Histamines use in the body is not soley involved in
allergic inflammatory response. The hormone/chemical transmitter
histamine is a biogenic monoamine similar to serotonin, epinephrine and
norepinephrine. Chemically histamine is 2-(4-imidazolyl)ethylamine
and has the formula C5H9N3. It is found in plant and animal tissue and
released from mast cells as part of an allergic reaction. It stimulates
gastric secretion and causes dilation of capillaries, constriction of
bronchial smooth muscle, and decreased blood pressure and plays a role
in the movement (chemotaxis) of white blood cells. It is hydrophilic
and once formed is either stored or rapidly inactivated. Most tissue
histamine is found in granules in mast cells or basophils and
its release is immunologic in function. Mast cells are especially
numerous at sites of potential injury such as the nose, mouth, and
feet, internal body surfaces and blood vessels. Basophils
represent only 1% of circulating leukocytes. Like mast cells basophils
store histamine, they tend to appear in specific kinds of inflammatory
reactions, particularly those that cause allergic symptoms. Non-mast
cell histamine is found in several tissues, including the brain, where
it functions as a neurotransmitter. Another important site of histamine
storage and release is the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cell of the
stomach. ECL cells are a distinctive type of neuroendocrine cell in the
gastric mucosa underlying the epithelium, most prevalent in the
acid-secreting regions of the stomach. Together, histamine and gastrin
are primary positive regulators of acid secretion from the parietal
The four types of histamine receptors each have a different mode of action:
H1 histamine receptor--found on smooth muscle, endothelium,
and central nervous system tissue; causes vasodilation,
bronchoconstriction, smooth muscle activation, and separation of
endothelial cells (hives/bleeding from the pores), and pain and itching
due to insect stings; the primary receptors involved in allergic
rhinitis symptoms and motion sickness. Initiates release of
intracellular stores of Ca2+ and opens Voltage gated Calcium channels.
H2 histamine receptor--located on parietal cells, which
primarily regulate gastric acid secretion. It is a potent stimulant of
cAMP production. It increase s the intracellular Ca2+ concentrations
and release Ca2+ from intracellular stores.
H3 histamine receptor--The H3 also been shown to
presynaptically inhibit the release of a number of other
neurotransmitters (i.e. it acts as an inhibitory heteroreceptor)
including, but probably not limited to dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine,
noradrenaline, and serotonin. It leads to inhibition of the formation
of cAMP
H4 histamine receptor--Found primarily in bone marrow and
white blood cells. It is also expressed in the colon, liver, lung,
small intestine, spleen, testes, thymus, tonsils, and trachea. H4
Receptors mediate Chemotaxis and Calcium Mobilization of Mast Cells.
Increased histamine is probably common throughout an awakening, but
if there was also a threat to life then a greater amount of histamine
might be suddenly released. The kundalini symptom of sweating blood
is undoubtedly due to the increased release of histamine during extreme
stress, such as in the case of Jesus. Histamine produces larger pores
in the blood vessel walls as the first step in launching an
inflammatory response. The increased blood vessel porosity improves
brain nutrition in times of emergency, when high performance is needed
for survival. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent
improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the
increased sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. Brain
nutrition and oxygen supply would be greatly enhanced by the dilated
and porous blood vessels, opening up latent capacities. The release of
histamine in the brain, even by itself, would lead to some expansion of
consciousness, but it is just one factor among many that occur during
peak events. Histamine release during peak events would amplify the
effects of all other hormonal, neurochemical and nutritional agents.
Histamine release is probably most significant during the periods of
panic attack when hypervigilance is at its peak. Histamine factors into
the hypervigilance because histaminergic cells in the brain
promote the most "wakeful" firing pattern. In fact a sudden rush of
histamine in the brain could contribute to a schizophrenic episode.
Histamine features in the panic events by causing a closing of
the airways in the lungs. When released in the lungs, histamine causes
the airways to swell shut in an attempt to close the door on offending
allergens and keep them out. Panic attack periods during kundalini are
known for the sense of weight or contraction on the lungs. As a
consequence the sense of suffocation and lack of oxygen will force the
individual out of the house for long walks accompanied by deep
Heat--Research on the ability to withstand heat stress
identified histamine receptors as contributing to increased blood flow
during heat stress, but only the H1 receptor was involved in skin blood
flow changes.
Sleep--It has been shown that histaminergic cells have the
most "wakeful" firing pattern of any neuronal type. They fire rapidly
during waking, and completely stop firing during sleep. The cell bodies
of neurons which release histamine as a neurotransmitter are found in
the posterior hypothalamus, in various tuberomammillary nuclei. From
here, these histaminergic neurons project throughout the brain, to the
cortex through the medial forebrain bundle. Antihistamines, that is
substances that block the H1 histamine receptors improve sleep.
Likewise, destruction of histamine releasing neurons, or inhibition of
histamine synthesis leads to an inability to maintain vigilance.
Finally, H3 receptor antagonists (which stimulate histamine release)
increase wakefulness.
Sex--Histamine is released as part of sexual arousal
from mast cells in the genitals, and histamine release has been
connected to the sex flush in women. The female orgasm can be
facilitated by supplemental folic acid along with niacin, which will
increase histamine release. Conversely, men with high histamine levels
may suffer from premature ejaculations.
Allergies--Histamine is an important protein involved in many
allergic reactions. An antigen must first be attached to cell surface
receptors on mast cells. This triggers a response that often includes
the release of histamine. Most allergies involve the release of
histamine and other pro-inflammatory substances.
Allergic reactions typically have an adrenal component. Cortisol,
one of the primary hormones produced by the adrenal glands, is a strong
anti-inflammatory agent. For this reason proper adrenal function plays
an important role in mediating the histamine release and inflammatory
reactions that produce the symptoms experienced with allergies. A
vicious circle occurs with adrenal fatigue and the tendency to
experience allergies. The more histamine that is released the harder
the adrenals have to work to produce more cortisol, thereby the more
fatigued the adrenals become, which increases allergic inflammation in
a vicious circle. With the extreme nature of kundalini it makes sense
to take whatever toll we can off our adrenals by reducing our food
allergens and avoid environmental conditions of a toxic or inflammatory
nature. For a adrenal support program read--Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James Wilson.
The carbohydrate digesting enyme Amylase is a natural IgG
histamine blocker, which stabilizes mast cells and basophils that
release histamine at the start of an inflammatory response. The
excessive consumption of carbohydrates will chronically deplete amylase
thereby increasing histamine-related health problems such as allergen
reactions and sinus headaches. Relief can be achieved through using
plant-based enzymes with meals, as well as reducing carbohydrate
consumption. Chronic carbohydrate consumption creates stress which
exhausts the adrenal glands and the immune system, leaving the body
open to attack. Enzymes normally break down allergens into smaller
components in order to eliminate it without stressing the body. But in
the case of allergic symptoms--when there are inadequate enzymes
reserves in the body histamine is released rather than enzymatic
breakdown of the allergens.
When we eat carbohydrates, a small amount of digestion takes place
as we chew through the actions of the enzyme amylase, which is found in
the saliva. However in the stomach, food is bathed in hydrochloric
acid, which inhibits starch digestion until food exits the stomach and
enters the small intestine. Most complex carbohydrate digestion takes
place in the duodenum, which is the section of the small intestine
which adjoins the stomach. Here another key enzyme called
alpha-amylase, joins with hydrochloric acid to breakdown the
exceptionally long starch molecule into its component parts: first into
sugars called dextrins, and then into glucose.
Reduction in amylase levels is associated with insulin resistence
and glucose intolerance. Insulin plays a major role in the control of
pancreatic amylase biosynthesis. The development of severe insulin
resistance (hyperinsulinaemia) is associated with impairment of
amylase-gene expression and reduction in glucose metabolism. To
decrease insulin resistance, one group of adult obese rats was treated
with Ciglitazone for 4 weeks. By lowering plasma insulin concentration
researchers achieved normalization of glucose metabolism and a marked
increase of both amylase content of pancreatic tissue and amylase mRNA.
Pancreatic enzymes are released in response to histamine, as a
protective measure against ingestion of allergens and pathogens. If a
prolonged awakening includes periodic release of histamine during the
alarm/activation phases, this could lead to the overworking and
depletion of the pancreas. Thus the exhaustion phase would include a
reduction in digestive fire and assimilation, coupled with
vulnerability of the GI Tract to allergens and pathogens. One way to
avoid this is to take papaya or bromelin tablets with meals throughout
active kundalini in order to conserve the body's own enzymes and insure
adequate digestion. Also take teas of chamomile, valerian, skullcap and
wild yam half an hour prior to mealtime to stimulate stomach acid.
Central to the perturbation of normal consciousness, kundalini
awakenings are characteristically noted for alterations in the brain's
"filtering system," leading to expansion in the range and depth of
consciousness, sensory perception and extra-sensory perception.
Histamine is involved in balancing the electrical activity of the
nucleus accumbens, which is an area of the brain responsible for
behavioral responses, filtering incoming sensory information, and
communicating with the hypothalamus, ventral tegmentum, and amygdala.
From the following one can see clearly what type of kundalini trip one
is programmed to go on depending on whether one's physiology leans
toward high histamine or low histamine. Abnormal histamine levels are
found in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Histadelia (High Histamine): It is estimated that 15-20 % of people with schizophrenia have high whole blood histamine levels and are under-methylated.
High histamine individuals are more "Yang," have low serotonin levels
and typically have a history of seasonal allergies. This condition is
characterized by low levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine,
high whole blood histamine and elevated basophils (ie: the white blood
cells that release chemicals such as histamine and play a role in the
inflammatory response to infection). They tend toward obsessive
compulsiveness, perfectionism, high libido, sparse body hair, and
delusional thinking rather than hallucinations. High histamine
individuals are inherently high in folic acid; folic acid is used along
with B-12 in the production of histamine. So those with high histamine
levels need to avoid taking folic acid and B-12. About 35% of bipolar
patients have high histamine levels.
Histapenia (Low Histamine): It is found that 30-40 % of people with schizophrenia have low whole blood histamine levels and are over-methylated.
People with low histamine are more "Yin" tend toward more severe
thought disorder and hallucinations, paranoid thoughts with less
pronounced obsessions, despair, depression, low libido, anxiety,
nervous legs and grandiosity. These individuals often have a multitude
of food allergies and environmental allergies but they do not typically
have seasonal allergies. Histapenia is characterized by low blood zinc,
elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low whole
blood histamine, and low basophils. Those with histapenia have excess
copper, which is a brain stimulant and destroys histamine; causing
brain dopamine levels to rise; copper then oxidizes catecholamines such
as dopamine thus propagating neurotoxin formation. This causes paranoia
and hallucinations in younger individuals, but depression may
predominate in the older ones. About 25% of bipolar patients have low
histamine levels.
Anti-histamine substances which naturally reduce inflammation and associated symptoms include:
Vitamin C, vitamin E, sulfur, essential fatty acids, MSM, pancreatic
enzymes, alpha lipoic acid, glucosamine sulfate, proanthocyanidins and
List of antihistamine foods: Chamomile, wild oregano, rue,
basil, echinacea, fennel, fig, ginkgo, grapefruit, passionflower,
tarragon, tumeric, skullcap, berberine, thyme and yarrow, papaya,
amaranth seeds, ginger and stinging nettle, The combination of
quercetin and bromelain helps maintain the proper functioning of the
body's histamine response. Boswellia inhibits pro-inflammatory
mediators in the body, and may be helpful for ulcerative colitis. CM,
Cetyl Myristoleateis used for various autoimmune diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. This waxy substance seems to have
the ability to correct certain autoimmune dysfunctions by reprogramming
"memory T cells" that attack the body and relieve inflammation while
lubricating joints many times more effectively than essential fatty
acids. Resveratrol is an antioxidant, antimutagenic, antiviral and
anti-inflammatory. It is also a powerful phytoestrogen that can help
maintain normal estrogen activity. Applied topically the oils of
caraway, cardamon, chamomile, clove and lemon balm.
Reading: Carl Pfeiffer's book Mental Illness: The Nutrition Connection, will aid you in changing your histamine metabolism if you feel the need.
The reason why histamine is a key agent in kundalini physiology is
because it is intimately involved with Nitric Oxide. Histamine level
changes underlies many kundalini symptoms and experiences, amplifying
and augmenting any existing chemistry. Researchers working on how
histamine levels determine the various phases of a kundalini awakening
need to consider both the Toxic Mind Theory and the Neuroendocrine
Theory of Aging. Research will show that various events and
physiological cycles in kundalini are mediated by the interaction of
histamine and Nitric Oxide.
As we have read above in the Nitric Oxide section, NO is an
essential component the body uses in many functions including
neurotransmission and vasodilation. However in excess it is also a
potent nitrogen free radical with the capacity to kill neurons and
cells in general. Histamine up-regulates the generation of nitric
oxide, and nitric oxide down-regulates the release of histamine. NO
might serve a protective role in down-regulating histamine release from
mast cells. Stimulation of H1 receptors increases eNOS transcription,
and this may become harmful in conditions of oxidative stress when eNOS
produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the expense of NO. We know
that certain kundalini events, such as a die-off, involve highly
oxidative conditions. NO can act as an anti-inflammatory under normal
conditions, but can lead to inflammation when over produced.
Several factors increase levels of NO in the body: Allergies
(histamine), poor iron status, hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), estrogen
dominance and Carbon Monoxide exposure. Histamine release stimulates NO
synthesis and release. It is proposed that the increased permeability
of the blood/brain barrier associated with histamine release is
actually mediated by NO. Low iron levels can increase NO levels because
hemoglobin is one of the complexing factors that bind NO in the blood
rendering it inactive. Thus we must assure that our diet contains
adequate iron. NO in turn helps to protect against the release of
oxidative free iron from iron-containing compounds. Hypoxia or low
oxygen content of the blood cause the release of NO in order to relax
the blood vessels in order to increase bloodflow to the tissue. The H1
receptor mediates the relaxation of blood vessels and this is entirely
dependent on NO production.
NO synthesis may also become too active under conditions where there is an excess of estrogen in relation to progesterone. Estrogen dominance
inhibits thyroid function and can result from taking birth control
pills, hormone replacement therapy, or exposure to environmental
estrogens. A poorly functioning liver, exhausted adrenal glands,
insulin resistance, compromised digestion and candida can also
contribute to estrogen dominance. When there is inadequate estrogen
negative feedback via the pituitary gland, elevated prolactin can in
turn contribute to elevated estrogen levels (estrogen dominance).
It is apparent to me both from logic and from observation of the
feminization of Guru-types, that the later stages of kundalini
awakening, and especially the exhaustion phase, are associated with
increased estrogen dominance in both men and women. I surmise that the
high lipolysis, high oxidation, high heat, overworked liver, increased
membrane permeability, increased metabolic and nerve activity,
increased hormonal profile and thermogenic/futile cycling ATP
generation methods of a kundalini awakening all contribute toward an
increase in potential damage from NO. For this reason the histamine-NO
relationship should be addressed during the establishment of a
comprehensive kundalini protocol. Although I advise against using
glutamate and arginine/ornithine during the peak, when well into the
exhaustion phase we need to take these, and perhaps even histidine also
to rebuild the histamine system. Of course for hormone and
neurotransmitter health it is our human and relational world that
determines their health or not...manufacturing a healthy supportive
environment and relationships is much harder than merely taking
During kundalini there is an increase in the demand for water by the
body and mind. Therefore throughout an awakening it is recommended that
you drink at least 10 glasses of water per day, with a drop of ionic
trace minerals in each glass. Water is the foundation of life and the
regulator of homeostasis. 75 % of our bodies are composed of water. The
brain is 85% water. 66% of that water is inside of the cells and 33%
outside. If we don't drink enough water our thickened, concentrated
blood will draw water out of the cells.
Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. author of the book Your Body's Many Cries for Water
attributes most degenerative disease to dehydration. His research
reveals that unintentional dehydration produces stress, chronic pains
and many degenerative diseases including Allergies, Arthritis, Angina,
Asthma, Autoimmune Diseases, Back Pain, Colitis, Diabetes, Heartburn,
High Blood Cholesterol High Blood Pressure, Migraines and Pain.
Histamine is a drought managing neurotransmitter. When there is
dehydration the body manufactures and releases histamine to regulate
water intake and ration water throughout the body. Histamine release is
a sign of dehydration in the body--it produces pain, asthma and
allergies in a valiant effort at drought management. However instead of
quenching that drought with water we give it antihistamines.
Normally, when we drink water it directly diffuses into the cells
through the cell membrane. But when there is dehydration, there isn't
enough water to flow in by hydrostatic pressure. So the blood becomes
concentrated and draws water out of the cell. The first inpact of this
concentrated, acidic blood is on the membranes of the arteries of the
heart themselves. Batmanghelidj says arteries become damaged because
their water is extracted by this concentrated blood and consequently
cholesterol is laid down as a bandaging system. He points out that
hypertension is one of the major indicators of dehydration in the human
body, and we further exacerbate the problem by treating it with
diuretics that further dehydrate the body will, eventually causes
blockage by cholesterol of the heart arteries and the arteries that go
to the brain. This leads to heart attacks and small or massive strokes
that paralyze. Hypertension will eventually cause kidney disease, brain
damage and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.
When there is inadequate water to manufacture hydroelectric
energy for neurotransmission, histamine is activated to release energy
from other sources, such as from bondage of calcium that is in the cells.
In every calcium-to-calcium bond is one unit of stored energy. The
bones and the calcium deposits in the body are thus energy storage
areas. Histamine has the potential to release this energy, so that
active exchanges through the cell membrane can take place. One example
is the sodium-potassium regulation. Potassium should be in the cell and
sodium outside the cell. When there isn't enough energy to keep this
pump going, histamine becomes active and releases energy for this pump.
This lack of water making the body resort to scavenging energy from
calcium bonds might be a leading contribution to osteoporosis. Just
think of all those dehydrated old ladies.
Another source of heat generation in kundalini could be from the
bones themselves. I always get the feeling that the heat and energy
effect of kundalini goes right into and right through the bones, like
they become semiconductors and can carry an electric current or
something. If histamine features prominently in active kundalini like I
think it does, this means some of the extra energy generation of
metamorphosis could be due to liberation of energy between
calcium-calcium bonds in the bones.
Bones have a piezo-electric property similar to quartz
crystals; when there is increased pressure exerted on bones, the
electric charge increases proportionally. The Taoist practice of Bone
Marrow Breathing uses this piezo-electric effect through squeezing the
muscles into the bones and increasing the pressure on the outside of
bones. Since histamine release occurs in an effort to generate energy
from the calcium in bones when water is not freely available, one would
think that practices such as Bone Marrow Breathing that actually
increase the energy in bones and muscles would have a stabilizing
effect on histamine production in the body and brain.
"As to water and itching...well I have to say that I
unpremeditatedly started drinking huge quantities of water about 2
years ago. And now I drink on the order of about 5-6 quarts daily. Plus
I have an ongoing problem with Ôdry itchy eyes'. Itchiness has been a
sporadic recurring symptom for the last 10 years or so. And I had a
really bizarre experience with that last December when I was camping
down in Baja.
The week prior I was (and still am) having a LOT of heart
symptoms and anomalies. A huge variety of experiences and such related
to the heart area. At that time the main thing happening was a vortex
opening into an energy that was truly alien feeling. There was a great
soreness right in the center of the chest right over the heart that
constantly demanded attention. I found myself time and time again
rubbing and massaging that area, but much like a loose tooth, the more
I worked it the more it ached and itched and opened.
It culminated in a weird opening that lasted about 2 days Ð at
the peak of which I nearly went out of my mind with an intolerable
itching. It was exactly as it a whole hive of hornets were emerging
from deep within the vortex and were stinging me under the skin. Then
the maddening itching emerged along with some wild dreams, vivid
hypnagogic phenomena and insomnia and stuff like that... It was
relentless and so I couldn't sleep for days, and was trying everything
available to dampen the symptoms. It slowly went away, though I still
have an amazing array of heart-based stuff going on all the time these
days, but fortunately not involving that damnedable itching." Michael DuBois
Because Michael's heart anomaly was most intense right in the center
of the chest right over the heart--he was probably producing amrita
that flows into the blood and lymph and enters the right side of the
heart (at the center of the chest), setting up a self-reforcing cycle
of opening. Histamine has a strong vasopressin releasing effect. And
besides being an active agent in heart exansions and vessel dilation,
vasopressin is responsible for water regulation through the
hydrodynamic microtubules of the cell membrane. This one molecule at a
time, microstream flow seems to be a major component of the transport
system in nerve tissue. So we see how hydration, the circulatory and
nerve system are highly interdependent.
The expanded heart increases amrita production in the central
nervous system which in turn increases heart expansion. Histamine,
vassopressin and nitric oxide are consequently produced in higher
quantities. This would lead to an increase in membrane permeability,
hypervigilance, hyper-awakeness from the histamine, increase in free
radical load from the nitric oxide etc... Heart expansion periods often
come with a general heaviness and fatigue; probably due to the
parasympathetic/vagus system being highly activated in order to help
control the excessive heart expansion and low blood pressure from
dilated vessels. The low blood pressure itself would cause fatigue, and
as I have said elsewhere in the book the best way to ease this
fatigue-condition is to lie on the ground on your spine for half an
hour. Dr. Batman says that salt is the best antihistamine there is, so
it stands to reason we need to put those ionic minerals in our drinking
water...he suggests about 1/2 a tsp of salt a day. --Trace Minerals from the Great Salt Lake.
The water cure recommendation is around 2.5 quarts/10
cups/5pints/2.3 liters of water per day to maintain ideal
hydration. That is above any other type of liquids one might consume.
There is also an equation of half your body weight in pounds taken as
ounces of water...although this turns out to be somewhat less than the
10 cup range. It is important to add the ionic minerals to this water.
It is recommended to drink two glasses of water half an hour before a
meal, so that water is not scavenged from other activities in order to
serve digestion.
Charging Water--There are many ways to increase the vitality
and structure of water. You can place a glass container of water in the
sun, put a jug of water on the north pole of a magnet, put a quartz
crystal in the water jug. You can collect snow and rain from pollution
free environments. One of my favorites, which is ideal for kundalini
awakenings is to take some fresh green pine needles and place them in a
jar or glass of water...leave it in the sun all day. Then put it in the
refridgerator to chill. This makes the most incredible subtle drink
which is even taster than champagne.
After all my various paths in investigating this material I found
the motherload just recently in Fereydoon Batmanghelidjs'
work...Histamine is perhaps the major key in a profound understanding
of the physiology of kundalini, with huge implications for everyone,
not just those undergoing awakening. --Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D.
Scientific papers at this site include: Neurotransmitter
Histamine, Functions of Histamine and Gastroenterology,
Gastroenterology and Histamine's functions in the body, Histamine and
Serotonin: A Conceptual Approach to Carcinogenesis.
I suggest all serious kundalini researchers "start" with an understanding of Fereydoon Batmanghelidjs' material.