms within its reach. The owner eyed me
suspiciously however...perhaps I could have told the owner that the dog
was barking due to my radically magnified heart field...but that would
be just too much information for a non-initiate (trancer).
While there is some volition and cooperation needed, mostly as
“surrender to Grace,” it is the "alchemy" itself that does all the
"work." Altho people have been trying for centuries, you cannot really
force the heart to open, it opens of its own accord in its own time,
and in its own pace...and it doesn't have a lot to do with our will,
volition or ego control. When the cerebrospinal fluid is adequately
ionized, and the amrita substances filter into the blood+lymph that
goes to the right side of the heart…then the heart goes solar and
circuitry in the brain is transformed at a faster rate...the whole body
is transfigured within the magnified heart field. The ecstatic heart is
obviously palpable to the person who owns it, and also at an
unconscious level by those who come within the heart’s field. I think
eventually scientists are probably going to call this energy scalar
energy, if the research done at Heartmath institute is any indication.
After coming down from a period of ecstasy you might feel a
withdrawal-like hangover. Comprising of a sense of disorientation,
clouding and sense of loss in the brainstem area. Baths, walking,
stretching, rebounding, breathing, drinking water, toning and
meditating with the mindseye on the brainstem will help metabolize the
“Wisdom arises when the vibratory capacity of an individual, or a
group, increases to a point of direct apprehension of the underlying
pattern, or unity of phenomenon is possible. This capacity is modulated
through a sequence of subtler planes of experience and seems to best be
achieved when the heart opens. We see with this kind of opening that
the root of wisdom is to be found in what we truly care about.” David La Chapelle
The hardest thing to actually handle is the "pleasure" of our own emergence.